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Gesunde Knochen

Starke und gesunde Knochen sind essenziell für das allgemeine Wohlbefinden, die Mobilität und die langfristige Gesundheit des Skeletts. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zur Unterstützung der Knochengesundheit helfen, die Knochendichte und -stärke zu erhalten sowie das Gleichgewicht der Mineralstoffe zu optimieren, wodurch das Risiko von Brüchen und Erkrankungen wie Osteoporose verringert wird.

Zu den wichtigsten Inhaltsstoffen zählen Kalzium, der Hauptbaustein der Knochen, Vitamin D, das die Kalziumaufnahme fördert, Magnesium, das für die Knochenstruktur wichtig ist, und Vitamin K2, das Kalzium gezielt in die Knochen leitet und Ablagerungen in den Arterien verhindert. Weitere nützliche Nährstoffe sind Kollagen, Bor und Zink, die zur Knochengesundheit und Regeneration beitragen.

Egal, ob Sie starke Knochen im Alter erhalten, sich von einer Verletzung erholen oder eine optimale Knochenentwicklung sicherstellen möchten – ein gut ausgewogenes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für die Knochengesundheit kann die nötige Unterstützung bieten. Diese Ergänzungen sind in Form von Tabletten, Kapseln und Pulvern erhältlich und lassen sich leicht in den Alltag integrieren.

Brand: Swanson Model: P31425
Weve been offering industry-leading Albion mineral chelates for many years, but until now theyve been on their own. Now, in answer to your requests, weve combined Albions superior- absorption Calcium and Magnesium chelates in one convenient, well-balanced supplement. If you take these minerals as pa..
Brand: Swanson Model: P31427
Calcium is vital for strong bones and teeth, but if your body doesnt absorb it well, youll miss out on the full benefits. Albion chelated calcium ensures rapid uptake of this vital mineral. The Albion process binds calcium to specific amino acids to achieve the highest possible absorption potential...
Brand: Nordic Naturals Model: P48422
Baby's DHA is a trusted source of omega-3 DHA—an essential fat your baby needs for healthy brain, eye, and nervous system development.*    1050 mg total omega-3s    Recommended for babies 5-35 lbs    Surpasses the strictest international standards for purity and freshne..
Brand: Carlson Labs Model: P48063
Baby's Plant-Based Super Daily D3 is sustainably sourced from algae and provides 400 IU (10 mcg) of vegetarian vitamin D3 in a single drop, the recommended daily intake of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Breast milk and formula are excellent nutrient sources for babies but often don't provide en..
Brand: Carlson Labs Model: P35320
Promotes healthy growth and developmentSupports teeth, bone, and muscle healthPromotes immune system function400 IU (10 mcg) of vitamin D3 in each dropNon-GMO | dairy-free | vegetarian | unflavoredPlace a drop in your babys formulaPotency and quality guaranteed The American Academy of Pediatrics rec..
Baby's Super Daily D3, 400 IU - 2.54 ml.
-25 %
Brand: Carlson Labs Model: P47504
Promotes healthy growth and developmentSupports teeth, bone, and muscle healthPromotes immune system function400 IU (10 mcg) of vitamin D3 in each dropNon-GMO | dairy-free | vegetarian | unflavoredPlace a drop in your baby's formulaPotency and quality guaranteedThe American Academy of Pediatrics rec..
13,43€ 17,81€
Brand: Now Foods Model: P38114
29 G Protein43% Natural CollagenProduct of USANOW Sports Chicken Bone Broth Powder is a premium-quality chicken bone extract that has 29 g of protein per serving. Chicken bone broth is a common food base in many cultures and has naturally occurring protein, amino acids, collagen and more. This paleo..
Brand: Life Extension Model: P34762
Maintaining bone density and strength is about adding calcium. But it must be accompanied by adequate amounts of other vital nutrients. Thats why this proprietary, comprehensive mineral formula provides 700 mg of highly absorbable elemental calcium from three different forms, along with critically i..
Brand: Life Extension Model: P43873
Want strong, healthy bones? Look no further than Bone Restore Elite. This science-based formula combines a high-dose of a special kind of vitamin K2, calcium and vitamin D3 with minerals essential for maintaining strong, healthy bones. What Is Bone Restore Elite with K2?Supplementing with bone-frien..
Brand: Life Extension Model: P35794
Bone Restore with Vitamin K2 provides 700 mg of highly absorbable calcium, along with the critically important minerals magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, and silicon, plus vitamins D3 and K2, needed for healthy bones. Bone Restore with Vitamin K2 provides all these bone health nutrients in one conv..