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AminoJect, Blue Raspberry - 470g

AminoJect, Blue Raspberry - 470g
AminoJect, Blue Raspberry - 470g
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P28098
Be PVM: 45.75€


AminoJect is the ultimate BCAA & glutamine recovery drinks to maximize a streamlined physique. Utilizing only the highest quality plant derived amino acids, AminoJects purity and quality is unmatched along with its superior taste satisfaction. AMINOJECT- PREMIUM AMINO ACID ACCELERATORTHE ULTIMATE CLEAN BCAA RECOVERY CATALYST FEATURING BIOFERM-QA AMINO ACIDS When it comes to quality amino acids, Evogen Nutrition has always set the standard when it comes to ultra-clean and pure fermented sources. We first introduced our fermented branch chain amino acids into the market place with our stimulant free pre-workout powerhouse EVP. Seven years later, weve maintained this quality standard with all of our products, including our newest introduction, AminoJect. This amazing tasting formula is packed with not only BCAAs, but also glutamine and betaine to accelerate recovery with unheard of speed. Would you expect anything less from The Pro Creator Hany Rambod? Evogen has created a whole new ultra-premium BCAA category with the introduction of AminoJect. Feel and taste the AminoJect difference) MAXIMUM > REPAIR | ENDURANCE | RECOVERY 6 Grams Fermented L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine - BCAAs have become a "must have" for any serious lifter for one reason, and one reason only: they work. However, in order to have a noticeable effect in reducing muscle soreness and accelerating recovery you must have an adequate amount. This is why AminoJect uses a huge dose of 6 grams to ensure proper stimulation of protein synthesis and to shut down catabolic processes in your body with every serving. You work hard for your gains which is why AminoJect should be a staple in your intra-workout training arsenal when trying to maximize lean gains and fighting off potential muscle loss while cutting. 5 Grams Fermented L-Glutamine - While most intra-workout amino acid products only have 1-2 grams, AminoJect uses a full 5 gram total. Evogen has always used this pure form of l-glutamine as a commitment to quality. 1 Gram Betaine Anhydrous - This naturally sourced sugar beet derivative, has strong clinical backing in athletes when it comes to increasing power output. It does so by supporting your bodys own creatine production which has a direct effect on increasing performance such as reps to failure, total work performed, etc. Betaine Anhydrous is essential to AminoJect for various reasons including to help optimize water balance in working muscles in conjunction with the powerful electrolyte blend included in the formulation. 1 Gram Citrulline Malate - This powerful performance enhancer is a "must have" in any intra-workout formulation. The reason being, it can help augment ammonia waste products produced by the breakdown of BCAAs in working muscles. It also assists in providing ATP to working muscles via the Krebs cycle to provide an extra "boost" to your training sessions. electrolyte-aminojectAminoJect Electrolyte Complex - Rounding out this highly effective formula is a revolutionary electrolyte blend. This full spectrum blend was designed specifically for hardworking physique enthusiasts to optimize performance and muscle fullness. Electrolytes serve a crucial role in maintaining water balance throughout the body and facilitating motor neuron function. Without this addition to the AminoJect formulation, theres a chance performance could be compromised as you increase your training volume. biofermqaTHE BIOFERM QA DIFFERENCE IS THE EVOGEN DIFFERENCE When it comes to branch chain amino acids, there are essentially two different manufacturing processes. The first is called enzymatic fermentation and the second is called chemical extraction. Enzymatic fermentation typically uses vegetable sources such as corn and through multiple steps using enzymes, various free form amino acids are the result. This process originated in Japan to support the growing need for pharmaceutical grade amino acids for multiple medical infusion therapies. AminoJectGraph1The second process is known as chemical extraction. The starting material for this process begins with animal by-products such as hair, feathers, nails, claws, etc. that have high keratin content. Keratins are rich in amino acids and protein. Through various chemical breakdown and extraction processes, an assortment amino acids can be pulled from keratins to create raw materials. Essentially, many animals who end up in meat processing plants are donating their fur, feathers, etc. to support amino acid raw material products. Just like the recent trend of amino acid spiking, plant based vs. animal waste product based amino acids comes down to company ethics and standards. Many consumers were willing to pay cheap prices for amino spiked proteins that had a high nitrogen content which was equated to real protein content. Evogen Nutrition never participated in this deceitful practice, and we released IsoJect ultra-premium pure whey isolate as a testament to our quality commitment. The same goes for making the conscious choice to not utilize cheap BCAAs derived from animal meat processing waste products and choosing to use more expensive vegetable derived amino acids. Now with the introduction of AminoJect, we are using the same purely refined fermented amino acids that have been used in EVP, EVP Plus, and Cell K.E.M. since their inception years ago. Some companies set their quality standards very high, and some avoid them out of greed. Evogen Nutrition clearly has chosen the path consumers have learned from time and time again, which is you get what you pay for.
AminoJect, Blue Raspberry - 470g Evogen AminoJect, Blue Raspberry - 470g Maisto papildai miltelių pavidalu, kurių sudėtyje yra amino rūgščių, mineralų ir žolelių ekstraktų Mitybos faktai

