EVP AQ, Unflavored - 473 ml.
EVP AQ, Unflavored - 473 ml.
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: P36753
KM-ta: 44.57€
WHEN THE REST OF THE INDUSTRY WAS LOOKING AT POWDERED GLYCEROL, EVOGEN LOOKED AT PURE LIQUID GYLCEROL. Its easy to be like everyone else and quite honestly, the sports nutrition industry is guilty of this. One brand uses an ingredient, hypes it, then others come on board. Round and round we go. Not Evogen. The reason being, CEO and 19x Olympia winning coach Hany "The Pro Creator" Rambod doesnt create products just like everyone else. Evogen is known for innovation and doing whats best for athletes since its inception in 2008.So whats wrong with powdered glycerol? There is nothing wrong with glycerol itself, but to make a powder, its combined with an ingredient called silica. Fundamentally this is where companies go wrong because this approach severely limits the amount of glycerol you can fit into a product serving. Some silica is ok, too much causes chalkiness and potential GI issues. To get the true hyperhydration effects pure glycerol is clinically proven to create, you need over 10x the amount found in most powdered glycerol products. This is based on REAL research and pretty much all the brands using powdered glycerol ignore this except for Evogen Nutrition.URE GLYCEROL (as GLYCOSPAN)- Evogens Glycospan glycerol is derived from pure plant sources and is free of any excessive silica. At clinical dosages it can not only help elicit hyperhydration that causes enhanced hyperemia (blood volume), but it can also help increase endurance levels. The pumps it helps induce are unrivaled.S7 NITRIX OXIDE BLEND (GREEN COFFEE BEAN EXTRACT, GREEN TEA EXTRACT, TURMERIC EXTRACT, TART CHERRY, BLUEBERRY, BROCCOLI, KALE)- S7is a low dose blend of seven (7) plant-based ingredients that has been clinically shown to increase nitric oxide (NO) by 230%. Your body already produces nitric oxide which acts as a vasodilator, signaling the blood vessels to relax, thus increasing blood flow. S7 aids an athlete like you, by delivering more oxygen, fuel, and other key nutrients to exercising muscles during workouts by increasing nitric oxide.BETAINE ANHYDROUS- When it comes to enhancing water and muscle volume, betaine is a tried and true volumizing agent. It strengthens the foundation of the EVP-AQ formula because beyond its synergistic effects with glycerol, its used in a clinical dose to increase power output and your ability to maintain anaerobic capacity. Quite simply it allows you to lift heavier weights for longer.
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EVP AQ, Maitsestamata - 473 ml. | Evogen EVP AQ, maitsestamata (EAN 817189024594) - 473 ml. Vedelal kujul toidulisandid, mis sisaldavad C-vitamiini, köögivilja- ja ürdiekstrakte Toitumisalased faktid Portsjoni suurus: 2 supilusikatäit (1 fl. unts) >Portsjonid konteineri kohta: 16 koostisosade kogus RI* portsjoni kalorite kohta: 90 kcal Süsivesikud kokku 20 g 7% C-vitamiin (naatriumaskorabtina) 250 mg 277% taimne glütserool (20 g GlycoSpan) Betaiin 2,5 g S7 NO segu 50 mg (rohelise kohvioa ekstrakt, rohelise tee ekstrakt, kurkumi ekstrakt, kirss, mustikas, spargelkapsas, lehtkapsas) Päevased väärtused põhinevad 2000 kaloriga dieedil. Teie päevaväärtused võivad sõltuvalt teie kalorivajadusest olla suuremad või madalamad.Koostisosad: taimne glütserool (GlycoSpanina), betaiin, C-vitamiin (naatriumaskorabtina), S7 NO segu (rohelise kohvioa ekstrakt, rohelise tee ekstrakt, kurkumiekstrakt, hapukirss, mustikas, brokkoli, lehtkapsas)Teised koostisained: puhastatud vesi, sidrunhape, orgaaniline kultiveeritud dekstroos (MicroGard) (looduslik säilitusaine), ja looduslik maitse. Allergeeni hoiatus: puudub. Toodetud tehases, kus töödeldakse ka maapähkleid, nisu ja mune.Soovitatav kasutamine: Enne iga kasutamist loksutage korralikult. Toidulisandina peaksid esmakordsed kasutajad võtma oma esimestel treeningutel 1/2 portsjonit (1 supilusikatäis) EVP AQ-d, et enne tä |