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Sportlik toitumine

Sporditoitumine on toitumise ja dieedi uurimine ja praktika, mis on seotud iga inimese sportliku soorituse parandamisega. Toitumine on paljude sportlike treeningrežiimide oluline osa ning populaarne jõuspordialadel (nagu tõstmine ja kulturism) ja vastupidavusaladel (nagu jalgrattasõit, jooksmine, ujumine, sõudmine). Sporditoitumine keskendub oma uurimistöös sportlase tarbitava vedeliku ja toidu tüübile ning kogusele. Lisaks puudutab see toitainete, näiteks vitamiinide, mineraalide, toidulisandite ja orgaaniliste ainete, sealhulgas süsivesikute, valkude ja rasvade tarbimist.

Brand: Jarrow Formulas Model: P28356
Supports Brain Function.Cognizin Citicoline.Dietary Supplement. Citicoline [stabilized CDP Choline (cytidine 5diphosphocholine)] is a naturally occurring intermediate involved in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, a major constituent of the grey matter of brain tissue (30%). Citicoline consumptio..
Brand: Allnutrition Model: P44902
Brand: Allnutrition Model: P35164
Brand: Allnutrition Model: P44872
Brand: Allnutrition Model: P36454
Brand: Jarrow Formulas Model: P30516
What Does Citrus Bergamot Do?Jarrow Formulas provides clinically documented Citrus Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) extract for natural support for healthy cholesterol levels and blood glucose metabolism. Citrus bergamia grows along the Ionic coast of Southern Calabria, Italy. It contains natural polyphen..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P29982
Supports Immune System.With Ascorbic Acid and Rutin. Citrus Bioflavonoids are powerful polyphenolic compounds found in lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines. Bioflavonoids serve to protect cells from free radicals that can compromise many cellular functions. Among the many attributes o..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P8211
With Guarana & Green TeaCLA Extreme combines Guarana and Green Tea Extract (GTE) for active people seeking the nutritional support of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Guarana supports alertness and, associated with Green Tea, may enhance daily energy expenditure. GTE contributes numerous bioactive co..
Brand: Applied Nutrition Model: P23874
CLA Gold 1000CLA, otherwise known as Conjugated Linoleic Acid, is one of the most popular and widely used supplements within the Sports Nutrition and health industry. CLA is a naturally occurring Omega-6 Fatty Acid, which plays a role in human health.KEY BENEFITSHalal Certified ProductEasy to Swallo..
Brand: Applied Nutrition Model: P41742
Applied Nutrition’s Clear Whey Protein is not your average protein shake. Using ultra-hydrolysed whey protein isolate, we have created a delicious, light, and refreshing protein drink that is more like a fruit juice than a milkshake.With all of the key benefits of a normal protein shake, Clear Whey ..
Brand: Applied Nutrition Model: P41741
Applied Nutrition’s Clear Whey Protein is not your average protein shake. Using ultra-hydrolysed whey protein isolate, we have created a delicious, light, and refreshing protein drink that is more like a fruit juice than a milkshake.With all of the key benefits of a normal protein shake, Clear Whey ..
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Sporditoitumine on toitumise ja dieedi uurimine ja praktika, mis on seotud iga inimese sportliku soorituse parandamisega. Toitumine on paljude sportlike treeningrežiimide oluline osa ning populaarne jõuspordialadel (nagu tõstmine ja kulturism) ja vastupidavusaladel (nagu jalgrattasõit, jooksmine, ujumine, sõudmine). Sporditoitumine keskendub oma uurimistöös sportlase tarbitava vedeliku ja toidu tüübile ning kogusele. Lisaks puudutab see toitainete, näiteks vitamiinide, mineraalide, toidulisandite ja orgaaniliste ainete, sealhulgas süsivesikute, valkude ja rasvade tarbimist.