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Freak Show - Legendary Series - 180 caps

Freak Show - Legendary Series - 180 caps
Freak Show - Legendary Series - 180 caps
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: P43497
Netto 17,52€


Isnt it amazing how quickly carbs became the "enemy"? The truth is, if youre hunting gains, you need quality carbs to help you build maximum muscle. After all, carbs are the preferred fuel source of the body. Thats the energy your muscles use to power you through your workouts. The thing is, too many carbs and you risk the excess being stored as fat. The question is, how can you eat the carbs you need without fear of fat storage? Anabolic Power The key to what happens in the body when you eat a lot of carbs lies in the bodys own hormones. Insulin is one of the bodys primary anabolic hormones and some will say its the most powerful - yes, even more, powerful than testosterone. That may be, but insulin is like a double-edged sword - it can cut both ways. Despite its anabolic power, eat too many carbs throughout the day, especially simple carbs, and the result will be insulin spikes - which means fat gain. Thats not the scenario we want! Ah, but what anabolic power! Insulin controls how the cells in your body absorb and utilize nutrients, such as carbs and protein. It also has a strong role in the process of protein synthesis. When you eat carbs, they not only help the process of muscle growth, they also pull water into your muscles which helps create that full as fck look every bodybuilder wants to see! So, carbs themselves are not the problem - what insulin does when you eat too many carbs is. The Most Powerful Insulin Mimicker Available What if you could use a product that could utilize those excess carbs for muscle growth and glycogen replenishment instead of fat storage? Now you can, thanks to Rich Piana 5% Nutrition! Leave it to 5% Nutrition to create an innovative formula that mimics the power of insulin without the downside - introducing Freak Show! You know 5% Nutrition - of course, you can expect epic dosing using only effective ingredients designed to make those extra carbs do what you want them to. Ingredients That Work Thiamine (B1) 100mg - A member of the B Complex family of vitamins, Thiamine is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates as well as BCAAs.(1) One of the functions of Thiamine is to bind with ATP to form thiamine diphosphate, which is a coenzyme involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Additionally, this coenzyme plays a role in the utilization of pentose in the hexose monophosphate shunt, which is an alternative glucose oxidation pathway. Gymnema Sylvestre 1,000mg - This powerful insulin-enhancing herb originates in India and helps keep levels of blood sugar stable as well as drive carbs into your muscle cells which also pulls in lots of water for insane muscle fullness and it has the research to back it up.(2) Weve given you a huge 1g dose - we wouldnt have it any other way! Banaba Powder 500mg - This is one of the most potent herbs available when it comes to insulin mimickers because it can enhance the delivery of glucose to your muscles, which means more energy to power you through your most brutal training sessions.(3) It will also enhance your bodys sensitivity to insulin. When it came to the dose, we didnt mess around - we wanted dosages that will get the job done! Berberine 350mg - This powerful herb has earned quite a reputation for being extremely effective at reducing blood glucose and enhancing glucose absorption in your muscle cells.(4) This is a serious glucose regulator meant for carb-heavy meals, so you can eat those pre-workout carbs and get them where they need to be - your muscles! Cinnamon Extract 300mg - This popular spice is not only a great addition to countless recipes and foods, it also has been clinically shown to lower levels of blood glucose.(5) Bitter Melon (4:1) 300mg - This is an age-old remedy used for such things as diabetes and respiratory problems. Clinical studies have shown that Bitter Melon can lower levels of blood glucose in the body, as well as increased serum levels of protein.(6) Na-R[+]-Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg - Alpha Lipoic Acid is a fatty acid that occurs in the mitochondria of every cell in your body. It plays a primary part in energy metabolism and is also well-known as a potent antioxidant.(7) This form attaches ALA to a sodium salt which makes it extremely soluble and much more bioavailable than regular ALA. Leave it to 5% to use the best ingredients available - after all, its your results were talking about! Chromium 400 mcg - Chromium is an essential trace mineral that plays a key role in insulin metabolism, in fact, it is absolutely required for insulin to function properly. Fenugreek 100mg - Wait...Fenugreek? Isnt that usually in test boosters? Yes, it is - but Fenugreek has also been shown to help lower levels of blood glucose - so of course, weve added it to Freak Show.(8) Theres No Comparison It couldnt be more clear. Freak Show is a powerful formula that can take your gains to new heights! Theres no other insulin mimicker to compare with what Freak Show provides. Effective dosing of ingredients clinically researched to perform. Help realize your peak training levels and maximixe your sky-high gains with this high-performing insulin mimicker!
Freak Show - Legendäre Serie - 180 Kapseln 5 % Nutrition Freak Show - Legendary Series - 180 Kapseln Nährwertangaben


6 Kapseln

Portionen pro Behälter :

180 Menge Zutaten pro %RI* Portion Thiamin (als Thiaminhydrochlorid) 100 mg 8333 % Calcium (als Dicalciumphosphat) 63 mg 6 % Chrom (als Chromchlorid) 400 g 333 % Gymnema Sylvestre Extract 1.000 (Blätter) mg Banaba-Pulver (Lagerstroemia 500 mg speciosa)(Blätter) Berberinhydrochlorid (aus Phellodendron) (Phellodendron 350 mg Amurense Rupr.) Zimtextrakt (Cinnamomum 300 mg verum)(Rinde) Charantia)(Frucht) Na-R[ +]-AIpha Liponsäure 200 mg Bockshornkleeextrakt (standardisiert auf 50 % Saponine)(Trigonella foenum- 100 mg graecum L.)(Samen)(Frucht)(Bioperine) *Die Tageswerte in Prozent basieren auf einer 2.000-Kalorien-Diät. Deine Tageswerte können je nach Kalorienbedarf höher oder niedriger sein.


Bananenpulver (Lagerstroemia speciosa)(Blätter), Berberinhydrochlorid (aus Phellodendron) (Phellodendron amurense Rupr.), Zimtextrakt (Cinnamomum verum)( Rinde), Bittermelonenextrakt 4:1 (Momordica charantia) (Frucht), Na-R[+]-Alpha-Liponsäure, Thiamin (als Thiaminhydrochlorid), Bockshornkleeextrakt (standardisiert auf 50 % Saponine) (Trigonella foenum-graecum L .) (Samen), Calcium (als Dicalciumphosphat), Schwarzer-Pfeffer-Extrakt (Piper nigrum) (Frucht) (Bioperine), Gymnema Syivestre-Extrakt (Blätter), Chrom (als Chromchlorid)

Andere Inhaltsstoffe:

Kapsel (Gelatine, Siliziumdioxid, Reispulver, Magnesiumstearat. Dieses Produkt wurde in einer Anlage hergestellt, die möglicherweise auch Zutaten verarbeitet, die Milch, Ei, Soja, Schalentiere, Fisch, Nüsse, Weizen und Erdnüsse

Empfohlene Einnahme:

Für maximale Ergebnisse nehmen Sie eine volle Portion (6 Kapseln) zu den zwei kohlenhydratreichsten Mahlzeiten des Tages ein, nicht mehr als zwölf (122) Kapseln pro Tag j.


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