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Pro Whey Shake, Cookies & Cream - 700g

Pro Whey Shake, Cookies & Cream - 700g
Pro Whey Shake, Cookies & Cream - 700g
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P23407
KM-ta: 24.21€


The ever growing requirements in the complex field of nutrition for physically active people during extreme exercise and the rigorous requirements with regard to body regeneration lead to an increased demand for top quality high protein products among sportspeople. Nowadays, the competition has spread from football fields and sports facilities to the domain of nutrigenomics supported by advanced dietary supplementation, which now determine the success or failure for professionals and amateurs alike who have an increasingly competitive approach to their sports.PRO WHEY SHAKE is an advanced solution for the supplementation of top quality protein sourcesIt is indisputable that the amount of protein necessary in the bodies of healthy, physically active people is much higher than in those who do not engage in physical exercise (i). For this reason, the composition of PRO WHEY SHAKE was built on the basis of protein sources with the highest biological value, such as milk whey protein isolate (WPI), concentrate (WPC) and hydrolysate (WPH). Additionally, they are characterised by excellent PDCAAS digestibility factor, based on the demand for particular amino acids and the digestibility of a given protein source (ii). WPI, WPH and WPC, which are the dominant components of PRO WHEY SHAKE, have a very high amount of amino acids with branched side chains (BCAA) and sulphur amino acids, including cysteine – one of the main components of glutathione, which has very strong antioxidant formula.The essence of PRO WHEY SHAKE and its effectiveness are based on the issue of optimalization of amino acid absorption dynamics in various physiological states of the body, with particular emphasis on the period immediately before, during and after training. With just a single serving of PRO WHEY SHAKE, the level of amino acids in the bloodstream is increased within 15 minutes of consumption and remains in this elevated state for more than 2 hours. This effect is achieved due to the unique proportions of WPH : WPI : WPC discovered by the sports supplementation experts at the Research and Development Department of Olimp Labs®. The time span during which the bloodstream is saturated with free amino acids places PRO WHEY SHAKE at the forefront of products with a dedicated broad application spectrum; that is products which should be used whenever the body requires the immediate and prolonged delivery of amino acids.The effects of PRO WHEY SHAKE, designed to prevent the occurrence of internal conditions conducive to muscle protein breakdown through such measures as involving amino acids in the energy processes, are enhanced by the addition of free L-glutamine of pharmaceutical grade. The amount of this amino acid in muscle tissue is closely related to the tissues ability to synthesize proteins. The higher the level of glutamine in the muscle, the stronger the anabolism. Additionally, together with L-leucine (very high content in WPC, WPI, WPH), it controls the anabolic hormone signalling pathways (insulin, insulin-like growth factor, mechanical growth factor),PRO WHEY SHAKE also has an extra portion of taurine. Studies show that supplementation with this amino acid leads to the increased oxidation of fat during submaximum effort (iii) and provides trained athletes with more stamina (iv). It also enhances the fluidity of the cell membrane, strengthening its defences, while also exhibiting strong anti-oxidation properties (v).Using PRO WHEY SHAKE ensures that an optimum anabolic and anti-catabolic environments is created during the time surrounding exercise and before sleep. It promotes the activation of energy reserves accumulated in fat tissue, therefore protecting muscle proteins from being wasted on energy generation. It is also worth noting that the protein components of PRO WHEY SHAKE are the key macroelement responsible for increasing the energy costs of digestion and, as a result, they boost the energy demand above the basic metabolic rate by 20-35%. Therefore they increase the energy expenditure of the body, which in correlation with a high protein diet makes a lean body easier to achieve and maintain.PRO WHEY SHAKE – TASTE THE FLAVOUR OF PROFESSIONAL EFFICIENCY
Olimp Nutrition Pro Whey Shake, Chocolate - 700g


1 Scoop (35g)

Servings per container:

20 Amount Amount Ingredients Per 100g Per %RI* Serving 579 Energy 1.654.29 kJ kJ/138 0% kcal Fat 5.43 g 1.9 g 0% of which saturated 5.43 g 1.9 g 0% fatty acids Carbohydrates 26 g 9.1 g 0% of which Sugars 12 g 4.2 g 0% Fibre o g o g 0% Protein 60 g 21 g 0% Salt 0.63 g 0.22 g 0% L-Glutamine 1.251.43 mg 438 mg 0% Taurine 500 mg 175 mg 0% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


of which Sugars, L-Glutamine, Salt, Taurine

Other ingredients:

71.1% processed proteins (ultra- filtered whey protein concentrate (from milk). whey protein isolate (from milk). whey protein hydrolysate (from milk)), maltodextrin, flavourings, thickeners - gum arabic, xanthan gum, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose: 1.25% L- glutamine, medium chain fatty acids oil (MCT oil), 0.5% taurine, waxy corn starch, isomaltulose*, fructose. sweeteners - acesulfame K, sucralose, cyclamates: acidity regulator - potassium chloride: emulsifier - soy lecithin: colorants: carmine (for all kinds of strawberry. strawberry kiwi, cherry and cherry-banana flavours), E 150c (for all kinds of cookie cream, toffee, chocolate, ice coffee, coffee, cappuccino, tiramisu, hazelnut flavours). riboflavin, E 133 (for all kinds of pistachio flavours)

Recommended use:

1-3 servings per day - after trainina, in between meals or before sleep.Dissolve 1 serving (35 g = 1 measuring cup) in 200 ml of water. Consume immediately after preparation. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a balanced diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is always recommended. Keep out of reach of small children.


The product is not recommended for children. pregnant or lactating women and in the case of individuals being hypersensitive to any of the ingredients.

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