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Sportlik toitumine

Sporditoitumine on toitumise ja dieedi uurimine ja praktika, mis on seotud iga inimese sportliku soorituse parandamisega. Toitumine on paljude sportlike treeningrežiimide oluline osa ning populaarne jõuspordialadel (nagu tõstmine ja kulturism) ja vastupidavusaladel (nagu jalgrattasõit, jooksmine, ujumine, sõudmine). Sporditoitumine keskendub oma uurimistöös sportlase tarbitava vedeliku ja toidu tüübile ning kogusele. Lisaks puudutab see toitainete, näiteks vitamiinide, mineraalide, toidulisandite ja orgaaniliste ainete, sealhulgas süsivesikute, valkude ja rasvade tarbimist.

Brand: Now Foods Model: P27042
- Essential for Energy Production,- With Folic Acid.Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a water soluble vitamin necessary for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and for the production of energy from fats and proteins. Vitamin B-12 is also essential for the synthesis of DNA during cell division..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P24525
- Essential for Energy Production,- With Folic Acid.Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a water soluble vitamin necessary for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and for the production of energy from fats and proteins. Vitamin B-12 is also essential for the synthesis of DNA during cell division..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P8246
- 3 Forms of B-12 including Co-enzyme Forms- Essential for DNA Synthesis- Vegetarian FormulaVitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a water soluble vitamin necessary for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and for the metabolic utilization of fats and proteins. Vitamin B-12 is also essential for th..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P27807
- 3 Forms of B-12 including Co-enzyme Forms- Essential for DNA Synthesis- Vegetarian FormulaVitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a water soluble vitamin necessary for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and for the metabolic utilization of fats and proteins. Vitamin B-12 is also essential for th..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P27045
- Liposomal Spray,- With Folic Acid, TMG and B-6,- Supports Healthy Homocysteine Levels,- Nerve Stability and Energy.Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a water soluble vitamin necessary for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and for the metabolic utilization of fats and proteins. Vitamin B-12..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P5485
- 100mg Riboflavin- A Dietary SupplementVitamin B-2, also known as Riboflavin, is a member of the B-vitamin family. It occurs naturally in green vegetables, liver, kidneys, wheat germ, milk, eggs, cheese and fish. Because food processing depletes many naturally occurring nutrients, supplementation i..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P29174
- B-Complex For Maximum Effectiveness- Supports Energy Production- A Dietary SupplementB-50 provides a full complement of B-Vitamins plus Choline and Inositol. Together, these vitamins work to support energy production, maintain healthy serum levels of homocysteine, and promote a healthy nervous sys..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P6597
- B-Complex For Maximum Effectiveness- Supports Energy Production- A Dietary SupplementB-50 provides a full complement of B-Vitamins plus Choline and Inositol. Together, these vitamins work to support energy production, maintain healthy serum levels of homocysteine, and promote a healthy nervous sys..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P24526
- B-Complex For Maximum Effectiveness- Supports Energy Production- A Dietary SupplementB-50 provides a full complement of B-Vitamins plus Choline and Inositol. Together, these vitamins work to support energy production, maintain healthy serum levels of homocysteine, and promote a healthy nervous sys..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P27050
- B-Complex For Maximum Effectiveness- Supports Energy Production- A Dietary SupplementB-50 provides a full complement of B-Vitamins plus Choline and Inositol. Together, these vitamins work to support energy production, maintain healthy serum levels of homocysteine, and promote a healthy nervous sys..
Brand: Swanson Model: P33273
An economical source for cardio health and energy metabolismSupports the normal breakdown of fats, proteins and moreEach serving delivers 100 mg of vitamin B-6Swanson Vitamin B-6 has many benefits in the body. For one, it supports the normal breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, playing an ..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P27052
- Supports Healthy Homocysteine Levels- Important for Nervous System FunctionVitamin B-6 is one of the more popular members of the B-vitamin family and is found in fresh vegetables. Clinical studies have shown that B-6 plays an important role in regulating homocysteine levels in the body. Homocystei..
Kuvatakse2053 kuni20642225 (kokku186 lehte)

Sporditoitumine on toitumise ja dieedi uurimine ja praktika, mis on seotud iga inimese sportliku soorituse parandamisega. Toitumine on paljude sportlike treeningrežiimide oluline osa ning populaarne jõuspordialadel (nagu tõstmine ja kulturism) ja vastupidavusaladel (nagu jalgrattasõit, jooksmine, ujumine, sõudmine). Sporditoitumine keskendub oma uurimistöös sportlase tarbitava vedeliku ja toidu tüübile ning kogusele. Lisaks puudutab see toitainete, näiteks vitamiinide, mineraalide, toidulisandite ja orgaaniliste ainete, sealhulgas süsivesikute, valkude ja rasvade tarbimist.