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Magnum 8000, Caramel Vanilla - 1000g

Magnum 8000, Caramel Vanilla - 1000g
Magnum 8000, Caramel Vanilla - 1000g
  • Pieejamība: In Stock
  • Artikuls: P7465
KM-ta: 82.38€


- High-energy product for hardgainers- Massive increase in body weight- 12 g creatine and 6 g MCT oil in a daily portionMagnum 8000 is an advanced nutritional concentrate for bodybuilders, sportsmen practicing strength sports and active persons who wish to gain body mass quickly. Carefully selected quantities of diversified carbohydrates, complete proteins and MCT oil as well as a high dose of creatine monohydrate, a component with an anabolic effect, make this product a very effective muscle mass and strength booster. MAGNUM 8000 has been supplemented with a complex of essential vitamins, which optimise the absorption and complete utilization of the nutrients it contains.
Trec Nutrition Magnum 8000, Banana - 1000g Food supplement in po

2.5 Scoops (75g)

Servings per container:

13 Amount Amount Ingredients Per %RI* Per 100g Serving 1144 KJ Energy 0% Protein 17.76 g 13.32 g 0% Carbohydrates 69.32 g 51.99 g 0% of which Sugars 21.37 g 16.03 g 0% Fat 1.20 g 0.90 g 0% 0.46 g 0% acids Dietary Fiber 3.91 g 2.93 g 0% Sodium 0.69 g 0.52 g 0% Maltodextrins 53.11 g 39.83 g 0% Whey Protein 22.21 g 16.66 g 0% Concentrate Dextrose 10.24 g 7.68 g 0% Vitamins per serving: 0.0 ml 0% Vit. C (L-Ascorbic 18.67 mg 14 mg Acid) 0% Niacin (Nicotinamide) 3.73 mg 2.80 mg 0% Vit. E (DL-Alpha- 2.80 mg 2.10 mg 0% Tocopheryl Acetate) Pantothenic Acid (Calcium D- 1.40 mg 1.05 mg 0% Pantothenate) Vit. B6 (Pyridoxine 0.32 mg 0.24 mg 0% Hydrochloride) Vit. B2 (Riboflavin) 0.32 mg 0.24 mg 0% Vit. B1 (Thiamine 0.27 mg 0.20 mg 0% Mononitrate) Folate (Pteroylmonoglutamic46.67 mcg 35 mcg 0% Acid) Biotin (D-Biotin) 11.67 mcg 8.75 mcg 0% Vit. B12 0.59 mcg 0.44 mcg 0% (Cyanocobalamin) Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily alues may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


Maltodextrins, Whey Protein Concentrate, of which Sugars,Dextrose,Sodium,Vit. C(L-Ascorbic Acid,Niacin (Nicotinamide), Vit. E (DL-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate), Pantothenic Vit. B2 (Riboflavin), Vit. B1 (Thiamine Mononitrate), Folate lutamic Acid), Biotin (D-Biotin), Vit. B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

Other ingredients:

Cacao - aroma and flavour enhancer for the strawberry-chocolate flavour, citric acid - acidity regulator for blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, cherry and pear flavour, sodium saccharinate - amaranth - colour for the blueberry flavour. Aromas: Vanilla aroma a for the olate (Chocolate Delight), mint chocolate (Mint Chocolate), nut-chocolate (Chocolate&Nut), chocolate-sesame (Sesame Chocolate) and strawberry-chocolate flavour (Strawberry Chocolate), mint aroma for mint-chocolate flavour (Mint Chocolate), nut aroma for nut-chocolate flavour colate&Nut), black s ma for the ch (Creamy Strawberry) and strawberry-chocolate flavour (Strawberr Berry), raspberry aroma for the raspberry flavour (Raspberry Fever), ear flavour (Pear Power), banana aroma for the banana flavour scoops) in 250 ml of water or r milk; use a shaker or a blende Depending on your needs, take 3-4 servings daily. On workout days: 1st serving 1,5 hour before the workout, 2nd serving up to 0,5 hour after the workout, take the remaining servings between meals. On non-workout days: 1st serving in the morning after getting up, take the remaining servings between meals.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use nursing woman must not take the product. Product EAN: 5901828345470 Product ID (SKU): P7464 Do not use as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Do not Country of origin: GB nended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children Distributor: Power Body Nutrition Ltd. Common I ad Dunnington York,YO195SE United Kingdom VAT Reg No. 940 5412 46 (+44) 01904 486 336

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