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Berberine, 400mg - 60 caps

Berberine, 400mg - 60 caps
Berberine, 400mg - 60 caps
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P31113
KM-ta: 15.54€


Promotes healthy cholesterol and glucose levels already within the normal rangeSupports blood sugar metabolismSupports cardiovascular health Berberine is a natural alkaloid found in a wide variety of traditional herbs including goldenseal, barberry and Oregon grape. Many herbalists credit this unique alkaloid for the benefits of ancient herbal tonics used by native populations throughout the world. Swanson Premium Brand Berberine delivers a guaranteed 400 mg of pure Berberine HCl, naturally derived from Indian barberry or tree turmeric. Berberine is favored among herbalists because it may help support overall cardiovascular health. Specifically, berberine has been shown to support healthy cholesterol and glucose levels already within the normal range. This combined action sets berberine apart from other herbal supplements or specialized heart health formulas that typically focus on either glucose or cholesterol health, but not both. Give your heart an extra serving of support with this berberine supplement. Rich Traditional OriginsBerberine- containing herbals have found a place in traditional health practices around the world. Goldenseal, for instance, was popular in Native American traditions. Phellodendron remains a valued ingredient in traditional Chinese herbal preparations. Barberry is a traditional European herbal. Found in the stems, bark and roots of these plants, Berberine is now believed to be the most instrumental ingredient behind the multi-faceted benefits of these various herbal traditions. Science Supports Historical & Future BenefitsToday, Berberine has emerged from the shadows of its herbal carriers to gain a name for itself, regardless of its source. Thousands of studies have been published (easily searchable online) within the last decade, and they point toward new applications while providing rationale for the traditional use of Berberine-containing herbs. How it Works & Whats to ComeScientists now believe that many of the benefits observed with Berberine may be related to its action on an important enzyme known as AMPK (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase). AMPK is a systemic enzyme that influences how the body creates and uses cellular energy. This action has a cascading effect on a wide variety of metabolic processes, cellular health and more. AMPK activation is now believed to be the central mechanism of action behind Berberines benefits.
Swanson Berberine, 400mg -60 caps Food supplement in capsule for

1 Capsule

Servings per container:

60 Amount Ingredients Per %RI* Serving Berberine HCI 400 mg *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


Berberine HCI

Other ingredients:

Gelatin, rice flour, calcium palmitate, silica.

Recommended use:

As a dietary supplement, take one capsule one to two times per day with a meal.


For adults only. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult your physician before using this or any product if you are taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children.

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Toidulisand on toode, mis on ette nähtud tavapärase toitumise täiendamiseks toitainete või muude elutähtsate ainetega, millel on toitumisalane või füsioloogiline toime. Toidulisandid on ette nähtud suukaudseks võtmiseks pillide, kapslite, tablettide, pulbri, vedelate või sarnaste vormide kujul kindlas annuses.
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Toidulisandid ei asenda mitmekülgset ja tasakaalustatud toitumist ning tervislikku eluviisi. Toidulisandi soovitatav päevane annus ei põhjusta tervetel täiskasvanutel kõrvaltoimeid. Kui teil on mõni tervisehäire, peaksite oma arstiga toidulisandi kasutamist arutama. Toidulisandid tuleb alati hoida väikelastele kättesaamatus kohas.
Mõnes jurisdiktsioonis võidakse mõnda neist ainetest pidada retseptiravimiteks, kontrollitavateks aineteks või salakaubana toimetavateks aineteks. Kuna sellel veebisaidil avaldatud teave on kättesaadav kõigile kogu maailmas, ei paku PROVITS juriidilist nõu, mis võiks olla konkreetse tarbija jaoks spetsiifiline. Tarbijaid hoiatatakse, et nad peaksid enne PROVITS.EU veebisaidil ostude tegemist konsulteerima oma kohalike, piirkondlike õigus- ja/või tervishoiutöötajatega. Samuti vastutab tarbija täiendavate maksude või lõivude eest, mis võivad tekkida kauba importimisel ja tema riigis vastuvõtmisel.

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