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Fully Active B-Complex with Quatrefolic - 60 vcaps

Fully Active B-Complex with Quatrefolic - 60 vcaps
Fully Active B-Complex with Quatrefolic - 60 vcaps
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P36710
Prix hors taxes : 13,82€


What is Doctor’s Best Fully Active B Complex?Doctor’s Best Fully Active B Complex provides energy and helps coping with stress. B vitamins are needed to make energy from foods, and to make and maintain DNA, genes, cells, tissues, organs, and enzyme functions. B vitamins are fundamental to life, and humans cannot make them, therefore we need to get them through the diet. Doctor’s Best Fully Active B Complex provides only the best-utilized B vitamin forms. This includes fully active folate, the body’s most fully active folate and MTHF (methyl-tetra-hydro-folate). The Fully Active B Complex also provides fully active vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin (methyl-B12) to help ensure excellent oral absorption. How does it work?Best Fully Active B Complex is a full-spectrum B vitamin supplement, carefully designed for optimal absorption and utilization. This formulation provides the B vitamins in their safest, best tolerated, and most biochemically active forms. Thiamin (“Vitamin B1”) is fundamental to human metabolism because it is essential for the metabolism of oxygen. The microscopic “power plants” of our cells (mitochondria) require thiamin to generate energy. Riboflavin (“Vitamin B2”) is a cofactor for various mitochondrial enzymes and therefore essential for the body to make energy. Riboflavin is a necessary cofactor for the metabolism of homocysteine, a normal product of metabolism that can become toxic as it accumulates; and for the utilization of glutathione, a major antioxidant. Riboflavin also supports important enzymes that recycle folate and activate vitamin B6. Niacin and Niacinamide (“Vitamin B3”). This vitamin is fundamentally essential for numerous enzymes that make and use energy. Both niacin and niacinamide are readily activated to the cofactors that power these enzymes. Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and pyridoxal-5-phosphate). This vitamin is essential for at least 112 enzymes that metabolize carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids—some 3% of all the known human enzymes. It is also essential for routing potentially harmful homocysteine along the “trans-sulfuration” pathway to produce glutathione and other important sulfur antioxidants. Vitamin B6 is vital for early brain development and for the metabolism of various brain chemical transmitters. Nerve cells both in the brain and elsewhere in the body rely heavily on B6. Certain neuroleptic drugs may impair the brain’s B6 utilization and increase dietary B6 requirements. Folate (as methyl-tetra-hydro-folate or MTHF, Quatrefolic). This vitamin is a major dietary source of methyl groups, which are essential for a number of enzymes that make DNA, repair damaged DNA, and regulate gene activity via epigenetic actions. Folate’s central importance for such “housekeeping” functions make it crucial to the health of all our cells, tissues, and organs. Folate is also crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), as methylcobalamin (methyl-B12). This vitamin works very closely with folate to support methyl metabolism and recycle homocysteine. The absorption of B12 from foods is highly dependent on a healthy gastrointestinal tract, is highly vulnerable to many over-the-counter and prescription medications, and tends to decline with age. Biotin This B vitamin is incorporated into the molecular structure of at least five enzymes called carboxylases that are widely involved in energetics, fat metabolism, and the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids important for many protein functions. Mitochondria require biotin for their energy functions (together with all the other B vitamins).
Vollaktiver B-Komplex mit Quatrefolic - 60 vcaps Doctors Best Fully Active B-Complex with Quatrefolic - 30 vcaps Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in Kapselform, enthält Vitamine und Mineralstoffe Nährwerte


1 Veggie-Kapsel < /br>

Portionen pro Behälter:

30 Menge Zutaten pro %R|* Portion Vitamin C (als Ascorbinsäure) 40 mg 67 % Vitamin B1 (Thiamin, als 60 mg 4000 % Hydrochlorid) Vitamin B2 (als Riboflavin und 75 mg 4412 % Riboflavin-5-phosphat) Vitamin B3 (als Niacin und 50 mg 250 % Niacinamid) Vitamin B6 (als Pyridoxinhydrochlorid und 50 mg 2500 % Pyridoxal-5-phosphat) Folat ( 6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolat (MTHF) (als (6S)-5- 400 100 % Methyltetrahydrofolsäure, mcg Glucosaminsalz von Quatrefolic) Vitamin B12 (als 1000 16667 % Methylcobalamin) mcg 600 Biotin 200 % mcg Pantothensäure (als Calcium 100 mg 1000 % Pantothenat) *Die prozentualen Tageswerte basieren auf einer 2.000-Kalorien-Diät. Ihre Tageswerte können je nach Kalorienbedarf höher oder niedriger sein


Pantothensäure (als Caiciumpantothenat), Vitamin B2 (als Riboflavin und Riboflavin-5 - Phosphat), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin, als Hydrochlorid) Vitamin B3 (als Niacin und Niacinamid). Vitamin B6 (als Pyridoxinhydrochlorid und Pyridoxal-5-Phosphat). Vitamin C (als Ascorbinsäure), Vitamin B12 (als Methylcobalamin), Biotin, Folat (6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolat (MTHF) (als (6S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolsäure, Glucosaminsalz von Quatrefolic)

Weitere Inhaltsstoffe:

Modifizierte Zellulose (vegetarische Kapsel), mikrokristalline Zellulose, Ascorbylpalmitat, Siliziumdioxid.

Empfohlene Anwendung:

Nehmen Sie täglich 1 Kapsel zu einer Mahlzeit ein oder wie von einem ernährungskundigen Arzt empfohlen.


Glutenfrei, gentechnikfrei, vegan, sojafrei. Kühl und trocken lagern.

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