Comprehensive Prostate Formula with Seleno Excell - 120 vcaps
Comprehensive Prostate Formula with Seleno Excell - 120 vcaps
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: P4697
KM-ta: 30.14€
Why should I take Doctors Best Comprehensive Prostate Formula?Doctors Best Comprehensive Prostate Formula offers comprehensive support for prostate health and supports normal urinary function and flow. Each capsule contains potent levels of synergistic herbs, nutrients and phytochemicals that help to support the health and wellness of the prostate gland. This formula incorporates premier herbal extracts of Saw palmetto, African Pygeum bark and Stinging Nettle root, CardioAid plant sterols, and SelenoExcell, a superior form of the mineral selenium. Comprehensive Prostate Formula also contains effective amounts of vitamins D3 and B6, zinc, and lycopene, which research suggests play important roles in supporting optimal prostate function and general health and well-being.
How it works?Doctors Best Comprehensive Prostate Formula approaches prostate and urinary health from both a botanical and a nutritive perspective, with ingredients that have been studied in research trials around the world.
Saw Palmetto is beneficial for prostate health and urinary function. The changes in prostate health that accompany middle age are related to the hormone DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, a metabolite of testosterone. DHT levels rise, and DHT binds to prostate cells, accelerating growth of prostate tissue.
Saw palmetto extract acts in part through its inhibition of 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that controls conversion of testosterone to DHT.
African pygeum bark extract contains natural sterols and fatty acids. Pygeum extract is believed to promote healthy prostate function by decreasing hypersensitivity of the detrusor muscle, inhibiting cell proliferation, and maintaining prostate architecture.
Nettle, also known as "stinging nettle," grows wild in forests and fields throughout North America and Europe. Traditionally, nettle root has been used as an enhancer of healthy urinary flow and as an astringent. Nettles effect on the prostate may stem from its content of polysaccharides and isolectin.
CardioAid beta-sitosterols plant sterols are antagonists to prostaglandin metabolism through their inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase. Beta-sitosterol has found success in multiple studies examining its effects on prostate health and healthy urine flow.
Selenium from SelenoExcell, a patented form of selenium shown to reduce prostate epithelial cell DNA damage. Selenium is well known for its role in increasing glutathione peroxidase activity, which in turn empowers cellular antioxidant abilities. Men with low blood concentrations of selenium have a harder time maintaining a healthy prostate.
Lycopene, a carotenoid, is known for its antioxidant power. Lycopene also exerts biochemical influence through cell communication channels and the signaling of cytokines, growth factors, and hormones. Lycopene helps maintain tissue homeostasis (the healthy functioning of cell communities) through its ability to enhance communication across cell junctions of adjacent cells.
Zinc citrate is the form of zinc that researchers suggest will enhance prostate health by blocking extracellular zinc signaling.
When supplementing with zinc, copper supplementation is also advised; therefore, a small amount of copper has been added to this formula to balance the zinc.
The selected vitamins and minerals in Comprehensive Prostate Formula are known to be especially important for prostate health.
Both vitamin E and vitamin B-6 intake were associated with maintenance of a healthy prostate. Since vitamin B6 can inhibit steroid hormone interactions in the body, a deficiency of vitamin B6 may expose men to levels of hormones that are counterproductive to prostate health. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that may interfere with healthy prostate maintenance and vitamin E can act as an antagonist to prostaglandins.
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Põhjalik eesnäärme valem koos Seleno Excelliga – 120 vcaps | Doctorsi parim terviklik eesnäärme valem koos Seleno Excelliga – 120 vcaps Toidulisand kapsli kujul, mis sisaldab vitamiine, mineraale ja taimeekstrakte Toitumisalased faktid Portsjoni suurus: 4 köögivilja KapslidPortsjonid konteineris: 30 koostisosade kogust RI* portsjoni kohta D3-vitamiini (kolekaltsiferoolina) 25 g 250% B6-vitamiini (püridoksiinina 50 mg 2500%) Vesinikkloriid) Tsink (tsinktsitraadina 15 mg 100% seleeni (SelenoExcellina) 200 g 286% vaske (vaseglükonaadina 1 mg 50% saepalmi ekstrakt (marja)) Emed-SP (Standardeeritud sisaldama 290 mg 640 mg rasvhappeid ja rasvhappeid) kava steroolid 800 mg 95% nõgese ekstrakt (juur) 300 mg Aafrika pügeumi ekstrakt (koor) Emed-PG (Standardeeritud, et sisaldada 100 mg 2,5 mg fütosteroole) Lükopeen 15 mg Decanox MTS-90 G segatud 8 mg tokoferoolid Väärtused põhinevad protsentides päevas 2000 kalorisisaldusega dieet. Teie päevane väärtus võib olenevalt kalorivajadusest olla suurem või väiksem.Koostis: CardioAidi kava oolid, Saepalmi ekstrakt (marjad) Emed-SP (standard sisaldab 290 mg rasvhappeid ja steroole), nõgese ekstrakt (juur), Aafrika pügeumi ekstrakt (koor) Emed-PG (standard sisaldab 2,5 mg fütosteroole), vitamiin B6 (nagu Püridoksiinvesinikkloriid), tsink (tsinktsitraadina), lükopeendekanox MTS-90 G segatokoferoolid, vask (vasglükonaadina), seleen (selenoExcellina), vitamiin D3 (kolekaltsiferoolina) muud koostisained: modifitseeritud tselluloos (taimetoitkapsel), mikrokriis tselluloos, kaltsiumsilikaat, ränidioksiid, magneesiumstearaat (taimne allikas).Soovitatav kasutamine: Võtke 4 kapslit päevas koos toiduga või vastavalt toitumisalase teabega arsti soovitusele.Hoiatused: gluteenivaba, sojavaba. Hoida jahedas kuivas kohas. |