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MAGNE-100 Sport - 60 caps

MAGNE-100 Sport - 60 caps


Mineral Of Life And Energy!- Top condition every day!- 100% daily magnesium requirement- Advanced complex of four forms of magnesiumMAGNE-100 Sport is a high quality complex of four forms of magnesium and vit. B6, which aids its absorption. Magnesium is necessary, among others, for the proper functioning of the circulatory and the nervous system and also in the processes of energy production and muscle contraction. Its deficiency can lead to states of overtiredness, general irritation and overtraining. MAGNE-100 Sport covers the daily magnesium demand, especially in the case of sportsmen, who are prone to significant magnesium deficiencies, as well as physically and professionally active persons.Tired and low on energy? Rather than being fun, exercise is becoming a chore? Youre also irritable and anxious, or perhaps youre troubled by unpleasant muscle cramps? Youre most likely lacking magnesium! Do you realise how important this mineral is for your body? Do you know that your body cannot function properly without the right amount of magnesium? This element plays a part in close to 300 metabolic processes, therefore even a small deficit may cause a generally weakened mental and physical ability. As our food is highly processed it often lacks key minerals. Thats why you should reach for the high quality formula of MAGNE-100 to prevent magnesium deficiency. The product includes a complex of four easily absorbable forms of magnesium, supplemented with vitamin B6, which improves the effectiveness of magnesium absorption. MAGNE-100 Sport includes 100% of the bodys daily magnesium requirement. Each daily dose of the formula (2 capsules) provides as much as 375 mg of pure magnesium in a highly bioavailable form.AN ELEMENT OF LIFE AND ENERGY!Magnesium plays such an important role in the human body that scientists call it the mineral of life and energy - with good reason. Magnesium has the greatest effect on the metabolism of all minerals. It is responsible for millions of processes occurring in every cell of the human body. Almost half of all magnesium in the human body is stored in the bones, while the majority of the remainder can be found in various cells and organs throughout the body. Just 1% of the mineral circulates in the bloodstream. Magnesium is essential for the correct functioning of the immune, circulatory and nervous systems. From the perspective of exercise physiology, it plays a crucial role in the generation of energy, transport of electrolytes, maintaining the correct glucose levels, transmitting nerve impulses, synthesis of muscle proteins, and the mineralisation of the skeletal system. Since maintaining optimal levels of magnesium in the body is extremely important, everyone - regardless of their level of daily physical activity - should take care to obtain the appropriate levels of this mineral in their everyday diet.THE ROLE OF MAGNESIUM IN SPORTNo mineral is as important for athletes as magnesium! Unfortunately some people think of it as just a treatment for muscle cramps. Its true that they are an unpleasant effect of a magnesium deficiency, manifested among others by the disruption of the correct function of muscle fibres. However, the mineral shouldnt be thought of just as an immediate antidote, since muscle cramps are just one of the noticeable effects of its deficit. It can easily go unnoticed, and worsen day after day. Intensive bouts of exercise and a poorly balanced diet further increase the escape of magnesium from the body, leading to a dramatic loss of efficiency. The mineral is one of the most important components of energy required during exercise. If you dont consume the right amount of magnesium every day, no other supplement will help you. Magnesium is a fundamental mineral component in muscle contractions, essential in the process of energy generation. Its active participation in the production and hydrolysis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) provides the right amount of energy for intensively working muscles, regardless of the type of work they do. Even the slightest magnesium deficiency decreases the efficiency of ATP conversion in cells, resulting in symptoms of premature fatigue, which with time may turn into potentially dangerous overtraining. During physical effort, the bodys energy demand increases dramatically, while metabolic processes are rapidly accelerated to ensure continuous and efficient muscle power. The intensity of ATP conversion during aerobic exercise and metabolism increases 20-fold, while during strenuous power training (using anaerobic metabolism) it may increase by as much as 50-fold! This results in a dynamic increase of magnesium use in metabolic processes. At the same time the excretion of the mineral in sweat and urine increases by up to 30%. The net result is that the demand for magnesium may be as much as 20% higher in people who exercise regularly.WHO SHOULD TAKE THE FORMULA?MAGNE-100 Sport is a highest quality, easily absorbable mineral complex recommended for everyday supplementation of magnesium in the diet. Its use is especially recommended to people at risk of a deficiency of the mineral linked with high levels of physical activity, manifested through a generally weakened mental and physical ability or chronic fatigue.
Trec Nutrition MAGNE-100 Sport-60 caps Food supplement in powder

1 Capsule

Servings per container:

60 Amount Ingredients Per %RI* Serving 187.50 Magnesium 50% mg Vit. B6 (Pvridoxine 0.70 mg 50% Hvdrochloride) *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


Magnesium,Vit.B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)

Other ingredients:

Magnesium salts of fatty acids - Anti. Caking Agent, Gelatine - Capsule Shell.

Recommended use:

Recommended daily allowance is 1 capsule 2 times a day preferably during a meal. Wash down with approx. 3o0 ml of water.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose Do not use the product as a substitute for a varied diet. children, pregnant or nursing woman must not take the product.

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