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Garden of Life

Garden of Life apņemšanās nodrošināt veselību ir plašāka, nekā piedāvā dažus no visefektīvākajiem uztura produktiem pasaulē. Apvienojot labāko no dabas un zinātnes, zīmols Garden of Life piedāvā ceļu uz veselīgu dzīvesveidu, izmantojot kvalitatīvus produktus, kuru pamatā ir inovācijas.

Kā atzinis ASV Kongress, pastāv tieša korelācija starp uzturu, vingrinājumiem un veselību. Neapstrādāta, vesela pārtika, kas iegūta no organiskiem avotiem, ir veselīgāka. Apvienojot ar fiziskiem vingrinājumiem, diēta, kas ietver neapstrādātu, dzīvu pārtiku, īpaši tādu, kas satur probiotikas, fermentus un to fermentācijas produktus, ir veselīga dzīvesveida pamats.

Dzīvības dārzs zina un saprot noteikumus; Uz vietas ir kvalitātes nodaļa, kas uzrauga atbilstību cGMP. Ar noteiktajām ražošanas un ekspluatācijas procedūrām, dokumentāciju par šo procedūru ievērošanu.

Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P38521
Keto Fit is made specifically for those on a keto diet. This formulation is clean and free from antibiotics. With balanced fat, protein and carbs, it’s a powder that can be used versatilely in shakes, smoothies or baking. Plus, the Keto All-In-One is keto certified, paleo friendly, and non-GMO.Key B..
Bez PVN:46.45€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P38524
Keto Fit is made specifically for those on a keto diet. This formulation is clean and free from antibiotics. With balanced fat, protein and carbs, it’s a powder that can be used versatilely in shakes, smoothies or baking. Plus, the Keto All-In-One is keto certified, paleo friendly, and non-GMO.Key B..
Bez PVN:53.45€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P38520
Formulated with organic grass-fed butter, the Keto All-In-One is made for those on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. Using grass fed whey protein, this formulation is clean and free from antibiotics. With balanced fat, protein and carbs, it’s a powder that can be used versatilely in shakes, smoothies or..
Bez PVN:76.36€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P28928
What is Microbiome Mood+?Garden of Life Microbiome Mood+ Shelf Capsules are designed with ashwagandha to help promote emotional wellbeing and relaxation. Note: Microbiomes are known as probiotics in the US. What’s in our Microbiome Mood+ Formula?This unique formula is made with 16 different microbio..
Bez PVN:50.07€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P23269
The Microbiome Formula, Once Daily Men’s, is a unique “just one capsule a day” shelf-stable, specifically designed to support a healthy microbiome and men’s specific health needs. The unique formula has been created exclusively for men. With a high count of beneficial and diverse bacteria strains, i..
Bez PVN:38.96€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P28929
Microbiome Once Daily Prenatal is a shelf-stable formula with 16 live bacteria strains. Vegetarian, gluten-free, and non-GMO. Microbiome Once Daily Prenatal is to be taken once a day, and has been developed for expectant mothers. Key Benefits:16 Strains—20 Billion CFU—Prenatal MicrobiomesClinically ..
Bez PVN:24.88€
Parādīt 1 līdz 12 no 79 (lapuses: 7)