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Ashwagandha with Sensoril, 125mg - 60 vcaps

Ashwagandha with Sensoril, 125mg - 60 vcaps
Ashwagandha with Sensoril, 125mg - 60 vcaps
  • Stock: Épuisé
  • Model: P28546
Prix hors taxes : 16,36€

La description

What is Doctors Best Ashwagandha?Humans have traditionally relied on the sophisticated chemistry of plants for health and healing. Doctors Best Ashwagandha Featuring Sensoril is a scientifically validated preparation of the renowned Ayurvedic super plant Withania somnifera. Sensoril is a clinically proven Ashwagandha extract, produced without using chemical solvents and contains a complete profile of bioactive withanolide glycosides. How does it work?Ashwagandha is among the most highly prized plants in the ancient Ayurvedic system of India, where for millennia it earned a reputation as a liver and general energy tonic. In Ayurveda it is generally considered Rasayana, a substance able to influence life forces towards a healthy balance and an integrated relationship with the environment. In the West it is known as an adaptogen that is able to enhance the individual’s healthy reaction to challenges of a physical, chemical, or biological nature. Adaptogens help strengthen the body’s response to stress and enhance its ability to cope with anxiety and fight fatigue because of their unique ability to “adapt” their function according to your body’s specific needs. Modern research has validated Ashwagandha use in promoting healthy sleep (from Latin somnifera is for“sleep-inducing”), in supporting our ability to handle and recover from stress, and enhancing immune function. Much of Ashwagandha’s beneficial activity has been credited to substances known as withanolides. Sensoril is an extract standardized to contain a minimum of 10% withanolide glycosides, ensuring a potency far superior to the whole plant. Additional active constituents could include choline, beta-sitosterol, somniferine (thought to contribute to the plant’s sleep-enhancing properties), withanine and other alkaloids, scopoletin, chlorogenic acid, tannins, and flavonoids. Why take Doctors Best Ashwagandha?Doctor’s Best Ashwagandha with Sensoril may help with forgetfulness and improves mental focus. Sensoril was evaluated for its effects on memory and other cognitive functions such as cognitive processing speed, attention/working memory, memory and psychomotor speed (8 week trial). Social cognition and emotional status were also evaluated. Those taking Sensoril showed significantly greater improvements over the placebo in multiple cognitive tests, suggesting benefits for forgetfulness and mental focus. Doctor’s Best Ashwagandha with Sensoril may help reduce feelings of stress, irritability, negativity and supports energy and healthy sleep patterns. Doctors Best Ashwagandha Featuring Sensoril is one of the most thoroughly researched Ashwagandha preparation available. It is standardized by independent laboratory analysis and its potency eclipses many traditional Ashwagandha supplements. Doctor’s Best Ashwagandha with Sensoril may help with forgetfulness and improves mental focus.It may help reduce feelings of stress, irritability, negativity and supports energy and healthy sleep patterns.Sensoril is a clinically proven Ashwagandha extract, produced without using chemical solvents and containing a superior profile of bioactive withanolide glycosides.Ashwagandha is among the most highly prized plants in the ancient Ayurvedic system of India, where for millennia it earned a reputation as a liver and general energy tonic.Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Vegetarian, Vegan.
Ashwagandha avec Sensoril, 125mg - 60 vcaps Doctors Best Ashwagandha avec Sensoril,125mg-60 vcaps Complément alimentaire sous forme de capsule, contenant de l'Ashwagandha et des minéraux >

Portions par récipient :

30 quantité d'ingrédients par % IR* portion d'extrait de racine et de feuille d'Ashwaaandha (Withania somnifera) (minimum 10 % 250 mg de glycosides de withanolide) Les valeurs quotidiennes en pourcentage sont basées sur un régime de 2 000 calories. Vos valeurs quotidiennes peuvent être supérieures ou inférieures en fonction de vos besoins caloriques.

Ingrédients :

Extrait de racine et de feuille d'Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) (minimum 10 % de glycosides de withanolide)

Autres ingrédients :< /b>

Cellulose, cellulose modifiée (capsule végétarienne), stéarate de magnésium (source végétale), maltodextrine. Sans gluten, sans OGM, sans soja, végétalien

Utilisation recommandée :

Prendre 2 capsules avec de la nourriture, de préférence le matin. Pour un bénéfice supplémentaire, prendre 2 capsules supplémentaires avec de la nourriture à tout moment, ou plus, selon les recommandations d'un médecin informé sur le plan nutritionnel.

Avertissement :

Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec.

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