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L-Carnitine 3000 Extreme Shot, Cherry - 20 x 25 ml.

L-Carnitine 3000 Extreme Shot, Cherry - 20 x 25 ml.
L-Carnitine 3000 Extreme Shot, Cherry - 20 x 25 ml.
  • Pieejamība: Pieejams
  • Artikuls: P2685
Bez PVN: 29.29€


A new era of weight loss has begun! MEGA DOSE 3000 mg OF L-CARNITINE IN AN AMPOULE! EXCELLENT DIGESTIBILITY! INCREDIBLY FAST EFFECTS! A preparation which enriches the diet with L-carnitine and contains the largest dose on the market – 3000 mg of L-carnitine in an ampoule which is reinforced with additional vitamin B6. The preparation was created with the use of an innovative Liquid Technology formula in order to maximise the pace and effectiveness of the absorption of active ingredients included in the preparation. All of those benefits are enclosed in a handy 25 ml ampoule which guarantees exceptional ease of use and may be consumed at any time. How does L-CARNITINE 3000 EXTREME SHOT work? L-carnitine is a key element of the last phase of fat decomposition. It transports free fatty acids to the place of their final oxidation (mitochondria) where the energy accumulated in them is released, significantly increasing the exercise capacity of the body. Effective oxidation of free fatty acids guarantees that they will not be stored in the form of triglycerides, i.e. they will not increase the volume of fat tissue. Additionally, vitamin B6, which is found in a number of enzymes involved in metabolic conversion processes, directly participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates (production and decomposition of muscle glycogen) and fats, further intensifying the generation of energy. Vitamin B6 is crucial for the production of haemoglobin and, by participating in the production of antibodies, it improves the bodys immunity. What are the benefits of L-CARNITINE 3000 EXTREME SHOT? L-CARNITINE 3000 EXTREME SHOT offers the largest dose of L-carnitine available on the Polish market. The effect of L-carnitine is reinforced with additional vitamin B6 which allows for a synergism of activity with L-carnitine in the energy generation processes occurring during intensive physical effort. The use of Liquid Technology increases the speed of absorption of the preparations unique ingredients. The ampoule enables the instant absorption of L-carnitine and vitamin B6 into bloodstream, without the delay characteristic for tablets or capsules. L-CARNITINE 3000 EXTREME SHOT amazes not only with its efficiency but also with its delicious flavours – cherry and orange. A handy ampoule ensures maximum comfort of use: - easy to consume at any time - no need to take many capsules or tablets- may be used at any time. - easy to carry and transport Who is L-CARNITINE 3000 EXTREME SHOT intended for? The preparation is intended for individuals who are reducing their fat tissue, engage in intellectual work and take part in recreational sports. It is also recommended for vegetarians in order to supplement their diet with L-carnitine. It is particularly recommended for those who cannot or do not want to consume large numbers of capsules or tablets.
Olimp Nutrition L-Carnitine 3000 Extreme Shot, Cherry -20 x 25 m

12.5 ml.

Servings per container:

40 Ingredients Amount Amount Per 100g Per Serving %RI* L-Carnitine 12,000,000 mg 1500 mg 0% Vit.B6 11,200 mg 1.4 mg 0% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower dependingon your calorie needs.



Other ingredients:

Water, 12% L-carnitine, acidity regulator -citric acid, vit. B6(pyridoxine hydrochioride). sweeteners-sucralose,acesuifame K,preservative- E2o2, aromas, colours: beta-carotene (orange flavour): mixed carotens, carmine (for cherry flavour).

Recommended use:

Drink 1/2 of the ampoule (12.5 ml) two times a day approx. 3o minutes before meal or physical exercise.Once opened, keep refrigerated and consume within 24 hours. Shake before use. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. Keep out of reach of children

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