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Mélanges d'acides aminés

Les acides aminés sont les éléments constitutifs des protéines et sont essentiels à de nombreuses fonctions de l'organisme, étant des composants majeurs des muscles, des hormones et des neurotransmetteurs. Les niveaux d'acides aminés, ainsi que ceux des protéines et des enzymes qu'ils produisent, influencent divers aspects tels que l'humeur, le sommeil et la concentration. En raison de leur rôle dans la réparation et la construction musculaire, les suppléments d'acides aminés intéressent particulièrement les culturistes ainsi que ceux qui n'en consomment pas suffisamment par leur alimentation – une préoccupation particulière pour les végétariens.

Il existe vingt acides aminés différents, qui sont utilisés seuls ou en combinaison pour assurer un fonctionnement optimal du corps. Bien que huit d'entre eux soient essentiels, tous les vingt ont leur importance et peuvent être inclus dans les compléments alimentaires. Les mélanges d'acides aminés associent divers acides aminés en formules testées, que l'organisme peut assimiler efficacement pour différents objectifs. Ces mélanges peuvent compléter une alimentation pauvre en protéines en fournissant une grande variété d'acides aminés ou offrir une combinaison ciblée spécifique.

Brand: Now Foods Model: P2262
Complete Free-Form Blend of all 9 Essential Amino Acids Amino acids are the subunits that make up proteins. They are necessary for the function of all cells, for tissue repair, and for the production of enzymes and neurotransmitters. The body uses 20 amino acids to construct proteins, but nine essen..
Prix hors taxes : 38,97€
Brand: Warrior Model: P33876
Amino Blast is a Branch Chain Amino Acid which contains for building lean muscle and speeding up muscle recovery. BCAAs are essential as the body is unable to make them out of other amino acids. This means that you have to ingest them through food or supplements. BCAAs trigger protein synthesis and ..
Prix hors taxes : 20,26€
Brand: Warrior Model: P36541
Amino Blast is a Branch Chain Amino Acid which contains for building lean muscle and speeding up muscle recovery. BCAAs are essential as the body is unable to make them out of other amino acids. This means that you have to ingest them through food or supplements. BCAAs trigger protein synthesis and ..
Prix hors taxes : 20,26€
Brand: Warrior Model: P39526
Amino Blast is a Branch Chain Amino Acid which contains for building lean muscle and speeding up muscle recovery. BCAAs are essential as the body is unable to make them out of other amino acids. This means that you have to ingest them through food or supplements. BCAAs trigger protein synthesis and ..
Prix hors taxes : 20,26€
Brand: Warrior Model: P42249
Amino Blast is a Branch Chain Amino Acid which contains for building lean muscle and speeding up muscle recovery. BCAAs are essential as the body is unable to make them out of other amino acids. This means that you have to ingest them through food or supplements. BCAAs trigger protein synthesis and ..
Prix hors taxes : 20,26€
Brand: Now Foods Model: P29171
Amino acids are the subunits that make up proteins. They are necessary for the function of all cells, for tissue repair, and for the production of enzymes and neurotransmitters. The body uses 20 amino acids to construct proteins. People with limited diets or poor digestion may not get enough essenti..
Prix hors taxes : 15,62€
Brand: Now Foods Model: P5482
Amino acids are the subunits that make up proteins. They are necessary for the function of all cells, for tissue repair, and for the production of enzymes and neurotransmitters. The body uses 20 amino acids to construct proteins. People with limited diets or poor digestion may not get enough essenti..
Prix hors taxes : 35,35€
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P37017
Excellent amino acid product based exclusively on free, pharmaceutically pure forms of amino acids. The composition of AMINO EAA Xplode is mainly based on essential amino acids (EAA; L-leucine, L-lysine, L-valine, L-isoleucine, L-threonine, L-phenylalanine + L-tyrosine, L-histidine, L-cysteine + L-m..
Prix hors taxes : 27,19€
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P35470
Excellent amino acid product based exclusively on free, pharmaceutically pure forms of amino acids. The composition of AMINO EAA Xplode is mainly based on essential amino acids (EAA; L-leucine, L-lysine, L-valine, L-isoleucine, L-threonine, L-phenylalanine + L-tyrosine, L-histidine, L-cysteine + L-m..
Prix hors taxes : 27,19€