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Formuleeris "Pro Creator". Lahingut testiti planeedi parimate kehade peal! Hany Rambod, teisiti tuntud kui "Pro Creator", on tänapäeval mõnede parimate kehaehituste meister. Hany on lõpetanud California ülikooli Santa Barbaras 2000. aastal bakalaureusekraadiga bioloogias ja rõhuasetusega neurofüsioloogias. Varsti pärast kooli lõpetamist hakkas Hany konsulteerima kulturismi, fitnessi, figuuri, profijalgpalli ja kergejõustiku olümpia tippsportlastega.

Kui ostate Evogeni toote, võite olla täiesti kindel, et selle on välja töötanud sportlane, sportlastele. Hany alustas Natural Bodybuildingis võistlemist teismelisena ja jätkas oma amatöörkulturismi karjääri UCSB-s oldud aja jooksul; võimaldades tal klassiruumis õppimist jõusaalis ja laval praktiliselt kasutada. Tänu oma kogemustele uskumatult mitmekesise sportlaste geneetilise kogumiga on ta viimistlenud iga valemit. 1930. aastal asutatud Himaalaja pärand ulatub nüüdseks üle 90 aasta, ulatudes ühest mehest tema poja ja lapselapseni. Alates meie tagasihoidlikust algusest Indias pakutakse meie tooteid nüüd enam kui 100 riigis, kuid oleme endiselt pere omanduses.

Himalaya pakub täielikku valikut kliiniliselt uuritud taimseid preparaate, USDA sertifitseeritud orgaanilisi üksikuid ürte ja tervet sarja kehahooldustooteid. Integreerides traditsioonilise meditsiini põhimõtteid kaasaegse teadusega, on Himalaya ülemaailmne teerajaja teaduslikult kinnitatud taimsete tervishoiuteenuste valdkonnas.

Himalaya Põhja-Ameerika LEED® Gold-sertifikaadiga keskkonnasõbralik ettevõtte kontor ja ladu asuvad Texase osariigis Sugar Landis, Houstoni naabruses.

Brand: Himalaya Model: P39721
The Himalaya Herbals Gum Expert range of toothpastes has Miswak and natural astringents which ensure your gums remain healthy and protected. Himalaya Herbals Mint Fresh Herbal Toothpaste is power packed with refreshing Mint and Indian Dill which help prevent mouth odour, ensuring long lasting fresh ..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39666
Himalayas Moisturizing Aloe Vera Face Wash is a soap-free formulation that takes care of your skin after every wash. Unlike soap, it gently cleanses without over-drying the skin...
Brand: Himalaya Model: P41653
A protecting & soothing Multipurpose cream that soothes sore skin, protects and helps maintain good skin condition. Enriched with Aloe Vera extract which gives soothing effect and has antibacterial properties, extract of Indian Madder and Five-leaved Chaste Tree reinforces the skin’s natural bar..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39698
A unique blend of Organic Neem, Organic Pomegranate and other effective Organic Herbal extracts that clean your teeth, freshen breath & help promote healthy gums, adding that sparkle to your smile.Healthy gums & refreshing taste100% Vegetarian99.6% of total ingredients are from natural originOuter b..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P40078
Himalaya Neem and Turmeric Protecting Soap is Fortifies with Neem that protects skin through its antibacterial action, while Turmeric keeps the skin healthy.Soap base made from vegetable originDermatologically tested..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39683
A unique daily-use formula, Himalaya Nourishing Hand Cream is fortified with nutrition rich extracts of Lavender and Kokum Butter that provide three critical benefits to protect and leave you with soft and smooth hands:Provides essential nourishmentProvides long lasting hydration and softens skinPro..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P44736
A petroleum-free lip balm formulated with vegetable oils that is free from artificial colours and preservatives. Enriched with Wheat Germ Oil, a rich source of natural vitamin E that nourishes and softens lips, and Carrot Seed Oil, a natural sunscreen, which protects lips from harsh UV rays. Provide..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39818
Nourishes and softens lipsPrevents drying and chappingProtects lips from harsh UV rays..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39820
Herbal Care Since 1930All Day MoisturizingAloe Vera - AshwagandhaSuitable for All Skin TypesHypoallergenicNourishes and MoisturizesA light and non-greasy daily use cream, to keep your skin healthy looking and supple. Aloe Vera nourishes and moisturizes, while Ashwagandha and Indian Kino Tree helps p..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P39625
Himalaya Olive Extra Nourishing Cream provides long lasting moisture with deep nourishment for both face and body.2x moisturized skin in one week with regular useDermacologically testedClinically proven for effectiveness..
Brand: Himalaya Model: P47517