Lipocide IR, Raspberry Lemonade - 168g
Lipocide IR, Raspberry Lemonade - 168g
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: P43117
Netto 37,92€
It’s something which 17X Olympia Champion Coach, The Pro Creator Hany Rambod has demonstrated countless times by shaping the most insane physiques the world has ever seen.
The goal which so many athletes have trouble achieving is finding the correct balance between increasing metabolic rate and controlling appetite enough to preserve muscle mass while blasting away fat away. There’s a reason 3X Olympia Physique Champion Jeremy Buendia trusts Hany, and it’s because he understands this balance.
It’s this keen understanding of physique remodeling that has lead to the evolution of one of Hany’s best kept secrets, Lipocide, and now Lipocide IR (Instant Release) powder. This real-world tested formulation has been his “go-to” tool to get the best in world shredded and dialed in. By curbing appetite, accelerating your metabolism, and pushing mental drive for hours, Lipocide IR is part of a complete weight loss solution.
This formulation came from years of finding the right balance of what works on paper in clinical studies and what works in real-life testing. Hany created a balanced formula that would give you that clean energy feel without feeling lethargic. Contrary to popular belief, the goal should not be to look to crush someone’s appetite, but rather curb it so they can eat less and have fewer cravings. If you kill a person’s appetite to the point where they don’t eat, potentially they will lose muscle from the lack of calories and protein. Hany specifically designed Lipocide IR to help control the consumer’s appetite by reducing their cravings, and to burn more calo-ries while doing cardio..
Cocoa Extract (as Chocamine)–Over the years many synthetic stimulants have been removed from the market place. However, despite this Evogen has been able to stay ahead of the curve by using powerful natural extracts that contain many thermogenic amines and methylxanthine alkaloids. These key components accelerate thermogenesis and make cardio a breeze.
Acetyl L-Carnitine–The acetylated form of L-Carnitine is known for its great bio-availability and purported nootropic ef-fects.* Moreover, carnitine helps transport lipids into the mitochondrial matrix with the CPT-1 system to create cellular energy. Without this, the body cannot metabolize fat efficiently for thermogen-esis.
Choline Bitartrate–This bioavailable form of choline has demonstrated in research to support mood states. Its secondary use is a lipotropic agent having the ability to promote lipid oxidation.
Higenamine–This beta 2 agonist combines extremely well with other ingredients such as caffeine , tyrosine, and cocoa extract to enhance stimulation. The nootropic effect can be quite dramatic in helping you power through longer cardio sessions.
Citrus Aurantium Extract Advantra-Z– Evogen Nutrition uses the patented and clinically studied variant of citrus aurantium extract called Advantra-Z. It has a wealth of supporting research which has demonstrated that it has an exceptional effect on the body.
Green Coffee Bean Extract–This powerful ingredient has received critical acclaim because of its ability to increase thermogenesis and anti-oxidant activity.
L-Tyrosine–Tyrosine is a powerful nootropic that compliments stimulants to support cognitive tasks that require focus.* Alone it is able to do so under stressful conditions suggested by clinical research.
Caffeine Anhydrous-Caffeine has been shown to enhance energy and thermogenesis. It is the backbone of many formulations, and Evogen Nutrition is not afraid to show you just how much is in the product.
Caspisum Annum Extract–If you’ve ever had a red pepper then you know it produces heat, but the concentrated extract actually stimulates catecholamines such as epinephrine and norepinephrine. These powerful molecules help stimulate the central nervous system and lipolytic processes.
Piper Nigrum Extract (as BioPerine)– This advanced bioavailability enhancer is standardized for a component called piperine. This innovative compound enhances bioavailability of many ingredients found in supplements by interacting with the intestinal brush border and stimulating digestive enzymes. In many animal models piperine has demonstrated its effectiveness on numerous ingredients.
Toothed Clubmoss Extract–This ancient extract contains bioactive components that have shown to have a profound nootropic effect. It’s acetylcholinesterase inhibition allows for other ingredients such as choline bitartrate to have a more pronounced effect due to inhibitory effect on choline metabolism.
