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HIT BCAA 10:1:1, Mango - 400g

HIT BCAA 10:1:1, Mango - 400g
HIT BCAA 10:1:1, Mango - 400g
  • Stock: Ausverkauft
  • Model: P36602
Netto 28,02€


HIT BCAA 10:1:1 is a unique formula that contains a massive 12 grams of Branched Chain Amino Acids per serving, designed to minimise tissue breakdown during training and enhance recovery time between sets. Its potent ingredients enable you to stave off catabolism during training. Through the inclusion of Citrulline Malate and Beta-Alanine in substantial dosages, it improves endurance and prolongs intensity, allowing you to increase your reps on each lift. Each BCAA hit results in swelling muscle pumps, explosive strength gains and powerful muscular contractions, right up until the last rep of your workout. Furthermore, 10 grams of L-leucine per serving enables you to fuel your training sessions and prevent excessive breakdown of this vital amino acid.HIT BCAA is recommended for physically active people and strength training athletes who know that hard work pays off.KEY BENEFITS12000 mg BCAA to further Muscle Growth and Exercise Efficiency3000 mg Citrulline Malate for explosive Muscle Pumps and Improved Performance2000 mg Beta-Alanine for prolonged Muscle EnduranceCaffeine Free & Sugar FreeDORIAN YATES QUOTEMy HIT BCAA 10:1:1 formula is unparalleled as an intra-workout amino acid supplement — there’s no other product out there that delivers a staggering 12 grams of Branched Chain Amino Acids directly to your depleted tissues during training. The result is you’re able to maintain your intensity until the very last rep in the gym. However, I wanted to beef the formula up and tailor it more to performance as well. With the inclusion of Beta-Alanine, Citrulline Malate and L-Tyrosine, you’re also able to sustain your maximum effort on each set and shatter PB’s — which is crucial for long-term muscle adaptation to take place.HOW IT WORKSBranched-Chain Amino Acids in a 10:1:1 ratio is a group of eight amino acids that have naturally high concentrations in the human body. The key benefits include increased muscle growth, improved muscle recovery time during and after training, optimised blood flow, and cell hydration.L-Leucine is an essential amino acid, usually found in certain foods such as eggs, fish, and chicken. L-Leucine plays a pivotal role in protein synthesis and enhancing recovery between sets. It also increases growth hormone production, while also helping to increase the physical endurance levels.L-Isoleucine is an essential amino acid that acts as a catalyst for protein synthesis. It can boost the anabolic processes throughout the body, aiding the in the development of specific hormones like growth hormone or testosterone.L-Valine is an essential amino acid acts as a fuel reserve for the human cells. A lack of L-Valine in your diet leads to a deficit of muscle tissue growth, even after training.Citrulline Malate is a non-essential amino acid. It’s usually scarce in people’s daily diet, although it plays a very important role in many biological processes. Citrulline Malate decisively contributes to optimizing the blood flow, which affects the performance of most bodily functions. When ingested, your body converts it into L-arginine and then into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is one of the compounds that makes the blood vessels wider when you exercise, thus bettering your blood flow. Improved blood flow means that more oxygen and needed nutrients are getting to the muscles.Beta-Alanine is a beta-amino acid which can be found in vitamin B5. Beta-Alanine has been shown to have a significant increase in the muscle carnosine. By developing a higher level of carnosine, the muscle tissue is protected from oxidation. Thus, Beta-Alanine boosts performance by extending muscle endurance.L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that lowers your stress levels, so you can focus on your training routine. L-Tyrosine will boost your dopamine and adrenaline levels so you will be more determined to stick to your diet and more focused while exercising.Citric Acid acts as a natural antioxidant, protecting the body from cell deterioration, prolonging the life-span of healthy human cells. Citric Acid can be used as a deterrent to cancer and helps maintain a healthy heart.
Schnellsuche HIT BCAA 10:1:1 , Mango - 400g , P36602 ,
HIT BCAA 10:1:1, Mango - 400g Dorian Yates HIT BCAA 10:1:1, Mango (EAN 5060763890572) - 400 g Nährwerte


2 Messlöffel (20 g)

Portionen pro Behälter:

20 Menge Menge Zutaten pro 100 g pro %RI* Portion Energie 1.020 kJ 204 kl/48 kcal Fett davon 0 g 0 g gesättigt 0 g Kohlenhydrate 0 g 0 g davon Zucker 0 g 0 g Protein 60 g 12 g Salz 0 g 0 g 12000 BCAAs 10000 L-Leucin L-Isoleucin 5.000 mg 1000 mg L-Valin 5.000 mg 1000 mg L-Citrullin DL- 15.000 mg 3000 mg Malat (2:1) Beta-Alanin 10.000 mg 2.000 mg L-Tyrosin 5.000 mg 1.000 mg *Prozent-Tageswerte basieren auf einer 2.000-Kalorien-Diät. Deine Tageswerte können je nach Kalorienbedarf höher oder niedriger sein.


BCAAs, L-Leucin, L-Citrullin DL-Malat (2:1), Beta-Alanin, L-Isoleucin, L-Valin, L-Tyrosin

Weitere Inhaltsstoffe:

Verzweigtkettige Aminosäuren: L-Leucin, L-Isoleucin, L-Valin im Verhältnis 10:1:1, Citrullin Malat, Beta-Alanin, L-Tyrosin, Säure (Zitronensäure). Aroma, Süßungsmittel (Sucralose, Acesulfam K), Emulgator (Sojalecithin), Farbstoff (E102).

Empfohlene Verwendung:

Mischen Sie 2 Messlöffel Pulver (20 g) mit 500-600 ml kaltem Wasser. Trinken Sie 1 Portion vor dem Training oder während des Trainings.


Überschreiten Sie nicht die empfohlene Tagesdosis. Verwenden Sie es nicht, wenn Sie allergisch gegen andere Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sind. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten nicht als Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche und ausgewogene Ernährung verwendet werden. Nicht verwenden, wenn Sie schwanger sind oder stillen. Beta-Alanin kann bei einigen Personen ein harmloses, vorübergehendes Kribbeln auf der Haut verursachen. Außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern aufbewahren.

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