HepatoPro Polyunsaturated Phosphatidylcholine, 900mg - 60 softgels
HepatoPro Polyunsaturated Phosphatidylcholine, 900mg - 60 softgels
- Pieejamība: Pieejams
- Artikuls: P35775
Bez PVN: 42.75€
Polyunsaturated PhosphatidylcholineSupports a Healthy LiverDietary SupplementNon-GMOThe liver is a large glandular organ, whose functions include decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, hormone production, secretion of bile, and conversion of sugars into glycogen, which it stores. The liver is also responsible for processing many vitamins and nutrients into a form that can be utilized by the body, as well as detoxification of various substances. Modern living involves daily exposure to substances that are toxic to our bodies, which imposes a heavy load on the liver. Therefore, a healthy liver is critical to well-being. It is more important to ensure that the liver is being maintained at its functional best for optimal health.Endogenous phospholipid is an integral part of all cell membranes and essential for their structural and functional integrity. The chemical structure of an extract from soybeans called PPC (polyenylphosphatidylcholine) corresponds to that of endogenous phospholipid and integrates in the cell membrane, becoming the cells constitutive element. PPC possesses functional superiority because of its content of unsaturated fatty acids. PPC has antioxidant, cytoprotective, and fluid-regulating effects and has been shown to enhance cell membrane function throughout the body.It is believed that PPCs beneficial effect is based on its ability to be incorporated into liver cell membranes to help restore its structure and the functioning of corresponding enzymes. This results in an increase in membrane fluidity and transport activity across the membrane.PPC also has strong antioxidant properties, which means it may reduce oxidative stress (cellular changes that generate free radicals), may help protect the liver by modulating its immune response.PPC is also incorporated into blood lipoproteins, helping to extend its benefits beyond the liver to promote arterial health.Mounting evidence suggests that PPC supplementation beneficially supports the critical process of reverse cholesterol transport. This process is a well-documented function of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) that involves the transport of cholesterol from the arterial walls to the liver for processing.Research also supports PPCs critical role in helping to reduce LDL oxidation. In fact, a growing body of research shows that PPC can help maintain healthy lipoprotein profiles in those already within normal range.HepatoPro contains PPC (polyenylphosphatidylcholine). Each 900-mg PPC softgel is well-absorbed when taken orally and has no known contraindications, side effects, or drug interactions.
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HepatoPro polinepiesātinātais fosfatidilholīns, 900 mg - 60 mīks | Life Extension HepatoPro polinepiesātinātais fosfatidilholīns, 900mg - 60 mīkstās želejas Uztura bagātinātājs mīksto želeju veidā. Satur ekstraktus Uztura fakti Porcijas lielums: 1 mīksts želejaPorcijas vienā traukā: 60 Sastāvdaļas uz %RI* Porcijas kalorijas 10 kcal Kalorijas no taukiem 10 kcal Kopējie tauki 1g 2% polienilfosfatidiholīns [Nepiesātināts 900 mg fosfatidilholīna no augsti attīrīta sojas pupiņu ekstrakta] *Procenti Dienas Vērtības ir balstītas uz 0,00 .2 ori. Jūsu ikdienas vērtības var būt lielākas vai mazākas atkarībā no jūsu kaloriju vajadzībāmSastāvdaļas: polienilfosfatidiholīns [nepiesātināts fosfatidiholīns no augsti attīrīta sojas pupiņu ekstrakta]Citas sastāvdaļas: Želatīns, vidējas ķēdes triglicerīdi sorbīts, glicerīns, etanols, attīrīts ūdens, silīcija dioksīds. Satur sojas pupiņasIeteicamais lietojums: Lietojiet vienu (1) mīksto želeju divas līdz trīs reizes dienā kopā ar ēdienu vai neatkarīgi no ēdienreizes, vai arī pēc veselības aprūpes speciālista ieteikuma.Brīdinājumi: Uzglabāt bērniem nepieejamā vietā. Nepārsniedziet ieteicamo devu. Neiegādājieties, ja ārējais blīvējums ir salauzts vai bojāts. Lietojot uztura bagātinātājus, lūdzu, konsultējieties ar savu ārstu, ja ārstējaties kāda veselības stāvokļa dēļ, ja esat grūtniece vai barojat bērnu ar krūti. Uzglabāt cieši noslēgtu vēsā, sausā vietā. |