Sportlik toitumine
Sporditoitumine on toitumise ja dieedi uurimine ja praktika, mis on seotud iga inimese sportliku soorituse parandamisega. Toitumine on paljude sportlike treeningrežiimide oluline osa ning populaarne jõuspordialadel (nagu tõstmine ja kulturism) ja vastupidavusaladel (nagu jalgrattasõit, jooksmine, ujumine, sõudmine). Sporditoitumine keskendub oma uurimistöös sportlase tarbitava vedeliku ja toidu tüübile ning kogusele. Lisaks puudutab see toitainete, näiteks vitamiinide, mineraalide, toidulisandite ja orgaaniliste ainete, sealhulgas süsivesikute, valkude ja rasvade tarbimist.
Brand: Now Foods
Model: P5481
Threonic Acid & Alpha Lipoic Acid EnhancedBuffered, Bioavailable Vitamin CVitamin C is best known as an antioxidant that can protect the bodys cells and molecules from damage by free radicals. NOW AlphaSorb-C includes Transport C-PLUS, a trademarked combination of Threonic Acid-enhanced, buffered (n..
Brand: Now Foods
Model: P27032
- 500mg,- Adaptogenic Herb.American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) has been used by traditional herbalists for centuries. Recent scientific data confirm the presence of bioactive compounds in American Ginseng, known as Ginsenosides, which confer this herbs adaptogenic properties.Natural color variati..
Brand: Now Foods
Model: P2262
Complete Free-Form Blend of all 9 Essential Amino Acids
Amino acids are the subunits that make up proteins. They are necessary for the function of all cells, for tissue repair, and for the production of enzymes and neurotransmitters. The body uses 20 amino acids to construct proteins, but nine essen..
Brand: Warrior
Model: P39526
Amino Blast is a Branch Chain Amino Acid which contains for building lean muscle and speeding up muscle recovery. BCAAs are essential as the body is unable to make them out of other amino acids. This means that you have to ingest them through food or supplements. BCAAs trigger protein synthesis and ..
Brand: Warrior
Model: P42249
Amino Blast is a Branch Chain Amino Acid which contains for building lean muscle and speeding up muscle recovery. BCAAs are essential as the body is unable to make them out of other amino acids. This means that you have to ingest them through food or supplements. BCAAs trigger protein synthesis and ..
Brand: Now Foods
Model: P29171
Amino acids are the subunits that make up proteins. They are necessary for the function of all cells, for tissue repair, and for the production of enzymes and neurotransmitters. The body uses 20 amino acids to construct proteins. People with limited diets or poor digestion may not get enough essenti..
Brand: Now Foods
Model: P5482
Amino acids are the subunits that make up proteins. They are necessary for the function of all cells, for tissue repair, and for the production of enzymes and neurotransmitters. The body uses 20 amino acids to construct proteins. People with limited diets or poor digestion may not get enough essenti..
Brand: Olimp Nutrition
Model: P37017
Excellent amino acid product based exclusively on free, pharmaceutically pure forms of amino acids. The composition of AMINO EAA Xplode is mainly based on essential amino acids (EAA; L-leucine, L-lysine, L-valine, L-isoleucine, L-threonine, L-phenylalanine + L-tyrosine, L-histidine, L-cysteine + L-m..
Brand: Olimp Nutrition
Model: P35470
Excellent amino acid product based exclusively on free, pharmaceutically pure forms of amino acids. The composition of AMINO EAA Xplode is mainly based on essential amino acids (EAA; L-leucine, L-lysine, L-valine, L-isoleucine, L-threonine, L-phenylalanine + L-tyrosine, L-histidine, L-cysteine + L-m..
Brand: Olimp Nutrition
Model: P32971
Excellent amino acid product based exclusively on free, pharmaceutically pure forms of amino acids. The composition of AMINO EAA Xplode is mainly based on essential amino acids (EAA; L-leucine, L-lysine, L-valine, L-isoleucine, L-threonine, L-phenylalanine + L-tyrosine, L-histidine, L-cysteine + L-m..