Porcijos dydis:

1 kaušelis (15,66 g) )

Indelio porcijos:

30 Kiekis Kiekis Ingredientai porcijoje %RI* 100 g Kalorijų 0 0 % Bendras angliavandenių kiekis 0 g <1 g 1 % Kalcis 293,74 mg 46 mg 5% Fosforas 721,58 mg 113 mg 11% Magnis 236,27 mg 37 mg 9% Natris 862,07 mg 135 mg 6% Kalis 498,08 mg 78 mg 2% BIOfermQA BCAA atkūrimas L0,5 mgL BCAA kompleksas0,0,5mg1 ) 175mg) Biologinį prieinamumą didinanti matrica 5 mg (juodųjų pipirų ekstraktas 95% (kaip Bioperine)) *Procentai paros vertės yra pagrįstos 2000 kalorijų dieta. Jūsų dienos vertės ma y būti didesnis arba mažesnis, atsižvelgiant į jūsų kalorijų poreikį.


BIOfermQA BCAA atkūrimo kompleksas (L-glutaminas (fermentuotas) 5000mg, L-leucinas (fermentuotas) 3000mg, L-izoleucinas (fermentuotas) 1500mg, L -Valinas (fermentuotas) 1500mg), efektyvumo matrica (L-citrulino DL-malatas 1000mg, bevandenis betainas 1000mg), elektrolitų kompleksas (dikalcio fosfatas 175mg, trimagnio fosfatas 175mg, magnio, kalio, kalio, kalio, fosfato arba kalcio 175 mg, kalio 7 Biologinį prieinamumą didinanti matrica (juodųjų pipirų ekstraktas 95 % (kaip bioperinas))

Kiti ingredientai:

natūralūs ir dirbtiniai skoniai, obuolių rūgštis, natrio citratas, citrinų rūgštis, natris Chloridas, sukralozė, silicio dioksidas, acesulfamo kalis, FD&C mėlynas Nr. 2 Alum Lake, FD&C mėlynas Nr. 1. Alergenas: nėra. Pagaminta gamykloje, kurioje taip pat apdorojami žemės riešutai, kviečiai ir kiaušiniai. Alergenai: nėra. Pagaminta gamykloje, kurioje taip pat buvo perdirbti žemės riešutai, kviečiai ir kiaušiniai.

Rekomenduojamas naudojimas:

kaip maisto papildą sumaišykite 1 lygio samtelį AminoJect su 6–8 uncijomis. šalto vandens. AminoJect gali būti vartojamas prieš treniruotę, tarp valgymų, treniruotės metu ir po treniruotės, kad padidėtų raumenų atsistatymas ir atsigavimas.


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