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Formuleeris "Pro Creator". Lahingut testiti planeedi parimate kehade peal! Hany Rambod, teisiti tuntud kui "Pro Creator", on tänapäeval mõnede parimate kehaehituste meister. Hany on lõpetanud California ülikooli Santa Barbaras 2000. aastal bakalaureusekraadiga bioloogias ja rõhuasetusega neurofüsioloogias. Varsti pärast kooli lõpetamist hakkas Hany konsulteerima kulturismi, fitnessi, figuuri, profijalgpalli ja kergejõustiku olümpia tippsportlastega.

Kui ostate Evogeni toote, võite olla täiesti kindel, et selle on välja töötanud sportlane, sportlastele. Hany alustas Natural Bodybuildingis võistlemist teismelisena ja jätkas oma amatöörkulturismi karjääri UCSB-s oldud aja jooksul; võimaldades tal klassiruumis õppimist jõusaalis ja laval praktiliselt kasutada. Tänu oma kogemustele uskumatult mitmekesise sportlaste geneetilise kogumiga on ta viimistlenud iga valemit. 1930. aastal asutatud Himaalaja pärand ulatub nüüdseks üle 90 aasta, ulatudes ühest mehest tema poja ja lapselapseni. Alates meie tagasihoidlikust algusest Indias pakutakse meie tooteid nüüd enam kui 100 riigis, kuid oleme endiselt pere omanduses.

Himalaya pakub täielikku valikut kliiniliselt uuritud taimseid preparaate, USDA sertifitseeritud orgaanilisi üksikuid ürte ja tervet sarja kehahooldustooteid. Integreerides traditsioonilise meditsiini põhimõtteid kaasaegse teadusega, on Himalaya ülemaailmne teerajaja teaduslikult kinnitatud taimsete tervishoiuteenuste valdkonnas.

Himalaya Põhja-Ameerika LEED® Gold-sertifikaadiga keskkonnasõbralik ettevõtte kontor ja ladu asuvad Texase osariigis Sugar Landis, Houstoni naabruses.

Brand: Himalaya Model: P45455
Himalaya Rose Radiance Micellar Face Wash provides softness and radiance of the facial skin. It contains the beneficial ingredients of Organic Rose* and ingredients of herbal organic active substances**, which remove the make-up effect (face, eyes, lips) and rebuild, eliminate the grayness of the sk..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P44336
Good times deserve great mornings, and PartySmarts got you covered! PartySmarts unique combination of Chicory, Andographis and other herbal extracts, helps to maintain a healthy liver function and contribute to physical well being. Also Vitis vinifera provides natural defense against free radicals, ..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39652
Specially formulated soap-free face wash gel to give you clear, problem- free skin. It cleanses your skin by removing excess oil and impurities without over-drying. Contains Neem, well-known for its purifying and antibacterial properties combined with Turmeric helps control pimples leaving your skin..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39636
Specially formulated to give you clear, problem- free skin, a daily use face wash foam cleanses your skin by removing excess oil and impurities without over-drying turning your cleansing routine into a soft, foamy pleasure to the skin. Neem, well-known for its purifying and antibacterial properties ..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39626
A purifying mask that helps to regulate excess oil secretion, cleans clogged pores and prevents the recurrence of pimples. Neem, well-known for its purifying and antibacterial properties, helps in controlling pimples, and their recurrence. Combined with turmeric, it helps remove acne-causing bacteri..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P45457
Rose Face & Body Moisturizer Gel. Hydrates, Moisturizes & Refreshes Skin. Rose Face & Body Moisturizer Gel is formulated with the goodness of Damask Rose, known for its skin-enhancing and hydrating properties...
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39452
Unique formula helps keep joints functional and comfortable.Relief the discomfort caused by impaired movementSuporting in arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, frozen shoulder and other joint conditions..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P46982
Himalaya RUMALAYA GEL is a fast-acting topical gel that provides relief from joint, neck, back and shoulder pain by its cold and warming effect when rubbed on the skin...
Brand: Himalaya Model: P47515
Sensi-Relief Herbal Toothpastes is a breakthrough herbo - mineral formulation based on Advanced Phyto Protection that gives you rapid and lasting relief from sensitivity. Sensi-Relief Herbal toothpaste is enriched with Spinach extracts which help reduce tooth sensitivity.Rapid & lasting relief f..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39725
The Himalaya Herbals Gum Expert range of toothpastes has Miswak and natural astringents which ensure your gums remain healthy and protected. Sensi-White Herbal Toothpaste is based on Plant Enzyme Technology from Papaya and Pineapple to help keep teeth whiter and remove surface stains on teeth in a n..