Vegan Protein, Chocolate-Cinnamon - 500g
Vegan Protein, Chocolate-Cinnamon - 500g
- Pieejamība: Izpārdots
- Artikuls: P36120
Bez PVN: 23.01€
Unflavoured plant-based protein drink powder with quinoa, goji berry, acai berry and glucomannan powder.Vegan protein complex (rice and peas)Sugar*- and lactose-freeGluten-free**No sweetenersNo colouringsNo preservativesGMO-free5 kinds of superfoodsIts packaging is made with less amount of plastic
Would you like to have an athletic body while following a vegan diet? It takes some attention, but it is possible! Many fear that without food of animal origin they cannot do bodybuilding because all their hard work would be lost. There are many famous and successful athletes who prove that this statement is wrong. You can be vegan and still muscular even if you turned into an herbivore from a real carnivore one day to the other. The key is quality protein supplementation.
The base is rice and peas
Unlike the animal-derived versions, foods of plant origin are not complete protein sources, which means that they don’t contain all the essential amino acids your body requires. However, with complementing (with a combination of different plant protein sources) you can get a protein complex of full value. In Vegan Protein we achieved this by combining two protein sources that perfectly complement each other – rice protein that contains little lysine, but it is rich in sulphur-containing amino acids (such as cysteine and methionine) and pea protein that contains less of the sulphur-containing amino acids while it is rich in lysine. There are additional extras added to this excellent base. The drink powder contains oat flour and glucomannan powder, too. The latter is a water-soluble fiber and superfood, so it’s not surprising it’s used often as part of a weight-loss diet.
+ 3 types of superfoods
Quinoa flour → The ancient Incas considered this popular ingredient of reform cuisines to be the mother of all cereals.Acai berry powder → Acai berry is an exotic ingredient, indigenous in the Amazonian rain forests.Goji berry powder → Goji berries (also known as wolfberries) have been used in China for thousands of years. The tangy, bright red fruit has a flavour reminiscent of the mixture of cherry and blackberry.
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Vegan Proteīns, Šokolāde-Kanēlis - 500g | BioTechUSA Vegan Protein, Banana - 500g Uztura bagātinātājs pulvera veidā, kas satur olbaltumvielu avotu un aminoskābes Uztura fakti Porcijas lielums:: 3 izlīdzinātas ēdamkarotes (25g) < /br>Porcijas vienā traukā: 20 sastāvdaļas Daudzums Daudzums %RI* uz 100 g uz porciju Enerģija 1 796 kJ / 424 449 kJ / 106 kcal kcal Tauki 8 g 2,0 g - no kas 2 g 0,5 g piesātinātās taukskābes Ogļhidrāti 13,20 g 3,3 g - no tiem 2 g 0,5 g cukuri Šķiedrvielas 3,20 g 0,8 g Olbaltumvielas 76 g 19 g Sāls 2,20 g 0,55 g L-Glutamīns 5560 mg *Personāli 60 mg dienā 5560 mg 1390 mg Vērtības ir balstītas uz 2000 kaloriju diētu. Jūsu ikdienas vērtības var būt lielākas vai zemākas atkarībā no jūsu kaloriju vajadzībām.Sastāvdaļas: L-glutamīns, L-arginīnsCitas sastāvdaļas: zirņu proteīns izolāts, rīsu proteīns, L-glutamīns, garšas pastiprinātājs (glicīns un tā nātrija sāls), L-arginīns, aromatizētāji, emulgators: lecitīni (sojas), kvinojas milti 1,6%, biezinātāji (karagināns, celulozes sveķi), godži ogu pulveris 1,1%. , acai ogu pulveris 0,6%, sāls, skābe (citronskābe), saldinātājs (sukraloze). Izgatavots rūpnīcā, kas ražo pienu, olas, lipekli, soju, vēžveidīgos, sēra dioksīdu un riekstus saturošus pārtikas produktus.Ieteicamais lietojums: Šeikera pudelē sajauciet 1 porciju (25 g = 3 izlīdzinātas ēdamkarotes) produkta ar 250 ml ūdens. Treniņu dienās patērē 1 porciju pēc treniņa, atpūtas dienās 1 porciju pēcpusdienā.Brīdinājumi: Uzglabājiet produktu cieši noslēgtu vēsā, sausā vietā. |