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Animal Pak, Orange - 342g

Animal Pak, Orange - 342g
Animal Pak, Orange - 342g
  • Наличие: В наличии
  • Артикул: P26356
Без НДС: 55.49€


The True Original since 1983, the Animal Pak was developed to cover the wide backs of the hardest and heaviest trainers on the planet Earth. The “Ultimate Training Pack” is far more than a mere multivitamin, but is the trusted, sturdy foundation upon which the most dedicated bodybuilders and powerlifters have built their nutritional regimens, since the supplement industry was in its mere infancy. If youre training or dieting hard for a contest, the first thing that happens when you dont take the Animal Pak is that nutritional gaps begin to form. Why should you care? Because over time, these deficiencies continue to grow. Eventually, your body will stop functioning at its optimum level. In other words, you hit the wall, your development reaches a plateau. In fact, even if only one key nutrient is missing from your diet, your body could shut down the anabolic drive needed to build muscle so that it can support more critical metabolic processes. When this happens, you stop growing. Research has proven that strength athletes such as bodybuilders and powerlifters, due to the intensity and frequency of their training programs, have higher nutritional requirements than regular athletes. Studies have shown that these unique needs are greatly increased for bodybuilders who regularly compete and need to diet down. During calorie-restricted diets (diets which tend to be repetitive and monotonous, e.g., rice and chicken), the potential for nutritional deficiencies increase dramatically. More alarming is the fact that championship-caliber bodybuilders, even when supplementing with a regular multivitamin, were still experiencing significant nutritional deficiencies. A basic multivitamin supplement wont be enough. Competitive bodybuilders know that a superior multivitamin is the first line of defense. This fact is confirmed by studies which have revealed that 100% of Olympic weightlifters and over 90% of competitive male and female bodybuilders use a vitamin/mineral supplement like Animal Pak. These nutritional gaps not only affect your performance and size, but they begin to impact the way your other supplements work. For many of todays supplements to work efficiently, your body needs to be running on all cylinders. Nutritional gaps mean that your supplements may be rendered ineffective. For example, many supplements rely on enzymes and other substances in your body to "activate" them. Poor nutrition means poor conversion and activation of expensive supplements. Animal Pak is your insurance policy to prevent this from happening. The Pak helps ensure you are maintaining an anabolic internal environment, one primed for muscle growth and optimum performance. With Animal Pak, you get plenty of everything you need. And a few extras. In every pack, you get a vast arsenal of over 60 key ingredients that are delivered in the right amounts at the right time, every time. Each of the 11 tablets included in each pack has been specifically formulated to deliver the goods—ample doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs and other performance optimizers designed to stand up to the most intense training and rigorous dieting. Consider the Animal Pak as the cast iron skillet of your supplement program, your bodys first line of defense. If you train with weights, then you absolutely need to train with the Animal Pak. Remember, while most supplements have come and gone, precious few have stood the test of time. When youre ready for the best, step up to the most trusted name in serious bodybuilding nutrition: Animal Pak. What IFBB pros and Mr. Olympia competitors have used since 83. What the best of the best depend on, when the going gets tough, and every set, rep and meal matters the most.. The legendary Animal Pak. Now also available in convenient and tasty powder form. All the potent power of Pak, that can be easily stacked in the same shaker cup as your Whey, Rage XL or Juiced Aminos. The True Original now makes room for The NEW Original, Animal Pak Powder.
mino acids, antioxidants, digestive enzymes and herbal extracts

Amount Amount Ingredients Per 100g Calories 169.37 kc

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