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Endugen - 60 caps

Endugen - 60 caps


ENDUGEN - DO YOU WANT TO BE PREPARED FOR THE MOST CHALLENGING COMPETITIONS? CHECK OUT ENDUGEN! While analysing the physical activity of both professional endurance athletes and individuals who practice recreational endurance sports, we can see that such physical effort is highly variable in nature: dynamic starts, fast changes of direction, abrupt braking and acceleration, as well as covering longer distances at different speeds during one workout intertwine and result in a high intensity workout. In such conditions, anaerobic mechanisms of obtaining energy are supplemented by aerobic conversions, which globally constitute the dominant source of energy generated by the body for the purposes of physical effort. Therefore, a properly balanced diet supplementation should include high-quality preparations for endurance athletes which ensure a high level of effectiveness of aerobic and anaerobic energy generation processes. FEEL THE DIFFERENCE, TRUST THE HIGHEST QUALITY! ENDUGEN is definitely one such product. Its ingredients were compiled in groups characterised by synergism of activity, which:Ensure stable conditions of the intracellular environment and support the mechanisms which prevent the decrease of pH resulting from the production of considerable amounts of lactic acid during physical effort. Acidic proton ions may limit both ATP production and its transport near the myofibrils, thus impairing the effectiveness of the anaerobic energy generation mechanism. Beta-alanine, sodium bicarbonate and potassium chloride of phosphoric (V) acid included in ENDUGEN help maintain the stable pH of the cells and the entire body and therefore contribute to the improvement of the exercise capacity of the athletes who choose it. They have a positive impact on the aerobic energy generation mechanisms which are based on the utilisation of free fatty acids found in the spare fat deposits of the body. Research has shown that increased anaerobic exercise capacity may be caused by L-arginine (included in ENDUGEN in the form of L-arginine α-ketoglutarate (2, 3)) or the Korean ginseng extract (4, 5). Also capsaicin (6) and both pure caffeine and extended-release caffeine, found in guarana extract, may also improve endurance during physical activity. They support the functioning of the nervous system and help maintain a high speed of brain signals, while delaying fatigue. Research has proven (7, 8), that these properties are found in taurine, which is also included in ENDUGEN. It synergistically combines its activity with other ingredients which also have similar effects, i.e. magnesium (in the form of Albion amino acid chelate), vitamin B2, niacin and vitamins B6 and B12. ENDUGEN A composition of carefully selected plant extracts, enriched with a powerful dose of beta-alanine and sodium bicarbonate - ingredients which have been used for a long time in exclusive products, which improve the endurance and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). This is recommended for the most demanding athletes, particularly endurance sports competitors whose excellent physical performance is the difference between losing and winning. The product should be used before and during the highly strenuous sports events and during more intensive workouts (training camps, boot camps, training sessions). ENDUGEN - DISCOVER THE REAL POSSIBILITIES OF YOUR BODY!
Olimp Nutrition Endugen - 60 caps

Nutrition Facts

2 Capsules

Servings per container:

30 Amount Ingredients Per %RI* Serving Beta-Alanine 1100 mg Sodium Bicarbonate 650 g of which Sodium 178 mg L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate 200 mg of which L-arginine 130 mg Taurine 100 mg Korean Panax gingseng extract 100 mg (7% ginsenosides) 35.2 Guarana extract mg 17.6 of which Caffeine mg Caffeine 50 mg Cayenne pepper extract (8% 6 mg capsaicin) Vita-MIN ENDUGEN Matrix Magnesium (of which from 75.4 amino acid chelate Albion) 20% mg Riboflavin 0.7 mg 50% Niacin (mg of niacin equivalents) 8 mg 50% Vitamin B6 0.7 mg 50% 1.25 Vitamin B12 mcg 50% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on youi calorie needs.


Sodium Bicarbonate, Beta-Alanine, L- arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, of which Sodium, of which L- arginine, Taurine, Korean Panax gingseng extract (7% ginsenosides), Magnesium (of which from amino acid chelate Albion), Caffeine, Guarana extract, of which Caffeine, Niacin (mg of niacin equivalents), Cayenne pepper extract (8%capsaicin).Riboflavin,Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12

Other ingredients:

Beta-alanine, sodium bicarbonate. potassium salts of orthophosphoric acid, L-arginine alpha- ketoglutarate, magnesium oxide, taurine, Korean Panax ginseng extract, guarana extract (Paullinia cupana). bulking agents - microcrystalline cellulose: caffeine anhydrous, anti-caking agent - silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate: nicotinamide - niacin. cayenne pepper extract (Capsicum annuum), magnesium bisglycinate (magnesium amino acid chelate Albion), cyanocobalamin -vit. B12. pyridoxine hydrochloride -vit. B6, riboflavin -vit. B2, capsule (gelatin, colour: E 171).

Recommended use:

Depending on the training experience and individualneeds take 2 - 4 capsules approximately 30 minutes before physical activity. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended.


Contains caffeine (135,2 mg/ 4 capsules). Not recommended for children or pregnant women. The product should not be taken during pregnancy. breast feeding and by patients with heart conditions, hypertension and hypersensitivity to any of the constituents of the preparation.

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