Trans-Resveratrol with ResVinol-25, 200mg - 60 vcaps
Trans-Resveratrol with ResVinol-25, 200mg - 60 vcaps
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: P7088
Be PVM: 32.88€
What is Doctors Best trans-Resveratrol with ResVinol-25?Doctors Best trans-Resveratrol 200 with ResVinol-25, a proprietary extract providing concentrated levels of polyphenols and trans-resveratrol from red wine matrix and the root of the Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) plant. Resveratrol exists in both trans- and cis-forms. However, published research suggests that only the trans- form has valuable biological activity.
How does it work?Resveratrol (3, 4, 5-trihydroxystilbene) is a naturally occurring compound that belongs to a group of non-flavonoid polyphenols called stilbenes. Interest in potential health benefits for humans was spurred upon observation of resveratrol being produced by grapevines (and other plants) in response to stress, UV radiation, and microbial attacks. In recent studies resveratrol was found to protect the endothelium, the delicate inner layer of your arteries, from oxidative free radical damage. Also, resveratrol helps to protect the production of nitric oxide, the critical chemical produced by the endothelium that keeps blood vessels optimally dilated. Trans-Resveratrol 200 with ResVinol-25, a proprietary extract providing concentrated levels of polyphenols and trans-resveratrol from red wine matrix and the root of the Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) plant. Designed to ensure potency and purity of the extract from batch to batch, ResVinol-25 is a high-quality extract subjected to rigorous ProfileProven analytical and quality assurance procedures. The product is extensively tested for heavy metals, bacterial and fungal contaminants, and pesticides to verify purity and compliance with acceptable standards.
Why take Trans-Resveratrol 200 with ResVinol-25?ResVinol-25 is a high-quality extract subjected to rigorous ProfileProven analytical and quality assurance procedures designed to ensure potency and purity of the extract from batch to batch. The product is extensively tested for heavy metals, bacterial and fungal contaminants, and pesticides to verify purity and compliance with acceptable standards.
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Trans-Resveratrol su ResVinol-25, 200mg - 60 vcps | Doctors Best Trans-Resveratrol with ResVinol-25,100mg -60 vcaps Maisto papildas kapsulių pavidalu, kurio sudėtyje yra trans-resveratrolio, polifenolių ir mineralų Mitybos faktai Porcijos dydis: 1 Daržovių kapsulėIndelio porcijos: 60 Ingredientų kiekis % RI* Porcija Trans-Resveratrolis 100 mg polifenolių (iš raudonojo vyno Japonijos dygliažolės (Polygonum cuspidatum) *Procentinės dienos normos yra pagrįstos 2 000 kalorijų dieta. Jūsų dienos vertės gali būti didesnės arba mažesnės, atsižvelgiant į jūsų kalorijų poreikį.Sudėtis: trans-resveratrolis, polifenoliai ( iš raudonojo vyno matricos (vynuogių (Vitis vinifera)) ir japoninio ryžių (Polygonum cuspidatum))Kiti ingredientai: modifikuota celiuliozė (vegetariška kapsulė), ryžių milteliai, silicio dioksidas, magnio stearatas (veitinis šaltinis).Rekomenduojamas vartojimas: vartokite 1 ar daugiau kapsulių kasdien valgio metu arba taip, kaip rekomendavo mitybos klausimais informuotas gydytojas. br>Įspėjimai: ne GMO, Glu 10 Nemokama, veganiška, be sojų Laikyti vėsioje, sausoje vietoje. |