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Kui enamik sportlasi mõtleb valkudele, siis esimesena meenub tavaliselt vadakuvalk. Siiski on mitut tüüpi kasulikke valgulisandeid, sealhulgas vadakuisolaadi valk, kaseiinivalk, sojavalk ja munavalk. Valk on see, millest lihas koosneb, seega on see väga kasulik ja isegi vajalik osa kehaehitaja dieedist. See on kasulik ka taimetoitlastele, range dieedi järgijatele või kõigile teistele, kes ei saa tavapärasest toidust piisavalt valku.

Valk on väga oluline ja seda saab lagundada aminohapeteks, et täita kogu kehas paljusid funktsioone. On näidatud, et valgulisandite regulaarsed väikesed annused vähendavad ületreeningu mõju ning aminohapete mitmekülgsus võib aidata tasakaalustada toitumist ja veresuhkru taset. Igal valgutüübil on oma unikaalsed eelised, kuid kasutuslihtsus ja üldine kasu tervisele kaasnevad kõigi valgulisanditega.

Brand: Applied Nutrition Model: P28659
Diet Whey LEAN ISO WHEY BLEND CLA | L-Carnitine | Green Tea Extract | ISO-XP ProteinDiet Whey is by far the most advanced weight management supplement available, combining all of the main ingredients which are currently known to contribute towards weight management including CLA, L-Carnitine, Green ..
Brand: Reflex Nutrition Model: P44013
What is EAA (Essential Amino Acids)?Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which help to promote the growth and maintenance of muscle. Essential amino acids are the amino acids that your body needs but cannot produce on its own. You can only get them through your diet by eating things like ..
Brand: Reflex Nutrition Model: P44014
What is EAA (Essential Amino Acids)?Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which help to promote the growth and maintenance of muscle. Essential amino acids are the amino acids that your body needs but cannot produce on its own. You can only get them through your diet by eating things like ..
Brand: Reflex Nutrition Model: P44015
What is EAA (Essential Amino Acids)?Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which help to promote the growth and maintenance of muscle. Essential amino acids are the amino acids that your body needs but cannot produce on its own. You can only get them through your diet by eating things like ..
Brand: Evogen Model: P44047
MUSCLE GROWTH & REPAIR    PURITY & MIXING EASE    QUALITY & TASTE20X Olympia winning coach and Evogen CEO, Hany “the Pro Creator” Rambod, has gone to every extreme to create the most effective protein supplement in existence: Evofusion – Premium Sustained Protein Matrix.    Do you want more extreme ..
Brand: Evogen Model: P44048
MUSCLE GROWTH & REPAIR    PURITY & MIXING EASE    QUALITY & TASTE20X Olympia winning coach and Evogen CEO, Hany “the Pro Creator” Rambod, has gone to every extreme to create the most effective protein supplement in existence: Evofusion – Premium Sustained Protein Matrix.    Do you want more extreme ..