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Colostrum Powder, 1200mg - 100g

Colostrum Powder, 1200mg - 100g
Colostrum Powder, 1200mg - 100g
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P45514
Be PVM: 28.10€


Food supplement in the form of a hard capsule with Colostrum bovinum standardised for immunoglobulins G. 

An undisturbed immune system is the basis for the smooth functioning of the whole body. If you are struggling with constant infections and are looking for a natural way to improve immunity, choose colostrum [1]. This substance can support you in building a barrier against viruses and bacteria. Reach for colostrum and see what else it can help you with.  

Colostrum is the fluid produced by the mammary glands at the end of pregnancy and in the first days after birth. This nourishing substance is the newborn's first shield against the harmful effects of microorganisms. It also helps to naturally stimulate its immune system [1]. Colostrum is effective in supporting the human body by positively influencing its immune functions in particular.

Bovine colostrum contains immunoglobulin G - antibodies that participate in the proper functioning of the immune system. Studies have shown that colostrum has a strong immunomodulatory effect, i.e. an enhancement of the immune system response [2]. Thus, it can influence the body's protection against infections, as well as assist in fighting them [1, 2]. Colostrum also has antimicrobial properties [3]. Its intake contributes to the reduction of respiratory disorders [4, 5] and the alleviation of symptoms of traveller's diarrhoea caused by E. coli [6].

The benefits of bovine colostrum are also proving to be quite hopeful for physically active people. This substance has been shown to affect body composition - the potential of bovine colostrum to increase lean body mass in athletes has been noted [7]. It can also improve anaerobic power [8] and accelerate post-exercise recovery, which is of no small importance in enhancing performance during exercise [9].

Our supplement contains colostrum-bovinum standardised to immunoglobulin G min. 30% dry weight. The bovine colostrum obtained for the product is collected from the surplus of the first milking - no later than 12 hours after calving. This substance is free of antibiotics and synthetic hormones. The preservation of the effectiveness and bioactivity of colostrum is influenced by its processing with improved methods - microfiltration, i.e. without pasteurisation (it removes potentially harmful pathogens while preserving the bioactivity of other proteins - e.g. immunoglobulins and peptides) and spray drying (it ensures high quality powder while protecting colostrum proteins).

Furthermore, Colostrum 1200 mg is a product that has no additives. Only bovine colostrum can be found in the composition. A daily serving (1 measuring cup) provides 1200 mg of colostrum, including as much as 360 mg of immunoglobulin G. It is easy to measure out, thanks to the measuring cup inside. The powdered form allows the supplement to be taken in various ways - it can be dissolved in a glass of water or milk, or added to food (e.g. yoghurt). The entire pack (100 g) is sufficient for up to 83 days of supplementation with this valuable ingredient.

What is special about Colostrum 1200 mg?

- Contains Colostrum bovinum standardised for immunoglobulins G min. 30% of dry mass.

- Colostrum collected from the surplus of the first milking, no later than 12 hours after calving, from Holstein-Friesian cows grazed in the so-called Green Lungs of Poland.

- From antibiotic-free milk,

- Colostrum processed by microfiltration (without pasteurization) and spray drying.

- Clean label - no unnecessary additive.

- Suitable for vegetarians.

- Gluten-free, soy-free, GMO-free.


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