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Amino rūgštys ir BCAA

Amino rūgštys dažnai vadinamos baltymų statybiniais blokais, o iš šių aminorūgščių sudaryti baltymai ir fermentai sudaro raumenis, hormonus, neuromediatorius ir dar daugiau, kurie užtikrina sklandų kūno funkcionavimą. Sveikam organizmui reikia dvidešimties skirtingų aminorūgščių, kai kurias iš jų gamina pats organizmas. Tačiau aštuonis iš jų galima gauti tik laikantis dietos ar papildant maisto papildus, o daug dažniau jų reikia padidinti dėl įvairių veiksnių, įskaitant mitybą, amžių, pratimus, infekcijas ir streso lygį. Amino rūgščių papildai gali padėti išlaikyti sveiką kūną ir kovoti su tokiomis sąlygomis kaip nuovargis. Jie ypač naudingi kultūristams ir jėgos treniruokliams, nes aminorūgštys yra būtinos raumenų auginimui, palaikymui ir taisymui.

Tiems, kurie vartoja jėgos treniruočių papildus, BCAA papildai yra geras pasirinkimas. BCAA yra šakotos grandinės aminorūgštys, apimančios leuciną, izoleuciną ir valiną – tris aminorūgštis, kurių jūsų kūnas negali pasigaminti pats. Leucinas, izoleucinas ir valinas sudaro apie 33% kūno skeleto raumenų ir yra būtini raumenų formavimuisi, taip pat padeda sulėtinti raumenų degradaciją.

Brand: Universal Nutrition Model: P20337
The all-new Animal Juiced Aminos is a powerful amino acid stack that is targeted and strategically enhanced for strength training athletes. What does it contain? Each jacked-up scoop of Juiced Aminos is loaded with instantized branch chained amino acids (BCAA), essential amino acids (EAA), in additi..
Be PVM:42.10€
Brand: Universal Nutrition Model: P20338
The all-new Animal Juiced Aminos is a powerful amino acid stack that is targeted and strategically enhanced for strength training athletes. What does it contain? Each jacked-up scoop of Juiced Aminos is loaded with instantized branch chained amino acids (BCAA), essential amino acids (EAA), in additi..
Be PVM:42.10€
Brand: Universal Nutrition Model: P23168
The all-new Animal Juiced Aminos is a powerful amino acid stack that is targeted and strategically enhanced for strength training athletes. What does it contain? Each jacked-up scoop of Juiced Aminos is loaded with instantized branch chained amino acids (BCAA), essential amino acids (EAA), in additi..
Be PVM:42.10€
Brand: AllMax Nutrition Model: P3023
Precursor for synthesis of Nitric Oxide (NO).Stimulates growth hormone (GH).Improves immune function.Increases muscle mass. ARGININE is considered a semi-essential amino acid. What that means is the body produces ARGININE normally, but sometimes it needs more than what is available. Food sources suc..
Be PVM:27.71€
Brand: Now Foods Model: P27080
Pharmaceutical Grade The Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine are essential amino acids, and thus cannot be made in the body. BCAAs are critical for muscle protein synthesis, and because BCAAs can be used as fuel during exercise, BCAA supplementation can help to preserve..
Be PVM:40.47€
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P1785
Are you looking for a quick and simple way to supplement your daily diet with branched-chain BCAA aminoacids?  Reaching for the Olimp BCAA 1100 Mega Caps dietary supplement you get easy and comfortable method of providing your body with high-quality aminoacids! The complex of leucine, isoleucine an..
Be PVM:16.11€
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P950
Are you looking for a quick and simple way to supplement your daily diet with branched-chain BCAA aminoacids?  Reaching for the Olimp BCAA 1100 Mega Caps dietary supplement you get easy and comfortable method of providing your body with high-quality aminoacids! The complex of leucine, isoleucine and..
Be PVM:34.05€
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P32973
4...3...2...1...0... XPLODE PERFECT FORMULA, GREATEST KNOCK-OUT DOSES, DELICIOUS TASTE BUT FIRST OF ALL - COMPLEX ACTION THIS IS WHERE THE XPLODE PRODUCTS DOMINATE!!! Lets Re"BORN IN THE GYM" with BCAA Xplode Powder 20:1:1 Xplode is a line of supplements which is only based on absolutely innovative ..
Be PVM:11.74€
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P32404
4...3...2...1...0... XPLODE PERFECT FORMULA, GREATEST KNOCK-OUT DOSES, DELICIOUS TASTE BUT FIRST OF ALL - COMPLEX ACTION THIS IS WHERE THE XPLODE PRODUCTS DOMINATE!!! Lets Re"BORN IN THE GYM" with BCAA Xplode Powder 20:1:1 Xplode is a line of supplements which is only based on absolutely innovative ..
Be PVM:32.89€
Brand: Olimp Nutrition Model: P32972
4...3...2...1...0... XPLODE PERFECT FORMULA, GREATEST KNOCK-OUT DOSES, DELICIOUS TASTE BUT FIRST OF ALL - COMPLEX ACTION THIS IS WHERE THE XPLODE PRODUCTS DOMINATE!!! Lets Re"BORN IN THE GYM" with BCAA Xplode Powder 20:1:1 Xplode is a line of supplements which is only based on absolutely innovative ..
Be PVM:12.56€