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Aminohapped ja BCAA-d

Aminohappeid nimetatakse sageli valkude ehitusplokkideks ning nendest aminohapetest koosnevad valgud ja ensüümid moodustavad lihaseid, hormoone, neurotransmittereid ja palju muud, mis hoiavad keha sujuvat tööd. Terve keha vajab kahtkümmet erinevat aminohapet, millest osa toodab organism ise. Neist kaheksat on aga võimalik saada ainult dieedi või toidulisandite kaudu ning palju sagedamini tuleb erinevate tegurite, sealhulgas toitumise, vanuse, kehalise koormuse, infektsioonide ja stressitaseme tõttu suurendada. Aminohapete toidulisandid võivad aidata hoida keha tervena ja võidelda selliste seisunditega nagu väsimus. Need on eriti kasulikud kulturistidele ja jõutreeneritele, kuna aminohapped on lihaste ülesehitamiseks, säilitamiseks ja parandamiseks hädavajalikud.

Neile, kes võtavad jõutreeningu toidulisandeid, on BCAA toidulisandid hea valik. BCAA-d on hargnenud ahelaga aminohapped, mis hõlmavad leutsiini, isoleutsiini ja valiini – kolme aminohapet, mida teie keha ei suuda ise toota. Leutsiin, isoleutsiin ja valiin moodustavad umbes 33% keha skeletilihastest ning on olulised lihaste moodustumisel ning on abiks ka lihaste lagunemise aeglustamisel.

Brand: Nutrex Model: P38560
L-Carnitine has been around for decades for one main reason - IT WORKS. It taps into the bodys fat supply by supporting the transport of fatty acids to the muscles mitochondria where they can be burned off as energy. Muscle contains the highest concentration of Carnitine in the body, which is why it..
Brand: AllMax Nutrition Model: P38925
Science - Innovative - Quality - ResultsProfessional Grade SupplementsHelps Convert Fat to EnergyImproves Exercise CapacityRecover Faster After Intense TrainingCarb Free Sugar Free Calorie Free Dietary Supplement Purity & Potency Quality Guarantee Tested Sweetened with Sucralose Natural & Artificial..
Brand: AllMax Nutrition Model: P38924
Science - Innovative - Quality - ResultsProfessional Grade SupplementsHelps Convert Fat to EnergyImproves Exercise CapacityRecover Faster After Intense TrainingCarb Free Sugar Free Calorie Free Dietary Supplement Purity & Potency Quality Guarantee Tested Sweetened with Sucralose Natural & Artificial..
Brand: 5% Nutrition Model: P43498
Rich Piana 5% Nutrition Liquid L-Carnitine 3150 is a mega-dose formula and combines the four most effective forms of Carnitine with the powerful "Super Carnitine" ingredient Gamma-Butyrobetaine Ethyl Ester HCl ("GBB") to create one of highest-performing liquid L-Carnitine products on the market toda..
Brand: 5% Nutrition Model: P42931
Rich Piana 5% Nutrition Liquid L-Carnitine 3150 is a mega-dose formula and combines the four most effective forms of Carnitine with the powerful "Super Carnitine" ingredient Gamma-Butyrobetaine Ethyl Ester HCl ("GBB") to create one of highest-performing liquid L-Carnitine products on the market toda..
Brand: CNP Model: P42210
CNP Loaded EAA’s are the perfect combination of a highly functional product and some of the best, thirst quenching sweet inspired flavours on the market. Our premium EAA’s have been formulated to be specifically high in Leucine and to provide you with all the branch chain and essential amino acids (..
Brand: CNP Model: P42207
CNP Loaded EAA’s are the perfect combination of a highly functional product and some of the best, thirst quenching sweet inspired flavours on the market. Our premium EAA’s have been formulated to be specifically high in Leucine and to provide you with all the branch chain and essential amino acids (..
Brand: CNP Model: P42208
CNP Loaded EAA’s are the perfect combination of a highly functional product and some of the best, thirst quenching sweet inspired flavours on the market. Our premium EAA’s have been formulated to be specifically high in Leucine and to provide you with all the branch chain and essential amino acids (..
Brand: CNP Model: P42209
CNP Loaded EAA’s are the perfect combination of a highly functional product and some of the best, thirst quenching sweet inspired flavours on the market. Our premium EAA’s have been formulated to be specifically high in Leucine and to provide you with all the branch chain and essential amino acids (..
Brand: CNP Model: P42211
CNP Loaded EAA’s are the perfect combination of a highly functional product and some of the best, thirst quenching sweet inspired flavours on the market. Our premium EAA’s have been formulated to be specifically high in Leucine and to provide you with all the branch chain and essential amino acids (..
Brand: CNP Model: P42212
CNP Loaded EAA’s are the perfect combination of a highly functional product and some of the best, thirst quenching sweet inspired flavours on the market. Our premium EAA’s have been formulated to be specifically high in Leucine and to provide you with all the branch chain and essential amino acids (..
Kuvatakse217 kuni228267 (kokku23 lehte)

Aminohappeid nimetatakse sageli valkude ehitusplokkideks ning nendest aminohapetest koosnevad valgud ja ensüümid moodustavad lihaseid, hormoone, neurotransmittereid ja palju muud, mis hoiavad keha sujuvat tööd. Terve keha vajab kahtkümmet erinevat aminohapet, millest osa toodab organism ise. Neist kaheksat on aga võimalik saada ainult dieedi või toidulisandite kaudu ning palju sagedamini tuleb erinevate tegurite, sealhulgas toitumise, vanuse, kehalise koormuse, infektsioonide ja stressitaseme tõttu suurendada. Aminohapete toidulisandid võivad aidata hoida keha tervena ja võidelda selliste seisunditega nagu väsimus. Need on eriti kasulikud kulturistidele ja jõutreeneritele, kuna aminohapped on lihaste ülesehitamiseks, säilitamiseks ja parandamiseks hädavajalikud.

Neile, kes võtavad jõutreeningu toidulisandeid, on BCAA toidulisandid hea valik. BCAA-d on hargnenud ahelaga aminohapped, mis hõlmavad leutsiini, isoleutsiini ja valiini – kolme aminohapet, mida teie keha ei suuda ise toota. Leutsiin, isoleutsiin ja valiin moodustavad umbes 33% keha skeletilihastest ning on olulised lihaste moodustumisel ning on abiks ka lihaste lagunemise aeglustamisel.