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Lipocide IR, Himbeerlimonade - 168g | Evogen Lipocide IR, Himbeerlimonade - 168 g Nährwertangaben Portionsgröße: 1 Messlöffel (5,6 g)Portionen pro Behälter: 30 Menge Menge Zutaten Pro Pro 100 g %RI* Portion Kohlenhydrate insgesamt 17,86 g 1 g 0 % Ballaststoffe 17,86 g 1 g 4 % Cholin (als Cholin 8928,57 mg 500 mg 91 % Bitartrat) Calcium (als Calcium 892,86 mg 50 mg Silikat) Cholin (als Cholin 23,21 g 1,3 g Bitartrat) 1-Tyrosin 8928,57 mg 500 mg Wasserfreies Koffein 4464,29 mg 250 mg Grüntee-Extrakt 1785,71 mg 100 mg (Camellia sinensis) Di-Coffein-Malat 1339,29 mg 75 mg Theobromin 892,86 mg 50 mg Extrakt (Citrus Aurantium) (Frucht) (standardisiert auf 50 % p-Synephrin) Capsimax (Paprika 357,14 mg 20 mg Extrakt Beadlets (2 % Capsaicinolds)) Gamma-Butyrobetain 357,14 mg 20 mg CaloriBum Grains of Paradise 178,57 mg 10 mg Samenextrakt (12,5 % 6 Paradol) Schwarzer-Pfeffer-Fruchtextrakt 89,29 mg 5 mg (BioPerine) *Prozent-Tageswerte basieren auf einer 2.000-Kalorien-Diät. Ihre täglichenZutaten: Cholin (als Cholinbitartrat), Cholin (als Cholinbitartrat), 1-Tyrosin, wasserfreies Koffein, Grüntee-Extrakt, Di. Koffeinmalat, Theobromin, Calcium (als Calciumsilikat), Adyantra Z Bitterorangenextrakt, Capsimax (Paprikaextrakt, Fruchtextrakt)Weitere Inhaltsstoffe: Natürliches Aroma, Premium Sprühgetrocknete Gummisäure, Siliziumdioxid, Apfelsäure, Sucralose, Rote Bete verarbeitet auch Soja, Fisch, Schalentiere, Milch, Erdnüsse, Baumnüsse, Weizen, Pulver (für Farbe) Enthält Stimulanzien Hergestellt in einer Anlage, die Eier enthält.Empfohlene Verwendung: Als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel beginnen Sie mit der Einnahme von 1/2 morgens auf nüchternen Magen 20-30 Minuten vor Ihrer ersten Mahlzeit, beste Ergebnisse, verwenden Sie mit ein kombiniertes Ernährungs- und Trainingsprogramm. SCHÜTTELN. dort finden Sie Ihre eigene persönliche Verträglichkeit. FO BIS ZU EINER FOLGENDEN 4-WOCHEN-PAUSE. LESEN SIE VOR DEM GEBRAUCH DAS GESAMTE ETIKETT UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNGEN -50 Jahre. Schwangere oder stillende Frauen sollten dieses Produkt nicht verwenden. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, bevor Sie dieses Produkt verwenden. insbesondere Herzrhythmusstörungen, Schlaganfall, Herz-, Leber-, Nieren- oder Schilddrüsenerkrankungen aufgrund einer Prostatavergrößerung oder wenn Sie einen MAO-B-Hemmer oder andere Medikamente einnehmen, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf MAO-Hemmer, SSRIs oder andere Verbindungen mit serotonerger Aktivität . Dieses Produkt enthält Koffein und sollte nicht von Personen eingenommen werden, die diesen Inhaltsstoff aus ihrer Ernährung streichen möchten. Verwenden Sie 2 Wochen lang keine Stimulanzien aus anderen Quellen, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Kaffee, Tee, Limonade und andere Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie Nebenwirkungen auf dieses Produkt feststellen. Überschreiten Sie nicht die empfohlene Portion. Nicht verwenden, wenn die Verpackung manipuliert wurde. AUSSERHALB DER REICHWEITE VON KINDERN AUFBEWAHREN. Kühl und trocken lagern. Dieses Produkt kann alle Risiken, Haftungen oder Konsequenzen in Bezug auf Tests beinhalten. |