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Garden of Life

Garden of Life apņemšanās nodrošināt veselību ir plašāka, nekā piedāvā dažus no visefektīvākajiem uztura produktiem pasaulē. Apvienojot labāko no dabas un zinātnes, zīmols Garden of Life piedāvā ceļu uz veselīgu dzīvesveidu, izmantojot kvalitatīvus produktus, kuru pamatā ir inovācijas.

Kā atzinis ASV Kongress, pastāv tieša korelācija starp uzturu, vingrinājumiem un veselību. Neapstrādāta, vesela pārtika, kas iegūta no organiskiem avotiem, ir veselīgāka. Apvienojot ar fiziskiem vingrinājumiem, diēta, kas ietver neapstrādātu, dzīvu pārtiku, īpaši tādu, kas satur probiotikas, fermentus un to fermentācijas produktus, ir veselīga dzīvesveida pamats.

Dzīvības dārzs zina un saprot noteikumus; Uz vietas ir kvalitātes nodaļa, kas uzrauga atbilstību cGMP. Ar noteiktajām ražošanas un ekspluatācijas procedūrām, dokumentāciju par šo procedūru ievērošanu.

Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P27926
Perfect Food is one of our legacy products and has been a top-selling green supplement in the natural products industry for over a decade. Its made with concentrated cereal grass juices plus a fermented whole food blend of grasses and sprouted seeds, along with 17 veggie juices, acerola cherry, sea ..
Bez PVN:56.46€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P6355
Perfect Food is one of our legacy products and has been a top-selling green supplement in the natural products industry for over a decade. It is made with concentrated cereal grass juices plus a fermented whole food blend of grasses and sprouted seeds, along with 17 veggie juices, acerola cherry, se..
Bez PVN:49.18€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P8864
Primal ULTRA Microbiome delivers all the benefits of Primal Defense, with the addition of 13 species of beneficial cultures. A broad-spectrum microbiome, Primal Defense Ultra has been developed to provide 15 billion live cells¹ per daily amount and 13 species of beneficial cultures including soil-ba..
Bez PVN:106.10€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P7294
RAW CoQ10 delivers 200mg of the food form of CoQ10 in a base of RAW cold-pressed chia seed oil in just one capsule daily. It contains alpha-linoleic acid, which helps maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels. This effect is obtained with a daily intake of 2g of ALA.RAW CoQ10 provides an organic ble..
Bez PVN:58.68€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P6681
Containing 22 RAW enzymes, RAW food vitamins, and a diverse range of live bacteria, our Garden of Life RAW Enzymes Women’s Capsules are designed specifically to support the needs of women under 50.Each capsule contains digestive enzymes, alongside beneficial vitamins to support active women in absor..
Bez PVN:51.12€
Zīmols: Garden of Life Artikuls: P6108
Raw Organic Meal Shake & Meal Replacement Benefits:Convenient organic, Raw shake and meal replacementBoosts energy and builds lean muscleHelps you stay full and can help support a healthy weightProbiotics and enzymes support healthy digestionRaw Organic Meal a yummy tasting organic meal-on-the-go pa..
Bez PVN:57.51€
Parādīt 37 līdz 48 no 79 (lapuses: 7)