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Omegas, EFAs, CLA, Öle

Omegas, EFAs, CLAs und Öle (insbesondere Fischöle und Omega-Öle) gehören alle zu einer Gruppe von Fettsäuren, die natürlicherweise in Fleisch und einigen anderen Lebensmitteln vorkommen und nachweislich eine Vielzahl von gesundheitlichen Vorteilen haben. EFA steht für essentielle Fettsäuren und CLA steht für konjugierte Linolsäure. Die häufigsten Omega-Säuren sind Omega-3 und Omega-6, die meist in großen Mengen in Fisch vorkommen.

Die vielfältigen gesundheitlichen Vorteile von Omega-Säuren, EFAs, CLAs und gesunden Ölen reichen von einer verbesserten Haut- und Haarfarbe bis hin zu einer verbesserten Gehirnfunktion und wurden sogar mit einer verstärkten krebshemmenden Wirkung in Verbindung gebracht. Viele Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, die diese essentiellen Fettsäuren enthalten, haben antioxidative Eigenschaften, und insbesondere Omega-Säuren werden mit einer gesunden Herz- und Gehirnfunktion in Verbindung gebracht. Die Eigenschaften von Omega-Fetten sind so stark, dass sie manchmal als überungesättigte Fette bezeichnet werden. Diese wohltuenden Öle und EFAs sind in der normalen Ernährung schwer zu bekommen, daher werden Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, die diese wohltuenden Inhaltsstoffe enthalten, häufig verwendet und zur Verbesserung der Gesundheit empfohlen.

Brand: Nordic Naturals Model: P32781
Ultimate Omega-D3 includes exceptionally high concentrations of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, plus vitamin D. Ultimate Omega-D3 supports optimal heart and bone health, as well as healthy aging and immune function. Every batch of Nordic Naturals fish oils is third-party tested for environmenta..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P27734
- Omega-3 Fish Oil + Vitamin D-3,- 600 EPA / 300 DHA,- Molecularly Distilled,- 1.000 IU Vitamin D-3.NOW Ultra Omega 3-D is our most potent Omega-3 formula, with 600mg EPA and 300mg DHA per softgel. This product is flavored with lemon oil and also provides 1.000 IU Vitamin D-3...
Brand: Now Foods Model: P27735
- Omega-3 Fish Oil + Vitamin D-3,- 600 EPA / 300 DHA,- Molecularly Distilled,- 1.000 IU Vitamin D-3.NOW Ultra Omega 3-D is our most potent Omega-3 formula, with 600mg EPA and 300mg DHA per softgel. This product is flavored with lemon oil and also provides 1.000 IU Vitamin D-3...
Brand: Now Foods Model: P1896
500 EPA / 250 DHA.Molecularly Distilled - Enteric Coated.Supports Brain Health. The natural fish oil concentrate used in this softgel is manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is tested to be free of potentially harmful levels of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxi..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P4578
500 EPA / 250 DHA.Molecularly Distilled - Enteric Coated.Supports Brain Health. The natural fish oil concentrate used in this softgel is manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is tested to be free of potentially harmful levels of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxi..
Vegan Omega-3 EPA + DHA - 60 veggie softgels
-16 %
Brand: Doctor's Best Model: P48955
Science-Based Nutrition    EPA + DHA    Supports Eye, Brain, and Heart Health    Dietary Supplement    Non-GMO    Gluten Free    VeganAt Doctor's Best, we are proud to offer a sustainable solution with our algae-derived EPA and DHA Omega-3s..
47,80€ 56,83€
Brand: Carlson Labs Model: P47669
DHA is one of the most beneficial omega-3s, but a vegetarian diet may not provide an adequate amount. A plant-based supplement can be a great option. DHA is important for people of all ages to support cognitive, vision, and mood health. And it's especially important for women who are pregnant or nur..
Brand: Now Foods Model: P6498
Abundant in MCTsCold-Pressed and UnrefinedMade with Organic Coconut OilTrans Fat FreeCoconut Oil (Cocus nucifera) is a traditional dietary staple of the people of Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands and has been used in Ayurvedic herbalism for thousands of years. NOW Virgin Coconut Oil is unrefine..
Brand: Swanson Model: P31495
How do you make vitamin D, which continues to be praised by health professionals and backed by innumerable scientific studies, even better? Combine it with the medium-chain triglyceride coconut oil. Our new Swanson Ultra Vitamin D-3 with Coconut Oil does just that. Not only does coconut oil provide ..
Brand: Carlson Labs Model: P32918
Promotes heart, brain, vision, and joint health1,200 mg of omega-3s per servingWild caught and sustainably sourcedFreshness, potency, and purity guaranteed For those who dont eat a diet high in oily fish, Super Omega-3 Gems provide the important omega-3s EPA and DHA, which support heart, brain, visi..
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