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Chela MZB, Sport Formula - 60 mega caps

Chela MZB, Sport Formula - 60 mega caps
Chela MZB, Sport Formula - 60 mega caps
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P1642
Netto 15,62€


CHELA-MZB SPORT FORMULA is a special diet supplement based on a unique combination of Zinc, Magnesium and vitamin B6. The precise proportions of ingredients ensure the correct functioning of the nervous system by lowering the level of stress and preventing its negative influence on the organism.Why Magnesium and vitamin B6 are so effective in protecting us from stress?Both ingredients actively assist the functioning of the nervous system and their combination enhances the anti-stress activity. Magnesium and vitamin B6 prevent the excessive release of hormones responsible for the increase in nervous tension and hypersensitivity, help transmit nerve impulses and maintain the appropriate level of dopamine in the brain - a neurotransmitter evoking the feeling of happiness and satisfaction. The proper activity of these ingredients helps prevent physical and mental exhaustion, helps increase resistance to stress and ensures deep, relaxing sleep.Why their activity should be supplemented by Zinc?Stress is a factor that speeds up the elimination of Zinc from the organism. The deficiency of this component may speed up, among other things, increased storing of toxic elements in the brain, mainly cadmium, and have a negative influence on the functioning of hippocampus - a brain structure responsible for recording and transmitting memory traces and the ability to associate. The correct combination of Zinc, Magnesium and vitamin B6 is the most important line of defence against the negative influence of stress on the organism.Is it true that taking Zinc, Magnesium and vitamin B6 simultaneously may assist the functioning of the male reproductive system?Yes, because a combination of these components in appropriate proportions (CHELA MZB) may favour the improvement of sexual hormone synthesis, ensuring an increase in libido, as well as the proper amount and composition of sperm. At the same time, an increase in testosterone activity under the influence of supplementation with the above mentioned components contributes to the improvement of physical efficiency and body composition (less fat in favour of muscular tissue).In what way is the supplement CHELA-MZB SPORT FORMULA different from other similar remedies on the market?Firstly, the precise proportions of components, secondly, their appropriate quality. The mineral components (Zinc, Magnesium) present in CHELA MZB are in the form of amino acid chelates perfectly assimilable by the organism, as developed by the world leader in the production of minerals - Albion Laboratories company.
Olimp Nutrition Chela MZB, Sport Formula - 60 mega caps

1 Capsule

Servings per container:

60 Amount Ingredients Per %RI* Serving 1390 Magnesium amino acid chelate 0% mg of which Magnesium 250 mg 0% Zinc amino acid chelate (ALBION I 75 mg Zinc Chelazome) 0% of which Zinc 15 mg 0% Vitamine B6 4 mg 0% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


Magnesium amino acid chelate, of which Magnesium, Zinc amino acid chelate (ALBION Zinc Chelazome), of which Zinc,Vitamine B6

Other ingredients:

Magnesium amino acid chelate ALBION, Zinc amino acid chelate ALBION (Zinc Chelazome). anti-caking agent -Magnesium stearate,vitamine B6 (pyridoxine HCL).capsule -gelatin.

Recommended use:

Swallow I-2 capsules about 1 hour before sleep.

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