IsoJect, Banana Nut Bread - 806g
IsoJect, Banana Nut Bread - 806g
- Pieejamība: Izpārdots
- Artikuls: P43114
Bez PVN: 57.56€
When going to every extreme to try to create the most effective whey isolate in existence, you have to go to equal extremes when developing the flavor. Evogen Nutrition has done just that. However, 100% pure proteins that also taste great and utilize the latest technology didn’t exist until now. This is why IsoJect is setting the standard for great tasting 100% whey isolate with only 110-120 calories per serving.It utilizes cutting-edge triple cold-filtered whey isolate which undergoes sensitive nano-filtration to preserve the quality of its ultra-pure whey isolate. This innovative processing allows for a higher glycomacropeptide content than ion exchange processing. This peptide is high in branched chain amino acids and has many benefits toward your desired body composition goals.Evogen CEO, Hany “The Pro Creator” Rambod waited years to release this precision formulation because quite honestly he couldn’t compete in the protein market with all the impure products. This was because many companies were not actually using protein in their protein powders. They were relying on low-grade amino acids and creatine fillers that cost much less than protein. High quality whey protein isolate became a thing of the past.Even worse, as time progressed Hany was having a lot of trouble recommending reputable brands for his clients. However, enough was enough, and despite the growing trend of releasing impure proteins, Hany made the ultimate decision in releasing IsoJect for his world-class athletes and customers around the world. As you’ve come to expect of all Evogen products only the highest quality whey protein isolate was used in IsoJect.One of the major issues with athletes, is the requirement for higher protein diets to assist in their growing recovery needs. Often their protein needs can exceed the amount of the enzymes their own body creates. The result is that while their protein intake is increasing, proportionately more amino acids from their intake of protein supplements may not be getting fully absorbed leading to gas, bloating, etc. This is where IGNITOR Enzyme Technology can greatly increase your protein powder’s effectiveness.IGNITOR contains a scientifically crafted combination of endopeptidases and exopeptidases which belong to a class of enzymes called aminopeptidases. Endopeptidases hydrolyze protein molecules at the interior peptide bonds, liberating smaller peptides, while exopeptidases hydrolyze the protein molecule at the terminus of the peptide chain, releasing individual amino acids.The difference between these aminopeptidases than what is produced in your small intestines is that they are specifically designed to act on the bonds associated with branch chain amino acids and glutamine. They focus on those specific amino acids’ release into the bloodstream and then on to your recovering muscles. So while these added enzymes focus on critical recovery amino acids in IsoJect, your own body’s enzymes can work more efficiently liberating other amino acids in tandem.This breakthrough IGNITOR Enzyme Technology is being brought first to market by Evogen Nutrition. It’s enzyme system maximizes your body’s ability to rapidly digest protein, facilitate repair and recovery with little to no stomach discomfort. All in all, Evogen Nutrition is redefining the standards when it comes to an incredible tasting ultra-pure whey protein isolate. Try IsoJect, you’ll see and taste the difference!
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IsoJect, banānu riekstu maize - 806g | Evogen IsoJect, banānu riekstu maize — 806 g Uztura fakti Porcijas lielums: 1 mērkarote (31 g)Porcijas vienā traukā : 26 Daudzums Daudzums Sastāvdaļas uz 100 g uz %RI* Porcijas kalorijas: 387,10 120 Kopējie tauki 1,61 g 0,5 g 1% Piesātinātie tauki 0,0 g 0 g 0% Transtauki 0,0 g 0 g Holesterīns 93 mg 48 5% Nātrijs 709,68 mg 220 mg 9% Kopējie ogļhidrāti 6,45 g 2 g 1% Diētiskās šķiedras 0,0 g 0 g 0% Kopējie cukuri 6,45 g 2 g Ietver Og pievienotos cukurus 0% Olbaltumvielas 80,65 g 25 g Vitamīns 9 0 030 mg 97 mg 8% Dzelzs 0,0 mg 0 mg 0% Kālijs 354,84 mg 110 mg 2% *Procentuālās dienas vērtības ir balstītas uz 2000 kaloriju diētu. Jūsu ikdienas vērtības var būt lielākas vai zemākas atkarībā no jūsu kaloriju vajadzībām.Sastāvdaļas: nātrijs, kālijs, kalcijs, holesterīnscitas sastāvdaļas: aukstā Filtrēts sūkalu proteīna izolāts, dabīgi un mākslīgi aromāti, sāls, ksantāna sveķi, silīcija dioksīds, saulespuķu lecitīns, (endopeptidāze un eksopeptidāze (kā aizdegšanās enzīms)), ābolskābe, citronskābe, sukraloze, acesulfāma kālijs: ALLERGEN ANDS OY. .Ieteicamā lietošana: šeikera krūzē, glāzē vai blenderī sajauciet 1 karoti IsoJect uz 6 uncēm auksta ūdens, vājpiena vai jūsu iecienītākā dzēriena. . Rūpīgi samaisiet pirms lietošanas. Uzsildīšana: Šis produkts ir paredzēts lietošanai tikai veseliem pieaugušajiem, kas ir 18 gadus veci vai vecāki. Nelietojiet šo produktu, ja esat grūtniece, plānojat grūtniecību vai barojat bērnu ar krūti. Vienmēr konsultējieties ar savu pirms šī vai jebkura cita uztura bagātinātāja lietošanas nelietojiet šo produktu bez konsultēšanās ar savu ārstu, ja lietojat kādas recepšu vai bezrecepšu zāles, vai ja jums jau ir kādas manas zāles. disks stāvoklis. Nekavējoties pārtrauciet lietošanu un konsultējieties ar savu ārstu, ja rodas jebkādas nevēlamas reakcijas uz šo produktu. Nelietot, ja drošības blīvējums ir salauzts vai trūkst. Uzglabāt vēsā, sausā vietā, prom no mitruma un saules gaismas UZGLABĀT BĒRNIEM NEPIEEJAMĀ. |