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Sąnarių palaikymas

Ne kartą buvo įrodyta, kad papildai, skirti palaikyti sąnarių sveikatą, yra veiksmingi ir naudingi palaikant gerą gyvenimo kokybę tiems, kurie patiria sąnarių pažeidimus. Kūnas yra stebuklingas aparatas, galintis lenktis ir judėti į daugybę krypčių.

Šis universalumas leidžia mums daryti viską nuo lenkimo iki batų surišimo iki svarmenų kilnojimo ir sporto. Kiekvienoje iš šių judančių vietų mūsų jungtys juda ir sukasi, todėl svarbu šias jungtis palaikyti, kad jos veiktų gerai.

Kai sąnario amortizacija tampa standi arba susidėvėjusi, simptomai yra pastebimi ir skausmingi. Tie, kurie kenčia nuo artrito ir rimtai sportuoja, dažniausiai kenčia nuo sąnarių pažeidimų, tačiau yra daugybė priežasčių, dėl kurių gali prireikti sąnarių palaikymo papildų. Pasikartojantys judesiai, ypač dėl pasikartojančių pratimų, dažnai gali sukelti sąnarių nusidėvėjimą ir skausmą.

Nuo sąnarių audinių atstatymo iki sąnarių sutepimo iki pažeistų sąnarių uždegimo ir sustingimo malšinimo – sąnarių papildai yra sukurti taip, kad kūnas galėtų judėti ir lenktis taip, kaip turėtų.

Brand: Life Extension Model: P38839
Non GMO LE CertifiedNext Generation Boswellia ExtractDietary SupplementCompounds in Boswellia extract have been shown to bind directly to 5-LOX, an enzyme that transforms fatty acids into inflammatory factors like leukotriene B4.. A compound in boswellia called AKBA is the key to this beneficial act..
Be PVM:18.47€
Brand: AllMax Nutrition Model: P5950
Advanced AllFlex Description from Allmax NutritionALLMAX ALLFLEX is a synergistic and balanced blend of six complementary ingredients designed to:- Rapidly and Effectively Repair Damaged Joints- Restore Joint Mobility- Reduce Inflammation- Reduce Join PainThe ALLFLEX delivery system starts with a ra..
Be PVM:25.80€
Brand: Universal Nutrition Model: P43727
Serious trainers take a beating in the gym. This iron sport is grueling, arduous and repetitive. There’s no way around that reality. You will be sore, you will get hurt, you will feel pain regularly. How you recover, how you respond how you remedy and deal with that pain will ultimately determine ho..
Be PVM:37.15€
Brand: Universal Nutrition Model: P31141
Serious trainers take a beating in the gym. This iron sport is grueling, arduous and repetitive. There’s no way around that reality. You will be sore, you will get hurt, you will feel pain regularly. How you recover, how you respond how you remedy and deal with that pain will ultimately determine ho..
Be PVM:37.15€
Brand: Universal Nutrition Model: P121
Serious trainers take a beating in the gym. This iron sport is grueling, arduous and repetitive. There’s no way around that reality. You will be sore, you will get hurt, you will feel pain regularly. How you recover, how you respond how you remedy and deal with that pain will ultimately determine ho..
Be PVM:43.44€
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P32800
ARTHROBLOCK FORTE is a food supplement containing ginger extract, Boswellia serrata extract and glucosamine. The product also contains vitamin C which contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of bones and cartilage, as well as manganese which contributes to the maintenance of..
Be PVM:12.31€
Brand: Now Foods Model: P38114
29 G Protein43% Natural CollagenProduct of USANOW Sports Chicken Bone Broth Powder is a premium-quality chicken bone extract that has 29 g of protein per serving. Chicken bone broth is a common food base in many cultures and has naturally occurring protein, amino acids, collagen and more. This paleo..
Be PVM:40.49€
Brand: Life Extension Model: P43873
Want strong, healthy bones? Look no further than Bone Restore Elite. This science-based formula combines a high-dose of a special kind of vitamin K2, calcium and vitamin D3 with minerals essential for maintaining strong, healthy bones. What Is Bone Restore Elite with K2?Supplementing with bone-frien..
Be PVM:42.02€
Brand: Life Extension Model: P35794
Bone Restore with Vitamin K2 provides 700 mg of highly absorbable calcium, along with the critically important minerals magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, and silicon, plus vitamins D3 and K2, needed for healthy bones. Bone Restore with Vitamin K2 provides all these bone health nutrients in one conv..
Be PVM:23.87€
Brand: Now Foods Model: P27077
MCHA for Bone & Teeth StrengthWith Vitamins and Minerals for Comprehensive SupportMicrocrystalline Hydroxyapatite (MCHA) is a compound that normally makes up the crystalline matrix of bone and teeth and is the substance that gives them their rigidity. MCHA contains highly absorbable Calcium and Phos..
Be PVM:23.25€