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Andrew Thomase 2006. aastal asutatud BetterYou oli esimene ettevõte maailmas, kes töötas välja paikselt manustatava magneesiumi- ja toitainesprei ning on sellest ajast saadik olnud teerajaja tootearenduses selles valdkonnas.

Meie pühendumus arenguteadusele ja absorptsiooniuuringutele on viinud meid partnerite hulka maailma parimate teadusasutustega, sealhulgas Cardiffi, Ulsteri ja Sheffieldi ülikoolidega, Londoni St Marki haiglaga ning Sandwelli ja West Birminghami NHS Trustiga.

Iga uue uuendusega jätkame klientide kasvavate toitumisvajaduste täitmist. Teadusliku koostisega toodete pakkumine, mis kasutavad kõrgeima kvaliteediga koostisosi ning võimalikult tõhusaid ja mugavamaid tarnemeetodeid.

Kuna BetterYou kasvab jätkuvalt, jääb meie pühendumus ja kirg erakordsete looduslike terviselisandite väljatöötamisel vankumatuks ning BetterYou kaubamärgi nurgakiviks.

BetterYou on spetsialiseerunud nende toitainete täiendamisele, mis on meie kaasaegse toitumise ja elustiili tõttu alaesindatud või lihtsalt välja jäetud.

Tänapäeval mõistame, et traditsiooniline tablettide ja kapslite lisamine toetub seedimisprotsessile, mis on arenenud ainult toidu tarbimiseks, ja imendumist ei saa üldiselt tagada. Lisaks sellele on oluliseks muutunud seedetrakti malabsorptsiooniprobleemide, nagu IBS, Crohni ja tsöliaakia, dramaatiline sagenemine ning tõhus alternatiivne manustamismehhanism.

Iga toode on välja töötatud ja koostatud nii, et ületada imendumisprobleemid, mida tavaliselt esitavad traditsioonilised tarnemeetodid.

BetterYou pakub erinevaid toidulisandeid, mis on välja töötatud koostöös Cardiffi ülikooli farmaatsia ja farmakoloogia uurimisrühmaga, mida juhib dr Charles Heard.

BetterYou tooted maksimeerivad toitainete kohaletoimetamist ja sellele järgnevat omastamist kehas, et saada suurem kasu.

Brand: BetterYou Model: P37566
Delivering an expert blend of all 8 B vitamins, that work together to support your body’s natural energy metabolism and help with the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.Scientifically formulated, the oral spray delivers a B-complex of vitamins directly into the bloodstream, bypassing primary process..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P33445
BetterYou Boost B12 Oral Spray is an effective aid to normal psychological functions, expertly blended to help boost energy levels. Specially formulated to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. The tiny droplets absorb quickly in your mouth providing an effective..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P29588
BetterYou D1000 is a convenient daily oral vitamin D spray. Specially formulated to deliver vitamin D directly into the bloodstream bypassing the digestive system. The plume of tiny droplets absorbs quickly in the mouth providing exceptional vitamin D absorption. Each spray delivers 1000IU (25μg) of..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P33478
BetterYou D3000 is an optimum strength daily oral vitamin D spray. Specially formulated to deliver vitamin D directly into the bloodstream bypassing the digestive system. A spray provides the active ingredient in micro-sized droplets. The plume of the spray is designed to coat the inside of the mou..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P39202
BetterYou DLux 4000 is an maximum strength vitamin D oral spray, specially formulated to deliver vitamin D through the soft tissue of the mouth for optimal absorption.A max strength vitamin D supplement delivery 4000IU (100μg) of vitamin D per sprayFast and effective absorptionA convenient alternati..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P33480
Keep your childs supplementation plan on track with our FREE Reward Chart and stickers with every purchase of DLuxJunior and DLuxInfant. BetterYou DLuxInfant Vitamin D Oral Spray is specially formulated for children under 3 years. The gentle combination of coconut oil and vitamin D deliver this vita..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P37085
Delivering 10mg of iron per 4 sprays, Iron 10 Oral Spray has been scientifically formulated to deliver iron directly into the bloodstream, bypassing primary processing by the gut. The tiny droplets absorb quickly into the buccal membrane of the inner cheek, providing fast, effective nutrient uptake...
Brand: BetterYou Model: P33438
BetterYou Magnesium Flakes are ideal for replenishing the body with this essential mineral, promoting overall wellbeing, aiding skin health and relaxing muscles, effectively relieving tension and stiffness. Pure Zechstein Inside Magnesium Chloride FlakesAid to skin and bone healthHelps relieve muscl..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P35491
BetterYou Magnesium Flakes are ideal for replenishing the body with this essential mineral, promoting overall wellbeing, aiding skin health and relaxing muscles, effectively relieving tension and stiffness. Pure Zechstein Inside Magnesium Chloride FlakesAid to skin and bone healthHelps relieve muscl..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P39787
BetterYou Magnesium Muscle Flakes provide an energising blend of Zechstein magnesium, lemon and rosemary to help you recharge and recover after exercise with a soothing magnesium flakes bath. BetterYou Zechstein magnesium chloride comes from a natural source, deep inside the Earth’s crust. It has be..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P42708
100% natural magnesium chlorideHelps relax and unwind from the stresses of the dayCertified vegan friendlyPalm oil derivative freeDermatologically testedFully recyclable eco-friendly packaging BetterYou Magnesium Relax Flakes contain a highly concentrated form of 100% natural, Zechstein magnesium ch..
Brand: BetterYou Model: P42709
100% natural magnesium chlorideRevives senses and restores balance to your dayCertified vegan friendlyPalm oil derivative freeDermatologically testedFully recyclable eco-friendly packagingBetterYou Magnesium Revive Flakes contain a highly concentrated form of 100% natural, Zechstein magnesium chlori..
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