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Kui enamik sportlasi mõtleb valkudele, siis esimesena meenub tavaliselt vadakuvalk. Siiski on mitut tüüpi kasulikke valgulisandeid, sealhulgas vadakuisolaadi valk, kaseiinivalk, sojavalk ja munavalk. Valk on see, millest lihas koosneb, seega on see väga kasulik ja isegi vajalik osa kehaehitaja dieedist. See on kasulik ka taimetoitlastele, range dieedi järgijatele või kõigile teistele, kes ei saa tavapärasest toidust piisavalt valku.

Valk on väga oluline ja seda saab lagundada aminohapeteks, et täita kogu kehas paljusid funktsioone. On näidatud, et valgulisandite regulaarsed väikesed annused vähendavad ületreeningu mõju ning aminohapete mitmekülgsus võib aidata tasakaalustada toitumist ja veresuhkru taset. Igal valgutüübil on oma unikaalsed eelised, kuid kasutuslihtsus ja üldine kasu tervisele kaasnevad kõigi valgulisanditega.

Brand: Reflex Nutrition Model: P34199
What is Natural Whey?Natural Whey is a high-protein blend without artificial sweetener. Its made using both concentrate and isolate whey in a blend to provide the muscles with the protein and amino acids they need to maintain and grow. Whey protein is naturally very high in amino acids, which are th..
Brand: MuscleTech Model: P6344
Nitro-Tech is a scientifically engineered, enhanced whey protein formula designed for all athletes who are looking for more muscle, more strength and better performance. Nitro-Tech contains protein sourced primarily from whey protein isolate and whey peptides - two of the cleanest and purest protein..
Brand: MuscleTech Model: P6347
Nitro-Tech is a scientifically engineered, enhanced whey protein formula designed for all athletes who are looking for more muscle, more strength and better performance. Nitro-Tech contains protein sourced primarily from whey protein isolate and whey peptides - two of the cleanest and purest protein..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P20774
With BCAAs24 G ProteinPeas are well known for being a source of highly bioavailable protein. Additionally, peas are not considered one of the major dietary allergens. Collectively, this makes pea protein an ideal source of post-workout nutrition for athletes who may have difficulty supplementing wit..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P8202
With BCAAs24 G ProteinPeas are well known for being a source of highly bioavailable protein. Additionally, peas are not considered one of the major dietary allergens. Collectively, this makes pea protein an ideal source of post-workout nutrition for athletes who may have difficulty supplementing wit..
Brand: Weider Model: P48024
High ProteinNo Added Sugar3 Sources of Protein..
Brand: Weider Model: P3341
Weider Premium Whey is a high quality microfiltrated protein containing 20% whey isolate. Whey protein is one of the most digestible and most valuable proteins from a biological point of view. Weider Premium Whey is a high-quality protein powder that not only tastes good but also covers your nutriti..
Brand: Weider Model: P6132
Weider Premium Whey is a high quality microfiltrated protein containing 20% whey isolate. Whey protein is one of the most digestible and most valuable proteins from a biological point of view. Weider Premium Whey is a high-quality protein powder that not only tastes good but also covers your nutriti..