Natto-Serra - 90 vcaps
Natto-Serra - 90 vcaps
- Pieejamība: Pieejams
- Artikuls: P30623
Bez PVN: 31.48€
Doctors Best Natto-Serra is a combination of two natural enzymes serrapeptase and nattokinase, and supports healthy immune response and supports healthy circulation.Nattokinase, a fibrinolytic enzyme, breaks down blood clotting fibrin while Serrapeptase (serratiopeptidase) is a protein-digesting enzyme isolated from the friendly bacterium Serratia E-15Doctors Best uses serrapeptase made with Serrateric, a superior alternative to enteric coating that protects the enzyme until it reaches the intestines for optimal absorption.Nattokinase is derived from Natto , a fermented soy food popular in Japan for centuries. Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Vegetarian, VeganWhat is Doctors Best Natto-Serra?Doctors Best Natto-Serra supports healthy immune response and supports healthy circulation. It is a combination of two natural proteolytic enzymes, serrapeptase and nattokinase. Serrapeptase (serratiopeptidase) is a protein-digesting enzyme isolated from bacteria isolated from the intestine of silk worms (Serratia E-15). The serrapeptase is formulated with Serrateric, a superior alternative to enteric coating that protects the enzyme until it reaches the intestines for optimal absorption. Nattokinase is derived from Natto , a fermented soy food popular in Japan for centuries.How does it work?Natto kinase is an enzyme that is found in traditional Japanese soy cheese that is also known as natto. Natto has been shown to exhibit a fibrin lytic effect in the blood stream. It has the capability to break down blood clots. Nattokinase was discovered I 1980 by a doctor from Miyazaki Medical College in Japan. Since its discovery, the cardiovascular effects of Nattokinase have been studied in many countries. Serrapeptase has other applications. Serrapeptase is an immunologically active enzyme. It can bind itself to the alpha 2 macroglobulin in our plasma where it is shielded from the immune system while retaining its enzymatic activity, and in this way it is transferred to the sites where it is needed in the body. It is this same type of specific action that allows silkworms to eat its own protective cocoon, digest it without any side effects.
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Natto-Serra - 90 vcaps | Doctors Best Natto-Serra-90vcaps Uztura bagātinātājs kapsulu veidā, kas satur kalciju. Nattokināzes un serrapeptāzes enzīma uztura fakti Porcijas lielums: 1 Veggie kapsulaPorcijas vienā traukā:< /p> 90 Sastāvdaļas uz %RI* porciju Kalcijs (no trikalcija fosfāta un kalcija stearāta 27 mg 2% serraterikā) Serrapeptāzes enzīms 40000 (no Serratio sp.) SPU Nattokināze (no fibrināzes 2000 enzīmu vērtības dienā) 2000 kaloriju diēta. Jūsu ikdienas vērtības var būt lielākas vai zemākas atkarībā no jūsu kaloriju vajadzībām. Sastāvdaļas: Serrapeptāzes enzīms (no Serratio sp.). Kalcijs (no trikalcija fosfāta un kalcija stearāta Serrateric sastāvā), nattokināze (no fibrināzes enzīma)Citas sastāvdaļas: Serrateric (maltodekstrīns, trika Icija fosfāts, kalcija stearāts, mikrokristāliskā celuloze, vidējas ķēdes triglicerīdi).aizkavētas darbības kapsula (modificēta celuloze, gelāna sveķi, attīrīts ūdens. Satur soju.Ieteicams lietojums: Lietojiet 1 kapsulu katru dienu bez pārtiku vai kā ieteicis ar uzturu informēts ārsts.Brīdinājumi: nav ieteicams personām, kuras ir grūtnieces, baro bērnu ar krūti, ir alerģija pret soju vai kurām ir slikta gremošana. Ja lietojat asins šķidrinātājus, pirms lietošanas konsultējieties ar ārstu Pārtrauciet lietošanu, ja rodas slikta dūša, vemšana vai kuņģa darbības traucējumi.. Nesatur ĢMO/Glutēnu/Vegāns UZGLABĀT BĒRNIEM NEPIEEJAMĀ Uzglabāt vēsā, sausā vietā. |