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Aminohapped ja BCAA-d

Aminohappeid nimetatakse sageli valkude ehitusplokkideks ning nendest aminohapetest koosnevad valgud ja ensüümid moodustavad lihaseid, hormoone, neurotransmittereid ja palju muud, mis hoiavad keha sujuvat tööd. Terve keha vajab kahtkümmet erinevat aminohapet, millest osa toodab organism ise. Neist kaheksat on aga võimalik saada ainult dieedi või toidulisandite kaudu ning palju sagedamini tuleb erinevate tegurite, sealhulgas toitumise, vanuse, kehalise koormuse, infektsioonide ja stressitaseme tõttu suurendada. Aminohapete toidulisandid võivad aidata hoida keha tervena ja võidelda selliste seisunditega nagu väsimus. Need on eriti kasulikud kulturistidele ja jõutreeneritele, kuna aminohapped on lihaste ülesehitamiseks, säilitamiseks ja parandamiseks hädavajalikud.

Neile, kes võtavad jõutreeningu toidulisandeid, on BCAA toidulisandid hea valik. BCAA-d on hargnenud ahelaga aminohapped, mis hõlmavad leutsiini, isoleutsiini ja valiini – kolme aminohapet, mida teie keha ei suuda ise toota. Leutsiin, isoleutsiin ja valiin moodustavad umbes 33% keha skeletilihastest ning on olulised lihaste moodustumisel ning on abiks ka lihaste lagunemise aeglustamisel.

Brand: Redcon1 Model: P41671
BREACH is the optimal muscle recovery supplement with the researched 2:1:1 BCAA ratio backed by science. Branch Chained Amino Acids, (BCAAs), L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine, are the building blocks for muscle cells; without them, we don’t exist. As we train, work, sleep, and just live our live..
Brand: Redcon1 Model: P41672
BREACH is the optimal muscle recovery supplement with the researched 2:1:1 BCAA ratio backed by science. Branch Chained Amino Acids, (BCAAs), L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine, are the building blocks for muscle cells; without them, we don’t exist. As we train, work, sleep, and just live our live..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P34034
Carnitine 100 000 is one of the products with the highest content of liquid carnitine base in the market. Carnitine is a substance that occurs naturally in the body, which the body can synthesize from the amino acids L-lysine, L-methionine and L-glycine in the presence of vitamin C, vitamin B6 and i..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P34033
Carnitine 100 000 is one of the products with the highest content of liquid carnitine base in the market. Carnitine is a substance that occurs naturally in the body, which the body can synthesize from the amino acids L-lysine, L-methionine and L-glycine in the presence of vitamin C, vitamin B6 and i..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P35266
Carnitine 100 000 is one of the products with the highest content of liquid carnitine base in the market. Carnitine is a substance that occurs naturally in the body, which the body can synthesize from the amino acids L-lysine, L-methionine and L-glycine in the presence of vitamin C, vitamin B6 and i..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P34053
An excellent product for individuals doing sport regularly and intensively who put emphasis on stimulating their body while shaping a good figure. An extremely effective liquid blend in the form of a shot which contains a strong dose of 3 g of L-carnitine, taurine, chromium, which contributes to nor..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P36048
An excellent product for individuals doing sport regularly and intensively who put emphasis on stimulating their body while shaping a good figure. An extremely effective liquid blend in the form of a shot which contains a strong dose of 3 g of L-carnitine, taurine, chromium, which contributes to nor..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P34054
An excellent product for individuals doing sport regularly and intensively who put emphasis on stimulating their body while shaping a good figure. An extremely effective liquid blend in the form of a shot which contains a strong dose of 3 g of L-carnitine, taurine, chromium, which contributes to nor..
Brand: Evogen Model: P23039
Recovery is arguably the most overlooked or misunderstood component of any athlete’s nutritional program. The impact of intense training on the body’s internal biochemical environment results in one of two scenarios – anabolism or catabolism. Cell K.E.M. PR, “pure recovery,” is Evogen’s Post-Trainin..
Brand: Evogen Model: P41872
Recovery is arguably the most overlooked or misunderstood component of any athlete’s nutritional program. The impact of intense training on the body’s internal biochemical environment results in one of two scenarios – anabolism or catabolism. Cell K.E.M. PR, “pure recovery,” is Evogen’s Post-Trainin..
Brand: AllMax Nutrition Model: P38923
CITRULLINE MALATE improves training intensity, endurance and speed of recovery. It performs this through 5 main functions:Increases blood Arginine levels (gram for gram at double the level of Arginine).Increases endothelial Nitric Oxide (NO) levels thereby improving vascular function and blood flow...
Kuvatakse145 kuni156267 (kokku23 lehte)

Aminohappeid nimetatakse sageli valkude ehitusplokkideks ning nendest aminohapetest koosnevad valgud ja ensüümid moodustavad lihaseid, hormoone, neurotransmittereid ja palju muud, mis hoiavad keha sujuvat tööd. Terve keha vajab kahtkümmet erinevat aminohapet, millest osa toodab organism ise. Neist kaheksat on aga võimalik saada ainult dieedi või toidulisandite kaudu ning palju sagedamini tuleb erinevate tegurite, sealhulgas toitumise, vanuse, kehalise koormuse, infektsioonide ja stressitaseme tõttu suurendada. Aminohapete toidulisandid võivad aidata hoida keha tervena ja võidelda selliste seisunditega nagu väsimus. Need on eriti kasulikud kulturistidele ja jõutreeneritele, kuna aminohapped on lihaste ülesehitamiseks, säilitamiseks ja parandamiseks hädavajalikud.

Neile, kes võtavad jõutreeningu toidulisandeid, on BCAA toidulisandid hea valik. BCAA-d on hargnenud ahelaga aminohapped, mis hõlmavad leutsiini, isoleutsiini ja valiini – kolme aminohapet, mida teie keha ei suuda ise toota. Leutsiin, isoleutsiin ja valiin moodustavad umbes 33% keha skeletilihastest ning on olulised lihaste moodustumisel ning on abiks ka lihaste lagunemise aeglustamisel.