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Evogreens Naturals, Fruit Punch - 234g

Evogreens Naturals, Fruit Punch - 234g
Evogreens Naturals, Fruit Punch - 234g
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P36752
Be PVM: 26.66€


EVOGREENS - PREMIUM PERFORMANCE GREENS FORMULAEVOGREENS was designed specifically to address the needs of physique athletes that train hard. The goal was to provide strategically selected ingredients to not only help detoxify and nourish the body, but to accelerate overall recovery and well-being in a manner other "super food" products cannot. Our goal was to reset the perspective on functional "greens" products, and we accomplished that with EVOGREENS. 6 SERVINGS FRUITS & VEGGIES2 BILLION CFU PROBIOTICS FOR IMMUNE SUPPORT150MG VITAGRANATE FOR CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTHZERO SYNTHETIC COLORS, SWEETENERS OR FLAVORS30 DAY SUPPLYThis isnt another "kitchen sink" greens product with 60-70 under-dosed ingredients. Everything in EVOGREENS serves a purpose directly related to training with your health in mind, helping your physique recover and detoxify from the everyday grind. We even took it a step further and included potent and shelf-stable probiotics that not only support immune health, but more importantly the well-being of your GI tract. This helps ensure the macro and micronutrient elements of your diet get absorbed properly. N DEPTH - HOW DOES IT WORK? SPIRULINA - THE PERFECT SUPERFOOD, AND WE HAVE MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE Spirulina is one of the oldest life forms on Earth. In fact, this blue-green microalgae is partly responsible for producing the oxygen in the planets atmosphere that allowed the planets originating life forms to develop billions of years ago. Spirulina is the worlds first superfood, and one of the most nutrient-rich foods on Earth. It provides a near-instantaneous boost to ones energy, while helping to improve endurance and reduce fatigue. It helps improve the immune system, and provides exceptional support for the heart, liver, and kidneys. Spirulina is also a natural detoxifier, oxygenating the blood, and helping cleanse the body of toxins and other impurities that may be causing illnesses or other health complications. Spirulina is also a natural appetite suppressant, and it helps to improve the bodys digestive system. It also has very powerful antioxidant properties and it helps to balance the bodys pH, thereby possibly reducing inflammation throughout the body in a safe and chemical-free way. This is all extremely beneficial to a hard training athlete, which is why Evogen uses an exceptionally high amount of Spirulina in EVOGREENS, with 2 grams in every serving. POMEGRANATE EXTRACT (VITAGRANATE) - NATURES SUPERFRUIT WITH A TECHNOLOGICAL TWIST VitaGranate is standardized to an extremely high content of antioxidants, particularly tannins and flavonoids, which are critical in helping athletes recover and recuperate from strenuous exercise. Pomegranate has also been reported to influence healthy inflammatory response, anti-oxidative conditions, and microbial status. Cellular deterioration from strenuous exercise is compounded by the buildup of harmful free radicals in athletes and can lead to everyday wear and tear on the body. Why not give yourself a little nutraceutical insurance to stay healthy? One of the main reasons Evogen researchers chose Vitagranate is because it was found to be an activator of the heart-health-influencing enzyme Paraoxonase 1 (PON1). According to ex vivo study results, VitaGranate stimulated PON1 in human serum by as much as 47 percent. The extract is made with premium quality pomegranate and is standardized to ellagic acid and punicaligins. Recent science also suggests that increases in PON1 activity may aid in promoting overall longevity and health. BACILLUS COAGULANS & BACILLUS SUBTILUS - HEALTHY GUT FOR BETTER NUTRIENT ABSORPTION AND IMMUNE SUPPORT A healthy gut equals a healthy athlete. These probiotics have a key impact on the effectiveness of EVOGREENS that no other brand can match. The effects of probiotics such as Bacillus Coagulas with protein have been examined in a randomized double-blind crossover clinical trial on key amino acids including leucine (the regulator for muscle protein synthesis), isoleucine and valine (branched chain amino acids), as well as histidine, alanine, asparagines, citrulline, cystine, glutamine (a key amino acid for supporting ph balance and the immune system), methionine, ornthinine, serine, threonine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. Data indicated that Bacillus Coagulans has a positive impact on the absorption of a number of these key amino acids: Leucine by 23 percent, Isoluecine by 20 percent, Valine by 7 percent, Glutamine by 116 percent, Ornithine by 100 percent, Tryptophan by 100 percent and Citrulline by 128 percent. Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus subtilis have also shown to improve immune system response. The digestive and immune systems of the human body are closely linked, as 70% of the immune system is comprised of gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Therefore, it is no surprise that probiotics have been shown to have beneficial impact on both digestive and immune functions, both of which are crucial to any hardworking athlete.
Evogreens Naturals, Fruchtpunsch - 234 g Evogen Evogreens Naturals, Berry -219g Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in Pulverform, enthält Mineralien, probiotische Mischung, Frucht- und Gemüseextrakte Nährwerte


