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Guns of Steel, Hot Action Pre-Training Liquid - 89 ml.

Guns of Steel, Hot Action Pre-Training Liquid - 89 ml.
Guns of Steel, Hot Action Pre-Training Liquid - 89 ml.
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P29508
Netto 18,21€


WHY GUNS OF STEEL?Guns of Steel is a revolutionary topical liquid whose main active ingredients act as a powerful vasodilator that increases Nitric Oxide production and gives you an Outrageous Mind Blowing Pump while increasing endurance and vascularity during training, while speeding up recovery after. Nitric Oxide is the cell-signaling molecule that helps in regulating blood flow, oxygen delivery, glucose uptake, muscle velocity, power output and muscle growth. An increase in Nitric Oxide leads to an increase in blood flow, allowing more nutrients and oxygen to be delivered to the muscle tissues. More nutrients delivered to the muscles reduces fatigue during training and leads to quicker recovery time and quicker muscle growth after training. Guns of Steels main active ingredient Dithiolane-3-Pentanoic Acid (D3PA) is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates skin cells to product nitric oxide by dilating capillaries. L-Citrulline further helps boost Nitric Oxide levels and plays a role in the removal of ammonia, a compound known to cause exercise-related fatigue, from your blood. Citrullines proven ability to increase blood arginine levels has the potential to enact a wide of benefits, including elevated protein synthesis, creatine synthesis, and more efficient BCAA utilization by muscles during exercise. Citrulline also has the potential to help the body aid in recovery and reduce muscle soreness due to intense training. Numerous studies have shown that excess Citrulline increases the amount of Arginine in the blood, leading to an increase of Nitric Oxide Production. Arginine has amazing nitrogen retention abilities and is believed to be crucial for muscle growth as well as its ability to participate in protein synthesis. HOW TOPICAL PRODUCTS WORKYour skin is the largest organ of your body, designed to protect against external harms, regulate body heat, and manage nutrient levels and water loss. Its composed of 3 layers: The epidermis, the outermost layer, provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone.The dermis, beneath the epidermis, contains tough connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands.The deeper subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis) is made of fat and connective tissue.For a topical product to work it not only has to penetrate the skin but get absorbed too. Skin Penetration represents the amount of a topically applied ingredient that exists between the top layer and bottom layer of your skin, during penetration the body does not yet absorb the ingredient, and it cannot affect the body systems. Skin Absorption occurs when the topically applied ingredient penetrates the skin barrier. The active ingredients in SteelFit products are permeable, meaning they both penetrate and are absorbed by skin cells where they are processed and circulated. That heat and tingle when you apply the products is actually the active ingredients increasing energy to the topical area, allowing the ingredients to absorb more efficiently and also sending signals to that area, hence spot reduction. WHAT IT ISA revolutionary topical liquid whose main active ingredients act as a powerful vasodilator that increases Nitric Oxide production and gives you an Outrageous Mind Blowing Pump while increasing endurance and vascularity during training, while speeding up recovery after. WHAT IT DOESInstantly primes your muscles for the ultimate pump. PROVEN ACTIVE INGREDIENTSDithiolane-3-Pentanoic Acid (D3PA): A powerful Antioxidant, D3PA is a vasodilator that stimulates skin cells to produce Nitric Oxide, increasing blood flow and bringing nutrients to the applied area. Resistem: Helps metabolism and fast cell regeneration by maintaining Creatine Kinase Activity. L-Citrulline: A naturally occurring Amino Acid that helps increase the supply of ingredients the body needs to make certain proteins and helps open veins and arteries to improve blood flow. L-Arginine: An Amino Acid that is converted in the body into Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow. L-arginine also stimulates the release of growth hormone, insulin, and other substances in the body. Recommended Use:Apply a thin layer 5 to 10 minutes prior to training. Apply directly to biceps and triceps in circular motion until liquid is fully absorbed. Reapply as needed. Close cap tightly after use. Wipe down any equipment that Guns of Steel® comes in contact with.

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