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Garden of Life

Garden of Life pühendumus tervisele ulatub kaugemale maailma kõige tõhusamate toitumistoodete pakkumisest. Looduse ja teaduse parimat ühendav bränd Garden of Life pakub teed tervisliku eluviisini läbi innovatsioonist juhitud kvaliteetsete toodete.

Nagu USA Kongress on tunnistanud, on toitumise, treeningu ja tervise vahel otsene seos. Toores, mahepõllumajanduslikest allikatest saadud täistoidud on tervislikumad. Treeninguga kombineerituna on toit, mis sisaldab toorest, elusat toitu, eriti neid, mis sisaldavad probiootikume, ensüüme ja nende fermentatsiooniprodukte, tervisliku elustiili aluseks.

Eluaed teab ja mõistab reegleid; Kohapeal on kvaliteediosakond, mis jälgib cGMP järgimist. Kehtestatud tootmis- ja tööprotseduuridega, nende protseduuride järgimise dokumentatsiooniga.

Brand: Garden of Life Model: P6108
Raw Organic Meal Shake & Meal Replacement Benefits:Convenient organic, Raw shake and meal replacementBoosts energy and builds lean muscleHelps you stay full and can help support a healthy weightProbiotics and enzymes support healthy digestionRaw Organic Meal a yummy tasting organic meal-on-the-go pa..
Brand: Garden of Life Model: P36978
The Garden of Life Raw Microbiome Colon Care is created with 17 digestive enzymes and over 33 clinically-studied microbiome strains. With no fillers, binders or carriers, this blend is untreated and contains Bulgarian yoghurt concentrate, Wild European kefir grains and scobies. Made in conditions be..
Brand: Garden of Life Model: P36979
RAW Microbiome Ultimate Care is a formula with over 30 clinically-studied bacteria strains. Containing Bulgarian yoghurt concentrate, Wild European kefir grains and scobies, there are no synthetics or carriers and this blend is uncooked and untreated.Made in conditions below 4º C and 30% humidity, i..
Brand: Garden of Life Model: P36980
Garden of Life Raw Microbiome Vaginal Care provides whole food microbiomes with over 38 clinically-studied microbiome strains. Created with Bulgarian yoghurt concentrate, Wild European kefir grains and scobies, this blend is uncooked and untreated.This convenient one-a-day pill contains eight specif..