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Blackweiler Shred, Exotic Orange - 480g

Blackweiler Shred, Exotic Orange (EAN 5901330077524) - 480g
Blackweiler Shred, Exotic Orange - 480g
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P40792
Be PVM: 36.94€


BLACKWEILER SHRED – The Dark Side of You!Imagine that darkness is falling all around you!Nobody and nothing can prepare you for what is about to happen!You will feel the “dark” power of BLACKWEILER SHRED, which will light you up from the inside. Nothing can stop you now before undergoing the best training in your life! You stay together, you and your new ally in the struggle for the building of your dreams.Remember one thing – you will not be prepared for what is going to happen now!Your muscles will be filled with blood, your body will break out in a sweat, your mind will open up to new sensations!Will you dare to try and enter a new level, or will you be a little boy satisfied with childish toys?Look how scientists approached the composing of a new masterpiece in the field of pre-training supplements. It was in pharmaceutical laboratories, in the specialists’ eyes, in the conditions of continuous testing and improvements, where BLACKWEILER was created.They put together synergistically as many as 16 pharmaceutical-quality components, which were encapsulated in 3 CRAZY formulas!THE ARMAGEDDON-PUMP FORMULA – is a powerful combination of a large dose of citrulline and arginine, which participate in nitrogen oxide (NO) synthesis in an organism. The increased production of NO results in an increased muscle-tissue blood supply, which is transferred to the more-effective transport of nutrients to your muscles. Additionally, the use of sodium ions optimises the rehydrating of intercellular spaces and citrate ions enhances the maintaining of the vital pH in muscle cells, thanks to which it protects against acidification. This composition will provide you with an unrepeatable muscle pump, which you have never experienced before.THE ENERGY-STORM FORMULA – will provide you with continuous and high efficiency during your training, thanks to supplying the substrate for ATP production and use of the components providing stability IN the intracellular environment. A double phosphate-pre carnosine buffer prevents adverse changes in the intracellular environment, which is transferred to the enhancing of energy production in the muscle cells and the increasing of training-related endurance. The B-group vitamins, which are used in the ENERGY-STORM FORMULA are responsible for the efficient extraction from fats and carbohydrates of basic substances for later ATP synthesis in the organism.THE INFERNO SHREDDING MATRIX – is a true pride, and the cherry on the cake in the new BLACKWEILER SHRED. In the Olimp laboratory, the first complex of its kind, the composition was created of as many as 7 components, which enhance the thermogenesis process – 6 extremely powerful extracts with powerful thermogenic reactions: extracts of wasabi, ginger, cocoa tree, black pepper, green tea and cayenne pepper in connection with caffeine, clearly facilitating stored-fat reduction, which has been proved by numerous scientific studies.So now, when you know about the idea that guided us to create BLACKWEILER, do you feel the same as we do?Do you feel that you can do more, and that you are no longer petrified with fear?Do you understand that before your very eyes, and with the aid of BLACKWEILER, new history is being created in pre-training supplementing, which is targeted, as well as its maximal invigoration and mega pump, at thermogenic reacting?!Will you take up the challenge and dare to try BLACKWEILER?Remember! A single package holds as many as 80 portions of a powerful dose of unlimited energy, which you will have to control!

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