Metabolic Mass, Cookies & Cream - 6000g
Metabolic Mass, Cookies & Cream - 6000g
- Pieejamība: Izpārdots
- Artikuls: P43955
Bez PVN: 50.34€
A powerful combination of top-quality Whey Protein, Creatine, vitamins, and essential nutrients. Recommended for physically active people and strength training athletes.Whey Protein is derived from milk. More specifically, whey is a byproduct of the dairy making process. Whey is essential because of its high protein content. Proteins are the fundamental elements of all the cells in the human body. In turn, proteins are made of amino acids. Some amino acids are produced by your bodys cells, while others are supplied by the food you eat. The ones that you must get from foods are termed essential amino acids.Proteins that supply all nine essential amino acids are the best, and whey protein is loaded with this it is naturally rich in amino acids, whey increases the production of new protein in your muscles. Moreover, the high-quality proteins in whey have a good bioavailability rate, meaning they are digested rapidly and put to good use by the body, especially after physical exercise. Supplementing with Whey Protein improves muscle tissue recovery and production. In its Concentrate form, Whey Protein retains all its propertiesTime and time again, studies have shown that taking whey protein supplements led to improvements in lean muscle mass and strength. The importance of Whey Protein for physically active people can’t be understated.
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Metaboliskā masa, cepumi un krējums - 6000g | Uztura fakts Porcijas vienā traukā: 40 Daudzums Sastāvdaļas Daudzums %RI* Uz 100g Porcija 1676. 2514 Enerģija kJ/394,67 kcal Tauki 2,13 g 3,2 g 5% No tiem piesātinātās taukskābes 1,20 g 1,8 g 9% Ogļhidrāti 66 g 99 g 38% No tā Cukuri 5 g 7,5 g 8% Olbaltumvielas 28 g 42 g 0410 3% kreatīna monohidrāts 2825,33 mg 4238 mg no tiem kreatīns 2484 mg 3726 mg aminoskābe 2254 mg 3381 mg komplekss L-glutamīns 763,33 mg 1145 mg TERMO TAUKU SADEDZINĀŠANAS MATRIKSS: MgGgreatīns L-Coffe2 Mg Roffe10 L-Coffe2 8,33 mg 12,5 mg L-citrulīns DL- Malāts (2:1) 670 ug 1005 g L-citrulīns 458 g 687 g L-metionīns 234 g 351 g Vitamīnu un minerālvielu komplekss C vitamīns 12 mg 18 mg 22% 2 vitamīns B6 mg0. mg 23% B3 vitamīns 2,50 mg 3,75 mg 23% E vitamīns 1,87 mg 2,8 mg 23% B5 vitamīns 0,90 mg 1,35 mg 22% D3 vitamīns 0,75 g 1,13 g 22% B1 vitamīns 0,17 mg 0,25 mg 1 vitamīns 2 mg 2 0,25 mg 2. % Folāts 30 g 45 g 22 % Magnijs 58 mg 87 mg 23 % Cinks 1,50 mg 2,25 mg 22 % Hroms 6 g 9 g 22 % Varš 150 g 225 g 22 % L-karnitīns 70 mg 105 mg 3 Alfa liposkābe 9 g3 g3. CLA 18 mg 27 mg 1635 g ekstrakts Hlors Ogēnskābe 455,33 g 683 g Kofeīns 18 g 27 g Zaļās tējas lapas 34 mg 51 mg ekstrakts Polifenoli 32,67 mg 49 mg Tribulus Terrestris 2,33 mg 3,5 mg augļu ekstrakts Saponīni 2,20 mg 3,3 mg Panax ekstrakts 2,20 mg 3,3 mg Panax saknes3 mg3 ginsend6 mg3 mg ievērojot 2000 kaloriju diētu. Jūsu dienas likme, no tiem kreatīns, aminoskābju līnija, magnijs, zaļšcitas sastāvdaļas: de mikronizēts L ekstrīns), L de, riboflavīns — karnitīna bāze , Gr lapu ekstrakts Panax Gin acel (standartizēts līdz 20% (standartizēts līdz 95% Sapon Recorr Mass (150g) līdz 400ml porcija katru dienu Warnir sto 763892033 Dunnington, (+44) 1904 486 330 |