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Digest Keto - 60 caps

Digest Keto - 60 caps
Digest Keto - 60 caps
  • Pieejamība: Izpārdots
  • Artikuls: P43959
Bez PVN: 30.82€


High potency lipase and protease to break down up to 44g of fat and 20g of protein    Probiotics to promote a healthy microbiome    Supports quick digestion for keto diets    Relief for occasional gas, bloating & constipationGet the most out of your keto diet with digestive enzymes.With high-potency lipase and protease enzymes to break down fat and protein, Digest Keto provides relief for occasional gas, bloating and changes in bowel movements common to the keto diet. In addition, Digest Keto helps digest up to 44g of fat and 20g of protein.This helps your body to absorb all the goodness from what you eat, supercharging your diet.When you put the right things in your body, you’re empowered to be your best!With the enzymes lipase and protease digesting fat and protein, Digest Keto helps you get the most out of the keto diet and supports occasional gas, bloating and changes in bowel movements.What are enzymes and how do they work?  Enzymes do digestion. They are naturally occurring proteins that speed up reactions. Enzymes act like tiny scissors, cutting up the food we’ve eaten into smaller components. This helps our body more easily and fully absorb nutrients. Without enough enzymes, our body can struggle to break down troublesome foods, leading to occasional gas, bloating, indigestion and irregularity. With all-natural enzyme supplementation, your body gets an extra boost to the digestive process, helping maximize energy and contributing to whole-body health.If my body and food already produce enzymes, why do I need supplements? Not only can an enzyme deficiency come from diet and lifestyle, but our bodies naturally produce fewer enzymes as we age. It can be hard to get what we need through diet alone because the process of cooking destroys the enzymes contained within food. Taking an enzyme supplement can help fill in the gap. What about the keto lifestyle makes enzymes even more important?Keto guidelines can make getting natural enzymes in your diet difficult. In addition to that, the high consumption of fat and protein can have trouble moving through the stomach and GI tract, leading to unwanted side effects. Supplementing with lipase and protease enzymes to help break down the fat and protein in your stomach faster will optimize your bodys wellness during ketosis.*What makes the enzymes in Digest Keto better?Enzymedicas proprietary Thera-blend technology means that the enzymes found in Digest Keto will work throughout the entire pH spectrum found along your digestive tract, even in the acidic environment prompted by a keto diet. When other brands enzyme formulas may fall short, in almost all acidic or alkaline environments, Digest Keto will be effective. Digest Keto also contains the specialized Keto Thera-blend, a unique enzyme blend optimized for protein digestion for those on Keto diets.
Digest Keto - 60 vāciņi

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