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Kui enamik sportlasi mõtleb valkudele, siis esimesena meenub tavaliselt vadakuvalk. Siiski on mitut tüüpi kasulikke valgulisandeid, sealhulgas vadakuisolaadi valk, kaseiinivalk, sojavalk ja munavalk. Valk on see, millest lihas koosneb, seega on see väga kasulik ja isegi vajalik osa kehaehitaja dieedist. See on kasulik ka taimetoitlastele, range dieedi järgijatele või kõigile teistele, kes ei saa tavapärasest toidust piisavalt valku.

Valk on väga oluline ja seda saab lagundada aminohapeteks, et täita kogu kehas paljusid funktsioone. On näidatud, et valgulisandite regulaarsed väikesed annused vähendavad ületreeningu mõju ning aminohapete mitmekülgsus võib aidata tasakaalustada toitumist ja veresuhkru taset. Igal valgutüübil on oma unikaalsed eelised, kuid kasutuslihtsus ja üldine kasu tervisele kaasnevad kõigi valgulisanditega.

Brand: Nutrend Model: P36038
Hydrolyzed 100% bovine protein, the major component of which is the brand material hydroBEEFTM, which is low in calories and cholesterol and has a minimum level of carbohydrates. BEEF PROTEIN is enriched with the important essential amino acids L-methionine and L-tryptophan, which are represented mi..
Brand: Applied Nutrition Model: P40586
Micellar Casein Protein100% Casein - Slow Release Protein With Added Digestive Enzyme BlendApplied Nutritions 100% Casein Protein is vital to anybody wanting to refuel their muscles during sleep, when it is impractical to consume food or drink. During this period your body can enter into starvation ..
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P1691
100% Natural Whey Protein Concentrate. Protein concentrate in powder (77% protein), food intended to meet the expenditure of intense muscular effort, especially for sports people. High quality pure concentrate of whey proteins (WPC). Protein contributes to the growth or maintenance of muscle mass. T..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P36043
This maintains a perfect spectrum of amino acids with high biological value in this cutting-edge product. 100% WHEY PROTEIN is a combination of premium ingredients and a balanced combination of new manufacturing technologies. This maintains a perfect spectrum of amino acids with high biological valu..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P39968
This maintains a perfect spectrum of amino acids with high biological value in this cutting-edge product. 100% WHEY PROTEIN is a combination of premium ingredients and a balanced combination of new manufacturing technologies. This maintains a perfect spectrum of amino acids with high biological valu..