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Carbonox, Orange - 3500g

Carbonox, Orange - 3500g
Carbonox, Orange - 3500g
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P2199
Prix hors taxes : 30,33€

La description

This preparation supplies the energy necessary for the physical activity and energy lost during a workout!The successor of Olimp Carbo – the best carbohydrate preparation on the market for over a decade.Carbonox an even better, more enriched composition!Carbonox in the most crucial moments YOU WILL HAVE ALL THE ENERGY YOU NEED!Carbonox – a unique composition based on the most effective sources of carbohydrates.Carbonox is based on carefully compiled sources of carbohydrates selected according to the precisely determined profiles of digestion rates and the release of monosaccharides into the bloodstream. Laboratory-selected proportions of carbohydrate sources of high (glucose), medium (maltodextrin) and low (innovative extended-release isomaltulose) glycemic indexes which guarantee the stable saturation of blood with energy components for the 2 hours after the preparation is consumed.Universality of application – designed to satisfy the needs of the most demanding users: before, after and during a strenuous workout!The universal character of its composition makes Carbonox a perfect product to be used both during and after a workout session. It constitutes a constant source of energy necessary to continue long-term sports activity. The high content of isomaltulose and maltodextrins ensure that a stable insulin level is maintained during a workout session and guarantees the consistent and effective supply of necessary energy components to the working muscle cells.The incorporation of a comprehensive carbohydrate formula into Carbonox is also based on the idea of possibly the fastest and optimal high saturation of blood with monosaccharydes, which is crucial after an exhausting workout. The use of extended-release isomaltulose results in more effective replenishment of glycogen reserves. As the glucose and fructose released during its decomposition are together, they are more effective in terms of the reconstruction of muscle and liver glycogen.The first high-performance carbohydrate supplement reinforced with L-arginine and a complex of 12 vitaminsCarbonox was also enriched with L-arginine, used as a substrate for nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. A complex of 12 vitamins from all of the most important groups increases the digestibility of carbohydrates and intensifies metabolic conversions. Furthermore, the considerable antioxidant potential found in some of the vitamins inhibits the damage of structural proteins from muscle cells in the time surrounding a workout, therefore, accelerating their regeneration on the molecular level.Who is the product recommended for?Carbonox is recommended for everyone who takes part in sports (both professionally and recreationally) and can be successfully used in the vast majority of disciplines. Carbonox is particularly recommended for individuals subjected to intensive physical effort.The preparation supplies the energy necessary for the physical activity and replenishes the energy lost during a workout.Carbonox is a mixture of the best energy components – carbohydrates characterised by various sizes of particles: maltodextrins, fast-acting glucose and innovative extended-release isomaltulose; it is enriched with essential vitamins, such as vitamin B6 which helps maintain the proper metabolism of glycogen, as well as with minerals and L-arginine, which is used as a substrate for nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. The vitamins included in the product (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12, C), as well as minerals (iron, manganese, iodine) help maintain the proper energy within a metabolism. The preparation supplies the energy necessary for the physical effort and replenishes the energy lost during a workout!What products should I use together with Carbonox?In order to maximise growth of muscle mass, this product may be used together with protein supplements, such as Mega Strong Protein or Whey Protein Complex 100%, after the workout.Creatine Magna Power, BCAA Xplode or AAKG 7500 Extreme Shot are the ideal pre-workout supplements which will further increase the effectiveness of the training session.
Olimp Nutrition Carbonox, Grapefruit - 1000g


2 scoop (100g)

Servings per container:

10 Amount Amount Ingredients Per %RI* Per 100g Serving Energy 1,632 kJ / 1632 kJ / 0% 384 kcal 384 kcal Protein 1 g 1 g 0% Carbohydrates 95 g 95 g 0% of which Sugars 25 g 25 g 0% Fat 0.0 g 0 g 0% of which Saturates 0.0 g 0 g 0% Fibre 0.0 g 0 g 0% Salt 0.05 g 0.05 g 0% Vitamins - Per 2 portions (per 100g) Vit. A 320 mcg 320 mcg 40% Vit. D 2 mcg 2 mcg 40% Vit. E 4.80 mg 4.8 mg 40% Vit. C 32 mg 32 mg 40% Vit. B1 0.40 mg 0.4 mg 40% Vit. B2 0.60 mg 0.6 mg 40% Niacin 6.40 mg 6.4 mg 40% Vit. B6 0.60 mg 0.6 mg 40% Folic acid 80 mcg 80 mcg 40% Vit. B12 1 mcg 1 mcg 40% Biotin 20 mcg 20 mcg 40% Pantothenic acid 2.40 mg 2.4 mg 40% Minerals Calcium 176mg 176 mg 22% Magnesium 82.50 mg 82.5 mg 22% Iron 12 mg 12 mg 86% Manganese 2 mg 2 mg 100% Selenium 8 mcg 8 mcg 15% Chromium 75 mcg 75 mcg 188% Molybdenum 7.40 mcg 7.4 mcg 15% lodine 75 mcg 75 mcg 50% L-arginine HCI 1000 mg 1000 mg 0% of which L- arginine 820 mg 820 mg 0% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily


of which Sugars, L-arginine HCI, of which L- arginine, Calcium, Magnesium, Salt, Vit. C, Iron, Niacin, Vit. E, Pantothenic acid, Manganese, Vit. B2, Vit. B6, Vit. B1, Vit. A, Folic acid, Chromium, lodine, Biotin, Selenium, Molybdenum, Vit. D, Vit. B12

Other ingredients:

95% carbohydrates complex (maltodextrins, glucose, isomaltulose), 1% L-arginine hydrochloride, acidity regulators - malic acid, citric acid; 1% mineral components (calcium salt of orthophosphoric acid, calcium carbonate, magnesium chromium (III) chloride, sodium molybdate, sodium selenite) tocopheryl acetate - vit. E, nicotinamide - niacin, D-biotin, retinyl acetate vit. A, calcium D-pantothenate pantothenic acid, yridoxine hydrochloride vit. B6, cholecalciferol vit. D, pteroylmonoglutamic acid -- folate, thiamin mononitrate -- vit. B1, riboflavin vit. B2, cyanocobalamin vit. B12), sweeteners chlorophyllins, curcumin, anthocyanis, paprika extract, betanin, vegetable carbon.

Recommended use:

Take 2-4 portions a day, depending on frequency and intensity of training and body weight. Add 1 portion (50g = 1 scoop) to 100ml1 of water and drink approx. 30 min. before or just after training. Not suitable for diabetics.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Keep out of reach of children. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended

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