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Lutein from OptiLut, 10mg - 120 vcaps

Lutein with OptiLut, 10mg - 120 vcaps
Lutein from OptiLut, 10mg - 120 vcaps
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P30654
Be PVM: 23.02€


What is Doctors Best Lutein?Doctors Best Lutein maintains healthy visual function, supports macular pigment density and supports cognitive acuity. OptiLut is 100% natural Lutein concentrate obtained from Marigold extract (Tagetes erecta) through a purification process without any chemical transformation. It supplies highly bioavailable, natural source of lutein and zeaxanthin esters. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two of the major carotenoids found in humans, and are highly concentrated in the retina of the human eye. Lutein is a major carotenoid found in human blood, with a high concentration in the retina of the human eye. Both lutein and zeaxanthin work synergistically to promote eye health. Lutein and zeaxanthin are also potent free radical neutralizers that contribute to the bodys spectrum of antioxidant defenses. How does it work?Most of the beneficial effects of xanthophylls, such as lutein, are ascribed to their ability to quench reactive oxygen species and scavenge other free radical substances that are either taken in from the environment or generated internally by natural metabolic processes. There is evidence for the free radical scavenging activity of lutein is in studies of its effects on human lens epithelial cells. In one such study, cell cultures were exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light after pretreatment with lutein or alpha-tocopherol. Both nutrients were found to reduce UV-induced damage to lens epithelial cells. However, lutein was shown to have significantly higher photoprotective activity than alpha-tocopherol, demonstrating its potential as a high-powered antioxidant. Lutein has also been found to be an effective filter of "blue light," another daily source of oxidative stress on the polyunsaturated fatty acid-enriched photoreceptors of our eyes. Why should I take Doctors Best Lutein?Lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin are yellow pigments in a class of carotenoids called xanthophylls. Since the human body does not synthesize them, we rely on dietary sources for these carotenoids. The average American consumes only 2mg of lutein & zeaxanthin per day. The best sources for these important nutrients are dark leafy-greens like spinach, collards, and kale, in addition to certain yellow-orange fruits & vegetables. Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin are referred to as "the macular pigment," as they are the only carotenoids found in the lens and macular region of the retina of the human eye. Lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin are three of the most prominent carotenoids in our blood and various body tissues; their levels are largely determined by our diet. Supplementing with Doctors Best Lutein can help maintain healthy visual function.
Liuteinas iš OptiLut, 10mg - 120 vcaps

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