Peony Immune - 60 vcaps
Peony Immune - 60 vcaps
- Pieejamība: Pieejams
- Artikuls: P35840
Bez PVN: 34.93€
Peony Immune White Peony Root Extract is a standardized extract of active white peony compounds that have been shown to help maintain the balanced responsiveness, sensitivity, and strength of a properly-modulated immune response. So give your immune system the support it needs with this innovative formula.Benefits at a GlanceHelps maintain immune system balancePromotes a healthy and balanced inflammatory responseStandardized extract of active white peony root compoundsExtracts from white peony root used for immune balance in China for 1,200 yearsA Healthy, Balanced Immune SystemYou know that a healthy immune system is critical to staying young and vital. But what you may not know is that your body depends on balanced immune-cell activity to maintain effective, responsive, and modulated immunity.Peony Immune White Peony Root Extract is a standardized extract of active white peony compounds that have been shown to help maintain the balance the immune system needs to stay healthy and help maintain a young, vital lifestyle.Maintain Effective, Responsive, and Modulated ImmunityExtracts from the white peony root have been used in China for immune balance for more than 1,200 years. And researchers now recognize the importance to your immune system of a bioactive white peony extract component called paeoniflorin.Peony Immune White Peony Root Extract is a standardized extract of active white peony compounds. And a host of human clinical trials have demonstrated that these compounds promote a healthy and balanced inflammatory response.Through a host of subtle mechanisms, Peony Immune promotes immune homeostasis — optimal immune health — by inhibiting inflammatory factors and supporting a healthy inflammatory response.When it comes to your immune health, its smart to be proactive. So get the support your body needs with Peony Immune White Peony Root Extract.
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Peonija Immune - 60 vcaps | Life Extension Peony Immune - 60 vcaps Uztura bagātinātājs kapsulās. Satur augu celulozi Uztura fakti Porcijas lielums: 1 veģetārā kapsulaPorcijas vienā traukā: p> 60 Daudzums Sastāvdaļas uz %RI* Porcija Baltās peonijas ekstrakts (sakne) 600 mg [nodrošinot 252 mg paeoniflorīna] *Procentuālās dienas vērtības ir balstītas uz 2000 kaloriju diētu. Jūsu ikdienas vērtības var būt lielākas vai zemākas atkarībā no jūsu kaloriju vajadzībām. Sastāvdaļas: Baltās peonijas ekstrakts (sakne) (nodrošina 252 mg paeoniflorīna)Citas sastāvdaļas:< /p> Augu celuloze (kapsuls) mikrokristāliskā celuloze, silīcija dioksīds, augu stearāts Ieteicamā lietošana: Lietojiet vienu (1) kapsulu divas līdz trīs reizes dienā ar vai bez pārtiku vai kā ieteicis veselības aprūpes speciālists.Brīdinājumi: Uzglabājiet cieši noslēgtu vēsā, sausā vietā Uzmanību: ja lietojat antikoagulantus vai antikoagulantus. - trombocītu zāles vai asiņošanas traucējumi, pirms šī produkta lietošanas konsultējieties ar savu veselības aprūpes speciālistu. Glabāt bērniem nepieejamā vietā. Nepārsniedziet ieteicamo devu Nepērciet, ja ārējais blīvējums ir salauzts vai bojāts. Lietojot uztura bagātinātājus, lūdzu, konsultējieties ar savam ārstam, ja ārstējaties kāda veselības stāvokļa dēļ vai ja esat grūtniece vai barojat bērnu ar krūti |