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Enne ja pärast treeningut

Treenimine ja keha eesmärkide saavutamine on raske töö. Õigete toidulisandite kasutamine enne ja pärast treeningrežiimi võib muuta selle lihtsamaks ja rahuldavamaks. Energia kogumine võimaldab teil oma treeningusse maksimaalselt panustada ja seeläbi sellest maksimumi võtta. Treeningueelse toidulisandi võtmine mitte ainult ei anna teile rohkem energiat lihaste tõhusamaks kasutamiseks, vaid on ka alternatiivne valgu- ja energiaallikas, mida teie keha saab kasutada, selle asemel, et tarbida lihaseid, mille nimel olete nii vaevarikkalt vaeva näinud.

Treeningujärgsed toidulisandid tagavad, et ühe treeningrutiini ja järgmise vaheline aeg on täielikult ära kasutatud. Toidulisandid on loodud selleks, et säilitada äsja ehitatud lihaseid, parandada keha parandusmehhanisme ja asendada kasutatud toitaineid, mis tuleb lihastes nüüd asendada, et neid toita ja säilitada. Treeningueelsete ja -järgsete lisandite õige kasutamine muudab teie treeningud tõhusamaks ja tulemused püsivamaks.

Brand: Nutrend Model: P37665
Because of the high content of rapidly absorbable carbohydrates and electrolytes, the instant liquid form of ISODRINX is an ideal energy source with optimal amounts of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. The new formula contains no sweeteners.ISODRINX intended for: body hydration and energy supply du..
Brand: Weider Model: P48940
TOTAL RECOVERY is a supplement specially designed for all those athletes who need to maximize their recovery after an intense training session. Each of its components has been selected and scientifically tested to achieve good recovery and thus improve performance in competition or daily training.It..
Brand: Weider Model: P49015
TOTAL RECOVERY is a supplement specially designed for all those athletes who need to maximize their recovery after an intense training session. Each of its components has been selected and scientifically tested to achieve good recovery and thus improve performance in competition or daily training.It..
Brand: Weider Model: P49013
TOTAL RECOVERY is a supplement specially designed for all those athletes who need to maximize their recovery after an intense training session. Each of its components has been selected and scientifically tested to achieve good recovery and thus improve performance in competition or daily training.It..
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P968
Capsules with buffered creatine monohydrate, food intended to meet the expenditure of intense muscular effort, especially for sports people.OLIMP KRE-ALKALYN 2500 MEGA CAPS contains patented type of creatine monohydrate, characterized by its high bioavailability. In muscle tissues creatine is bound ..
Brand: Dorian Yates Model: P43977
Muscle Force Pre-Workout Liquid - Orange flavoured, food supplement, pre-workout, aspartame free, with sweeteners, high caffeine content. Beta-alanine, Caffeine, Taurine and Niacin containing foodstuff intended to meet the expenditure of intense muscular effort, especially for athletes.Niacin contri..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P35258
A professional product for stimulating the body before physical activity, prepared in accordance with the maximum possibilities of European legislation. It contains effective substances recognized by the professional community, which guarantee maximum effect in pumping muscles and shifting the bound..