1 Messlöffel ( 7,3 g)

Portionen pro Behälter:

30 Menge Menge Zutaten Pro %RI* Pro 100 g Portion Kalorien 410,96 kcal 30 kcal Gesamtfett 6,85 g 0,5 g 1 % Gesamt Kohlenhydrate 54,79 g 4 g 1 % Ballaststoffe 41,10 g 3 g 12 % Protein 41,10 g 3 g 6 % Eisen 49,32 mg 3,6 mg 20 % Natrium 1095,89 mg 80 mg 3 % Kalium 2465,75 mg 180 mg 5 % 2000 Bio-Spirulina Bio-Gerstengras 3.698.6 mg 1000 mg 1000 Bio-Weizengras Bio-Acai-Frucht 8219,18 mg 600 mg (Euterpe oleracea) Probiotische Mischung: 2 Milliarden KBE Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis MB40 GDV/mg) Bio-Goji-Beerenextrakt (Lycium 6849,32 mg 500 mg Barbarum) Bio-Grünkohlblatt 5479,45 mg 400 mg Bio-Maca-Wurzel 4109,59 mg 300 mg VitaGranate Granatapfel ganze Frucht 2054,79 mg 150 mg Extrakt Brokkolisprossen-Extrakt 684,93 mg 50 mg Prozent Da ily-Werte basieren auf einer 2.000-Kalorien-Diät. Deine Tageswerte können je nach Kalorienbedarf höher oder niedriger sein.


Bio-Spirulina, Bio-Gerstengras, Bio-Weizengras, Bio-Acai-Frucht (Euterpe oleracea), Bromelain-Komplex (0,8 GDV/mg), Bio-Goji Beerenextrakt (Lycium barbarum), Bio-Grünkohlblatt, Bio-Maca-Wurzel, Kalium, VitaGranate-Granatapfel-Vollfruchtextrakt, Natrium, Brokkolisprossen-Extrakt, Eisen

Weitere Inhaltsstoffe:

Natürliche Aromen, Maltodextrin, Zitronensäure, Apfelsäure, Meersalz und Rebaudiosid A.

Empfohlene Verwendung:

Als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel 1 Messlöffel mit 10 mischen. 12 Flüssigunzen oder mehr kaltes Wasser, Saft oder Ihr Lieblingsgetränk. Kräftig umrühren oder in einem geschlossenen Behälter schütteln, bis alles vermischt ist. Wir empfehlen 1-3 Portionen täglich. EVOGREENS enthält natürliche, gesunde Inhaltsstoffe auf pflanzlicher Basis. Bitte bewahren Sie EVOGREENS nach dem Öffnen im Kühlschrank auf.


Dieses Produkt ist nur für den Verzehr durch gesunde Menschen bestimmt, die dieses oder ein anderes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel verwenden oder ein Trainingsprogramm oder eine Diät beginnen. Verwenden Sie dieses Produkt nicht, wenn Sie schwanger sind oder stillen. Stellen Sie die Anwendung ein und wenden Sie sich sofort an Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie eine Nebenwirkung auf dieses Produkt bemerken. empfohlene Verwendung. Nicht verwenden, wenn das Sicherheitssiegel beschädigt ist oder fehlt. AUSSERHALB DER REICHWEITE VON KINDERN AUFBEWAHREN

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Ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel ist ein Produkt, das dazu bestimmt ist, die normale Ernährung mit Nährstoffen oder anderen Vitalstoffen zu ergänzen, die eine ernährungsphysiologische Wirkung haben. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sind zur oralen Einnahme in Form von Pillen, Kapseln, Tabletten, Pulver, Flüssigkeiten oder ähnlichen Formen in einer bestimmten Dosierung bestimmt.
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